Twenty Four

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Our trip ended far to soon, Archer was opposed to the idea of talking to my dad about his situation but after a very long talk on the flight home he begrudgingly agreed to talk to him. My dad being the amazing man he is completely understood and we quickly cleaned out the guest room of the house. Welcoming Archer with open arms. I couldn't bear the thought of him sleeping in his car anymore. We were now back in school, and it was the final days of first semester. Today was the day we present our projects.

"Over the last five months or so I've had the pleasure of getting to know everything about miss Jupiter Miller here. I've created a video so I hope you like it." Archer takes his seat next to me. He finished his video a few days ago, and refused to show me it until the class.

"Now it wouldn't be fair to show you before everyone else would it?"

He was a smart ass like that. The lights were off in the classroom, music begins playing. A smile instantly hits my face. He used my favorite song as the background music.

I just hope he used the clean version!

The video starts with my car racing over the finish line. Being my over theatrical self I'm drifting across the red spray painted line. As I jump out of the car I jump out of the car throwing my hands in the air cheering.

I know by the outfit I was wearing that this was the night of my drunken escapade. A blush takes over my face now knowing the full details of how drunk I was that night.

The screen fades to me sitting on my bed reading a book. Some facts about my favorite book, movie and tv show pops on the screen over my reading.
It fades again, this time it's a video of Archer carrying me over his shoulder. He throws me on the ground. "Archer what are you-" Archer throws the leaves at my face.

The whole class laughs, including myself and Archer.

"Did you really carry me all the way up here to throw leaves in my face?" Archer nods.

My dad must have taken that video. I vaugley remember him standing in the doorway of the house when this happened, I just didn't know he was recording us.

It fades again, I'm now holding Archers hand with a blindfold on my face. "Is this the part where you admit you're an ax murderer and kill me?" The camera pans to the Olive Garden sign. As it zooms in, facts about my favorite food and drinks pop on the screen. "Come in Archer this is silly!"

The screen fades to our reserved signs up on the mountain. Some facts about my dream job, my dad being my greatest influence, and what makes me happy pop on the screen. He also put on there that I want to drive on the Autobahn before I die.

The video fades to me beating the absolute shit out of my punching bag in my gym. My hair was up in a messy ponytail, I was covered in sweat, and music was blaring.
I must have been pissed that day. I normally only go for the punching bag when I'm royally mad.

It quickly flips to me sleeping in the passenger seat of his car. He puts more random facts about me over my sleeping face.

The next video is me driving my car. The smile on my face is very prominent. I was laughing like no tomorrow. The camera slowly zooms in on my smiling face.

The video fades to our Friendsgiving set up, facts about my family fly across the screen. It then fades to all of us sitting at the table. "Are you ready?" Archer whispers, the camera zooming in on Alex's smiling face. "She's gonna be so surprised. Let's do this." Alex leans into the camera, "I love you sis!" He stands straight. "Did you guys start without me?" I whip around on the screen, tears filling my eyes. "Alex?" I choke. I jump up running into my brothers arms, full on sobbing. "What are you doing here! You said you wouldn't be home until Christmas!"

The video fades to a bunch of clips of me, bare faced making silly faces on our car cruise. "Quit filming me you nerd!" Another silly face, then a video of me with the windows rolled down and my hair whipping all over the place. Over that clip Archer put facts about my childhood.

A clip of me in my room dancing and singing to King for a Day. Archers laughter can be heard over the camera. "You better delete this video Arch!" I run towards the camera, the loud oof from Archer indicates I jumped on him. He pans the camera to our faces and we both start singing along. Not long after I rip the camera out of his hands and the screen goes black.

I'm sleeping on my bed in the next clip, "princess were supposed to be working on the project!" The camera flips to his face, "I swear this girl is always sleeping!" The camera pans around my room randomly zooming in on random photos around my room. Facts about me come across the screen before fading to black.

"Good morning Mr. Miller!" Archers camera zooms in on my dad. "Get that camera out of my face Archer, go film your girlfriend." Archers booming laughter can be heard as he runs through my house filming random objects. He bursts into my room. I'm sleeping on my bed. He sets the camera on my dresser facing it towards my bed. Archers face pops in the view. "Don't kill me when you see this." He turns and jumps on my sleeping figure. "Merry Christmas!" I jump, eyes still closed. "Go away dad." I grumble, I try to roll over as Archer leans in whispering something in my ear. I shoot up, confusion written on my face. I look around my room stretching. "No. It's nap time." I fling myself on top of him.

The entire class breaks into laughter again. "I can't believe you filmed that!" I whisper shout smacking Archers arm. "Shh princess keep watching."

The video fades to us throwing food at each other in my kitchen. Archer has me pinned against a counter holding a can of whipped cream over my head. "Truce?" I squeal, smiling up at him. He taps his chin in thought, "I suppose so, but you're helping me clean this all up." I look around at the mess, "Deal!" The camera starts to shake, "Oi! I thought you were making breakfast, it looks like a bomb went off in here!" Alex's voice can be heard over the camera. We both turn to face the camera turning red in the face.

The video fades to us opening Christmas presents. "I know it's not much-" I cut him off with a quick kiss. "It's amazing! Perfect! I love it thank you!" I wrapped him in a huge hug. Alex shifts the camera to show my date coupons and movie tickets.

It fades again to us at the airport leaving for our trip. "Are you excited J? Cuz I'm excited!" The camera zooms in on my face. "Of course I'm excited! Now put that thing away we have to get on the plane!" I cover the camera with my hand.

The next clip Archer is sitting in the hotel room in Tokyo. "Well here we have it. The story of Jupiter Anne Miller. A girl with many fine qualities. She is smart, courageous, funny, and so full of life, and always makes room for nap time. Clearly." Archer grabs the camera showing my sleeping body next to him, before placing it on the night stand again. "She puts everyone's needs and wants before her own. She is the most selfless person I've met, and I hope that one day I can be even a fraction of the amazing person that she is. She's the Letty to my Dom, I love you babe. Thanks so much for watching guys." He covers the camera with his hand and the video ends.

I don't even realize I'm crying until he wipes a tear from my face. I give him a wobbly smile and a kiss on the lips. "I love you so much." He smiles at me, eyes full of emotion. "I love you too princess."

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