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I hate Monday's.

I smacked my alarm clock with much more force than necessary. Begrudgingly getting out of my warm nest of blankets and pillows. With a large huff I heave myself out of bed and start getting ready for the day. I couldn't help but smile as I checked my phone to see my brother sent me a text.

'Have a good first day! Try not to kill anyone <3'

I don't get to see my brother very often, so the simple texts and face time calls are so important to me.

45 minutes later I'm dressed to impress in black ripped skinny jeans, a red cropped tank, my signature leather jacket, and a pair of vans. Also wearing my signature black choker and the necklace my dad gave me. A simple silver pendant with a diamond on the end, it's not really my style but it was my moms. Wearing it made me feel closer to her.

Even if she was a bitch now.

Mom left us when I was ten, found some new guy with alot of money or something. I don't really know the whole story. All I know is I hated the person she has become. She occasionally tries to contact me, claiming I would be happier living with her instead of here. But I was happy here in this little town of Whiteridge was my home. But alas I still wore her necklace, choosing to remember her as the mom she was before she left. The mom who I loved, and I know loved me. I never took the necklace off.

Pulling my hair out of the french braid, it falls in waves down my back almost reaching my waist. Throwing a black beanie on I quickly do my makeup. Keeping it rather simple, black eye liner, minimal face makeup, carving up my brows, and a bold red lip.
I smile satisfied and check myself over once in the mirror. Smiling again at the figure staring back at me. My short frame, standing only 5'1". I may be on the shorter side but I truly didn't mind. My dad always said I was munchkin sized. I was thin, but had curves in all of the right places. One half of my hair was dyed black, the other half dyed platinum blonde, silver almost.

Doe eyes stared back at me.

One Grey, one Blue. I have a condition called Heterochromia. All in all though, I took pride in my looks.

I look Perfect.

Checking the time I realize if I don't leave now I'll be late for school. "God dammit, always running late." It's my last year if high school, I'm a senior now. The thought alone shocks me. I don't have the time to dwell on that fact long, running out of my room and down to the kitchen to make myself coffee. I may be running late but everyone knows that I mainline caffeine. To my surprise my black travel mug is sitting perched on the counter filled to the brim with liquid gold. Picking it up I hear the ice cubes sloshing around. "Thank you dad." I mutter to myself running out the door to my lifter black Jeep Wrangler, also known as my school car.


I pull into the schools lot like a bat out of hell, only turning the blaring music off once I pull the key from it's ignition. I made it to school with 10 minutes to spare, just enough time to run to my locker and head straight to first period.

Our schedules were mailed to us weeks ago so thankfully I didn't have to go through the trouble if waiting to get that. Our school was smart like that. Pulling my schedule from my bag I checked it over once more.

Period One: AP English
Period Two: Advanced Art
Period Three: Free Period
Period Four: Automotives Four
Period Five: Advanced Auto
Period Six: Guided Sudies

Without much more if a thought I rush to my locker to throw my extra books in it. Putting the combination in I smile like always seeing my locker decorated in band memorabilia, car pictures and a whole lot of other pictures of my friends and I over the years. Our high school -Whiteridge Senior High- gives you your locker in the ninth grade and that's your locker until you graduate, so over the years I've been decorating it to perfection.

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