Thirty Four

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The entire flight home Archers hand never left mine, we didn't say a single word to each other. Just simply enjoying being next to each other again. After leaving the Seattle Tacoma International airport, finally in the familiarity of the truck is when I finally spoke. "I missed you so much." My voice was hoarse and crackly, Archer hands me a bottle of water that I graciously accept.

I hadn't stopped crying since leaving the motel. But here, in my dads old pick up truck is where I broke down into sobs. The reality of the situation hitting me fully. He pulled over on the side of the road putting the hazards on. Unbuckling is both and pulling me onto his lap as I broke down. "I missed you too princess. I never stopped looking for you, not even after I opened that message from you. I spent every waking moment planning to find you. I would have gone to the ends of the earth to get you back to me." I could see the tears in his eyes.

"The night you were taken was the worst for me. I had to go home and tell the two people you care most about that you were gone. I've never seen a grown man break down crying before, and I can promise you I never want to see your dad hurting the way he was again. And Laci, god Laci was terrible. She still is, they both are. I didn't want to get their hopes up that you were coming back, so I snuck out in the middle of the night. I won't be surprised if when we get back my face is also on a missing persons poster now." He pauses letting out a small chuckle. "Everyone has spent months searching for you. Instead of racing when the weather warmed up we went out in search parties. It just didn't feel right to start without you. Spending weekends driving all over the western states looking for you. Jacob and Morgan even postponed the wedding, both adamant on waiting until you got home."

The tears were blurring my vision as he spoke. I never knew how much people cared before. But then again I wasn't around for the months that I was gone. "Everything is going to be different now. How am I supposed to walk down the street without looking over my shoulder constantly?" He gently grabs my face, forcing me to look at him. "You do it with your hand in mine."


Archer called Laci and my dad, telling them they needed to come to the house as soon as possible. He refused to give any context. My tears were finally dry as we pulled into the driveway. My dad's cruiser was in his spot, and Macs truck was on the street. "I... I just need a minute." I don't know why I was nervous, I should be happy to be home again. "Take your time princess. You've been through a lot." He gives my hand a squeeze before getting out of the truck walking towards the house.

I watched his every move carefully. Terrified that if I looked away from him he would disappear and all of this would be a sick nightmare.

After taking a few deep breaths I slowly open the door. Three more deep breaths I walk up the driveway. Placing my hand on the door I feel like I need to knock before entering. Pulling my hand back I raise it to knock. This place seeming so foreign, yet familiar. I shake the feeling wiping my hands on my leggings before opening the front door, no knocking. The first thing I hear is my dad's voice. Quiet as a mouse I walked into the doorway to the living room, my dads back to me. Archer was standing, when I walked in her glanced up at me smiling. I smile back at him, waving slightly. "What happened Archer? You disappeared for nearly three days without a word. With everything going on son we need to stay together. And what the hell are you looking-"

I clear my throat cutting off my dad's lecture. I could see my dad tense at the sound, and for some reason my smile widens. "Da-daddy?" My lip begins to quiver as I take one final step into the living room. My dad jumps up from the couch turning around.

"Jupiter." He breathes out. We both run to each other meeting in the middle. "My baby girl!" He sobs holding me tightly. We fall to our knees holding each other tightly. "My baby girl is home."

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