Twenty Eight

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It's been two months...

Two months since I found out my best friend was pregnant. Two months since I made the mistake of leaving the house and going on a date with my boyfriend. Two months since I watched the man I love get shot right in front of me. Two months since my perfect world came crashing down...

Two long, horrible months since my psycho bitch of a mother kidnapped me, so I could be married to a stranger to 'keep the bloodlines going'.

Whatever the fuck that meant.

And today was the day I was supposed to meet my alleged fiancé. A marriage I was desperately trying to think of ways out of.

I only agreed to do this if she promised me that my friends and family wouldn't be hurt. After our agreement she packed me up and we moved to Florida. 2,900 miles away from my home in Washington. "You're going to love living in Florida pumpkin I promise." My mother had said to me as we drove across the country. She must have had an extra dose of crazy pills that morning if she truly thought I wanted to be there with her. I was only doing this to protect my loved ones.

Once arriving to Florida she had legal documents made to change our names. I was now Leticia Cromwell, or Letty for short. She tried to get me to pick a different name but I was firm on this name or no wedding. It wasn't much for anyone to go on but I had hoped that it was enough of a clue. That's if 'Letty' could find a way to contact them...

I still had hope that Archer would find me. I didn't even know if he was alive, and that thought alone was enough to make it hard to breathe. But as each day passes the hope gets smaller. I couldn't sleep without nightmares of him being shot. Or the threat of Laci and my unborn niece/nephew hanging over my head. How did my life end up like this?

"Letty sweetheart, it's time to go meet Andrew." I was standing in my new room in front of my mirror. I didn't even recognize the girl staring back at me, I wasn't me anymore. She made me dye my hair to a soft brown with blonde ends. She also made me wear contacts to hide my un-natural eyes. I hated looking at myself now, I felt naked without my necklaces on. But she made me take them off, they were hidden in the back of my jewelry box she gave me.

With each passing day the hope I had for escape dwindled. I was slowly falling into a state of depression that I wasn't sure could ever be fixed. But luckily for me I was also really great at masking that sadness, and putting on a damn good fake smile. Because if I didn't... The unhealed bruises on my rib cage ache at the thought.

I was wearing a lavender off shoulder dress, white heels, and diamond jewelry. I sigh grabbing the white handbag leaving the room.

I just keep reminding myself every day why I go along with this. That I'm only doing this for my loved ones.


"Anita, Jonathan! So lovely to see you!" My mother approaches the group of three people in front of me. I had plastered on a fake smile before getting out of the car. We were at some fancy restaurant on the beach. I looked out at the ocean reminding myself of why I'm doing this. "Letty sweetheart come meet Andrew!" My mother's shrill voice rings out. I fight every urge in me not to cringe at her words. Taking a quick deep breath I walk over delicately holding out my hand. "Leticia Cromwell, nice to meet you Andrew." I put on my best fake smile.

Andrew Phillips was an attractive man I'm not going to lie. But he wasn't my Archer. Standing tall, but not as tall as Archer. Even looking at Andrew I couldn't think of anyone but Archer.

I just miss him so much.

Andrew had short dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. Nothing like the piercing clover ones I grew to love, his hair was shorter than Archers too. Andrew grabs my hand and kisses it. "It's lovely to meet you Leticia-" I hold up my hand. "It's Letty, please." My mother shoots me a dirty look that nobody notices and I stiffen slightly. "Letty then." He smiles at me. "Well... Letty. How about you and I go take a walk on the beach, there is something I would like to discuss with you in a private manner." It was officially time I guess. Our mothers begin whispering to each other with giddy smiles on their faces. While I was fighting back my tears.

"I'd love to." I slowly take his outstretched hand, stomach churning. "We will just stay here waiting for your return then. You two kids have fun!"


Once we were out of eye sight I drop his hand like it's on fire. "Listen here you fucking dickwad. I'm only doing this for the sake of my loved ones, so when nobody is around don't fucking touch me, don't fucking look at me, don't even fucking breathe the same air as me." I snarl at him as we walk down the beach. What surprises me is his sigh of relief, his hands dropping to his knees. "Oh thank God. I don't want this either!" I stop and stare at him. "I beg your pardon?"

"Let me explain Letty, my parents run a huge underground drug ring. It's how they have their money, yours run one too. They think that by us getting married they can combine the businesses and we can take over. But I don't want this life. I have a guy who I'm madly in love with already. I only agreed because if my parents found out that one I'm gay, or two I don't want this life, they would kill him."

So I wasn't the only one in my position, sort of. "So how do we get out of this?" I ask, not hating him as much as I did five minutes ago. But still holding my skepticism. "I'm still working on that part-" a phone ringing cuts him off. A PHONE! He pulls his cellphone out of his pocket ignoring the phone call. "You have a phone! This is perfect." I snatch it out of his hands. "What are you doing?" He asks holding my wrist. "Coming up with a plan to get us out of this mess. I just need you to trust me." He slowly releases my wrist. I quickly dial the phone number I was looking for.

"We're sorry. The number you have dialed has been changed, disconnected, or is no longer in service." I couldn't stop the tears this time.


After my mental breakdown Andrew and I collectively agreed we needed a plan of action. I called Archers phone so many times I felt hopeless. At this point I just needed to know he was okay. Unfortunately we didn't have time to sit down and talk details of our escape, so for now we had a plan to create a plan. Which wasn't much for us, but it was better than nothing. And it was definitely better than when I came here.

"Are you telling me you want to go on with this wedding?" Andrew snorts at me. "It's the only way thay this will work Andrew. We go back there and pretend to be a happy couple and go along with all of this nonsense. It's our only choice until we can find our way out." He was silent for a minute, running his hand through his hair. I could see he was having an internal debate. I couldn't help gnawing on my lip.

"Well in that case you're going to need this." He drops to one knee. "If this is going to work we need to be engaged so Letty will you fake marry me?" I couldn't help but laugh. "Yes I will." He slides the ring on my finger standing up. "It's Jupiter when we're in private. She made me change my name." We began walking back to the restaurant. "So why Letty then?" I smile. "Because it's the only way I had hoped Archer would find me. He's the Dom to my Letty. It's a movie reference."

"That's the one about cars and racers right?" He finishes for me. I nod up at him, "Well my loving fiancé, are you ready to put on the show of a lifetime?" I hold out my hand, he tangles his hand in mine. "Let do this shit."

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