Twenty Two

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We were currently in the middle of the woods. Off the beaten path. Middle of nowhere. Whatever you wanted to call it. But we were doing what we intended to. We were hunting for dragons. When Archer originally told me he wanted to hunt for dragons I thought it was a joke. But as I got to know him I'm truly not surprised that he actually wanted to look for them.

We spent all day yesterday looking for his illusive dragons, and here we are again today doing the same thing. I've never seen him look so happy, doing something as simple as walking in the woods looking for a mythical creature.

I was currently recording my dork of a boyfriend as he is running ahead yelling "I'm hunting dragons!" I almost dropped the camera I was laughing so hard. "So I guess we can check this off of your bucket list huh?" I shout at him, putting the camera away.

I'm so thankful I packed the right shoes for this trip. I'm wearing a black bodysuit with ripped jeans, a fanny pack, and some black running shoes. I also brought a backpack -which Archer was carrying- where I had sweatshirts for us. If it weren't for the shoes I wouldn't be able to keep up.
"Archer wait!" I call out to my crazy man. "Catch me if you can princess!"

Oh my god he'll be the death of me, I took off sprinting after him.


During our trek through the woods we ended up stumbling across a beautiful clearing. It was a wide open circle completely enclosed by trees, there was even a pond if sorts in it. "Let's go swimming!" He ran off without another word. "Archer! It's cold as hell out. Do not jump in that freezing water!" I had ended up putting my sweater on the farther we got into the woods.

The only thing that stopped the big idiot from jumping in was the fact that there was ice forming on the water. I knew that fact from him yelling that there was indeed ice. "Princess come look at this!" He shouted. "Oh my god I'm over running." I grumble to myself as I jog over to him. "When we get back to the hotel you so owe me for this workout!" He throws a quick smirk over his shoulder at me. And from that look alone I knew I would indeed be getting another workout later. A more intimate workout. I shivered at the thought.

The jog was officially worth the wait. It was stunning. More stunning than this whole clearing all together. From across the field the pond looked small and a little dinky. But up close when you look down it looks like it goes down forever. The water was so crystal clear that I could see fish all the way at the bottom of the hole. "Wow." I breathe, crouching down to get a closer look. "It's so beautiful Archer."
"Sure is." I smiles up at him. He wasn't looking at the swimming hole in admiration like I thought. He was looking straight at me with the same look I had been giving the magical waters in front of me. I almost let those three little words slip out then and there.



"I can't believe we didn't find them! We searched all day and nothing! Harry Potter has lied to me!" Archer dramatically groans as we walk into the restaurant. This dork right here is the man I fell in love with. I couldn't help but laugh at him. "I'm sorry sweetheart, we can look again tomorrow before the flight if you want." I tried to reason with him. "No. I want to do some site seeing before we head out. Besides I have plans for us tonight." He trails off looking at me hungrily. Blushing I grab his hand, practically dragging him the rest of the way into the restaurant.

"What's the rush princess?" He whispers in my ear when we sit down. My cheeks turn furiously red. "I'm just... Hungry...." I blush. I know he doesn't believe me. Hell I don't even believe me. The waiter chose to come right then, breaking our stare down. I ordered a arugula salad while Archer ordered some meatball soup.
We spent the rest of dinner just talking and laughing. The food was amazing, Archer let me try his soup and I instantly regretted not getting that for myself too. I came so close to telling him I loved him during dinner. But every time I tried to open my mouth to tell him I froze up.

I'd tell him eventually. Just not today.


After dinner we decided to walk back to the hotel. It was a beautiful night, being in the the city was wonderful. I kept stoping to take pictures. Some of us and some of the little shops around us. We've only been here for two days and it feels like forever. It's crazy to say but when I'm with Archer time just slows down.

"This is nice, just you and me. No family drama, no friend drama, no school. Just us." He took the words right out of my mouth. That's what I love about him. He knows me better than I know myself, he's more like me than anyone else. I'm just gonna tell him, come right out and say it. Three words. Three simple words.

"Archer-" When he looks at me I freeze up. My sudden confidence now gone. "Kiss me." I whisper. It may be a cop out but I knew he wouldn't say no to a kiss.

He closes the distance giving me a quick toe curling kiss. "You're so amazing." I whisper, pushing the hair out of his eyes. "You're pretty amazing too princess." He gives me a lopsided grin. I stand on my toes pecking his lips. "Come on, let's go back to the hotel. We have to pack up tonight. Our flight out is tomorrow."

Why was I such a chicken!


Hopping in the shower the next morning I nearly jumped out of my skin when Archers arm wrap around my waist. "God Archer are you trying to give me a heart attack!" I screech. He kisses from my shoulder to my neck, his body shaking with laughter. "I need to shower you horn dog! So if you're not in here to shower then get out." I turn around and peck his lips before he can argue.

"Fine, fine I'll leave you to it." I close my eyes stepping back under the water, trying to continue my shower. But Archer apparently had other plans. He abruptly pushes me against the shower wall slamming his lips to mine.

What little self control I had left shattered when he lifted me up, my legs wrapping around his body. "Did you really think I would walk away after seeing all of you like this?" He whispered in my ear, causing a rather large moan to leave my lips. "No I really didn't." I could feel the smirk on his face. "Are you complaining princess?"

"Absolutely not."

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