Thirty Three

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My heart began pounding in my chest, fresh tears falling down my face. Happy tears this time. My composure falls as I crumble to my knees in relief. "Archer!" I sob, smiling at him. Standing at the end of the aisle dressed in a black hoodie and black sweatpants was my Archer. My voice causes his glares at the crowd to snap to me. His face softens and a huge smile overcomes both of us. He was really here, he was alive! I looked back up at Andrew, our fake smiles no longer fake. "Let's get out of here shall we?" Andrew mutters to me, holding a hand to help me stand up.

Picking up my dress we bolt down the aisle towards the exit. Towards our freedom. "Stop them!" My mother's shrill voice screeches out. Andrew reaches the exit before I reach do. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Archers smiling face turns into one of fear. "Jupiter look out!" Archer shouts running towards me.

Arms wrap around my waist heaving me into the air. "No!" I scream, thrashing in my captors arms. Archer, and Andrew run towards me as I'm being dragged away. "Andrew! Run!" I yell back to him. This wasn't his fight anymore. It was now mine. He looked conflicted. "Go!" I screech out before my mouth is covered by a hand. Andrew turns and runs out, I close my eyes preparing myself for what comes next.

"You're ruining everything you stupid bitch!" Robert roars in my ear. "Oi! Nobody calls her a bitch but me!" My eyes snap open to see Archer only a few feet away now. If we weren't in this situation I would laugh, but given the circumstances I could laugh at his comment later. With all the force I could muster up I bite Roberts hand, and from the metallic taste in my mouth I know I drew blood. His hand drops from my mouth and I spit the blood out all over the white dress.

"You're not taking her away again!" Before Archer could reach me my inner Lara Croft came out. I let out a deafening scream whipping my head back. Roberts arms drop from my waist grabbing his nose. I whip around kneeing him in the balls, and kicking him I'm the head knocking him unconscious.

"Don't!" I kick him again.

"Fucking!" Another kick.

"Touch me!" Two more kicks.

Most of the guest have scattered knowing something was seriously wrong. Given the business most of them were in I assume they were running like a bat out of hell as far away from here as they could. Because as I've come to learn about this world, you're only friends until police come around. The only 'guests' left were my mother, Robert, Andrew's parents, plus a few random security guards. And Archer of course.

I turn to run again when my mother's voice stops me. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Slowly turning back around I see her holding a gun pointed straight at my face. I couldn't help but smirk, holding up my hands in mock surrender. "What are you going to do huh? Shoot me? And ruin your whole bullshit charade. Well guess what bitch. The gig is over." I stepped forward placing my forehead against the barrel of the gun. I may have gone insane during my time here, but I'll be damned if I ever end up like her. Movement out of the corner of my eye causes me to smirk at her. Looking my mother dead in the eyes I full blown grin.

I could see Andrew sneaking up behind her. I just needed to distract her a little bit longer. "I'm doing this for the greater good! Why don't you understand that!" Her voice was frantic and whiney. In all honesty her voice was just ducking annoying. "WHAT GREATER GOOD! You're just a fucking psychopath drug dealer who is trying to set up an arranged marriage that neither of us want!" She clicks off the safety, looking away from me. And for some reason this angered me.

"No you look me in the eyes when you do it. I want you to look your fucking daughter in the eye as you shoot her." I growl, grabbing her face and turning it to me. "Look me in the eyes bitch." Maybe I've gone as crazy as her, but in this very moment I didn't care. "I'll do it you know, you were nothing but a pawn-" Andrew hit her over the head with a potted plant, knocking her out. "I never fucking liked you anyways." Andrew growls out dropping the plant. I spit the remained of blood in my mouth on her unconscious body.

I could hear police sirens approaching. Finally this was over. I turn back around getting ready to run to Archer, my Archer. Only to find him right in front of me. I reach up grabbing his face. "You're really here." I choke out, the tears falling again. He grabs my face wiping the tears away. Then what I'm assuming was a bit of blood off of the corner of my mouth. "I'm really here." He chokes out tears falling from his eyes as well. That was all it took for me to pull his face down to mine. Five months of hell and I finally get to kiss him again. "I love you." We both say at the same time, breaking the kiss.

"Not to break up this heartwarming scene or anything but we need to get the fuck out of here. Like now." Andrew's voice cuts in. I grab Archers hand, refusing to let him out of my sight. "Let's go home."


We arrived to the motel six meet spot. Our flight home wasn't until tomorrow. We wanted to debrief with each other before going our separate ways. I'm sure we looked crazy walking in the motel. My makeup smeared wearing a bloody wedding gown, Archer and William looking disheveled wearing all black sweats and sweatshirts, and Andrew just as tear stained as I am in his now ruffled suit, his tie and pocket square long gone.

Watching Andrew fully break down in Williams arms was the most precious and heartbreaking thing I have ever witnessed. It was as if it happened in slow motion. The three of us walking into a crappy motel and a very ancy William pacing the little lobby. Their eyes locked and both were instantly in tears, running to each other. Archer squeezed his arm around me tighter as we watched them embrace each other.


"I can't believe we pulled that off." Andrew sighs falling onto the mattress. "I'm so thankful we did. I just wish it would have gone more smoothly." I breathe out flopping on the mattress next to Andrew. "What do you mean more smoothly? It went perfectly!" Archer tries to defend. Both Andrew and I glare up at him, knowing that if he would have been even ten seconds later we wouldn't be in this room right now. "There are at least twelve different ways that could have gone better, would you care for me to list them for you!" I abruptly sit up snapping back at the idiot. My idiot none the less. "God I've missed your fucking attitude." He grabs my arm yanking me from the bed into his embrace.

I couldn't help but smile.

"So it's truly over then? We can move on?" William chimes in. "Since you and I contacted the local police and told them everything and went down to the station yesterday providing the evidence needed. All the files, pictures and videos on the pdf were enough to convict. You two won't even need to be at the trial. And let's just say that your parents will be going away for a very long time." There was a collection of sighs around the room as Archer spoke.

"Well in that case we only have one more problem we need to fix." I state standing straight, pulling away from his warm embrace. "Someone needs to get me out of this god damn dress! I look like fucking Carrie." Everyone in the room bursts into laughter.


The next morning I was dressed in the same leggings and tube top as yesterday, but at least I was able to shower. Before leaving the hotel room Archer placed his sweatshirt over my head, causing me to blush. We were currently in the lobby saying our goodbyes to the boys. "It was so good to meet you William, I just wish it was under better circumstances. But I'm still counting on you two to come to Washington to see us." I pull him into a friendly hug. "The feelings are mutual. We will definitely be taking you up on your offer." He gives me a light squeeze. "Thank you for keeping him safe." It was my turn to give him a tight squeeze back before pulling away.

I walk up to Andrew. "So this is it huh? We really did it." I didn't know what else to say. I mean what do you say to someone who kept you sane while you were both held hostage. "We really did it." Tears well up in my eyes and I rush into his arms. "You were the best gay fake fiance ever!" I blubber. "And you were the best badass fake fiancee too."

He pulls away holding my have in his hands, "This isn't goodbye, it's a see you soon. Besides I'll need a best woman at our wedding." I can feel hot tears burning my face as we pull away from each other. His arms instantly wrapping around William. Glancing at his hand I can see the smooth silver band on his finger. I couldn't help pulling them both into a bone crushing hug squealing a congratulations to them.

Archer walks up to Andrew pulling him into a bro hug. "Thank you for keeping her safe." I barely heard him say it, but it brought a smile to my face. They pull apart and Archer gives me a soft kiss. "Let's go home." He whispers.

"I thought you'd never say that."

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