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"Oh Pumpkin!" She runs over to me pulling me in a hug. "Why are you here?" I snap, my anger from Archer only fuming as she tried to hug me. She gives me a dirty look. "That is no way to talk to your mother young lady!" I immediately shove her off of me. "Since when have you been my mother? Were you my mom when you walked out on us when I was ten? Or what about all the missed birthdays, and holidays. Where were you when I got my period and thought I was dying! I woke up bleeding and scared, not knowing what the hell was happening to me! No! You were off fucking some random guy in fucking la la land! YOU. WEREN'T. THERE." I hiss.

I've never seen someone look more offended and hurt. But I didn't care. She was the one who walked out on me. "I am still your mother and you will treat me-" I hold up my hand. "Let me stop you right there. If you were really as loving and caring of a mom as you pretend to be, then why haven't you once asked me why I'm on the verge of tears?" Again I left her speechless. "Also how the hell did you get inside?" She holds up a key that had dirt residue on it, a small smirk on her face. "Your dad still uses the same hiding spot that we did when we were married."

I. Was. Livid.


"JUPITER! Don't you dare yell at me! I. Am. Your. MOTHER! Don't you even want to hear why I came here!" She growls back at me. Dad always told me I got my anger from my mom, I never believed it as I was just as temperamental as him. But now I can definitely see it, maybe it's from both.

"No, you're just the bitch that walked out on me. Now get out of my house. You've been dead to me for seven years."

With a loud smack my cheek starts to burn. And that was the precise moment my dad and Alex came walking into the house laughing without a care in the world. Moms hand still raised, my head whipped to the side, with what I'm assuming to be a red mark forming. My stinging cheek reminds me that karma is indeed a bitch. I slapped Archer and now I'm being bitten in the ass VIA a slap in the face.

I could hear the argument starting as I ran from the house. I could hear my poor brother yelling after me, trying to make sure I was okay. I didn't care. I didn't want to be here. I didn't want to be anywhere. I wanted to be nowhere. And I knew exactly where I needed to go to be nowhere.


I broke about fifteen traffic laws driving to my secret cliff side. I couldn't be bothered. Tears were burning in my vision, finally spilling over when I park my car. I don't even have the energy to grab my blanket from the wicker basket. I just stumble to the edge. I felt like I couldn't even breathe. I laid down on the cold hard ground sobbing uncontrollably.

Why did she have to come back?

After all these years.... Why now?

Why did she hit me? She's the one who walked out on me!

Why do I care so much?

Why is it that the only person I want to talk to about my problems is mad at me?

Why am I more hurt by Archers words than anything my mom had to say?

Why is it all my fault..?


After hours of screaming, crying, hitting and throwing things I began to calm down. I was still crying, but I was definitely calmer. My hands were bloody, my eyes stung, lips dry, throat burned. All in all I was a mess. I didn't care.
I was still laying down on the cold ground. I heard a thud next to me. I was to numb to move. I then felt arms wrap around me, lifting me off the ground. I instantly curled into his chest as he wrapped my blanket around us. I didn't need to look up to know it was Archer. He was the only other person who knows my spot. As mad as I was... as hurt as I was... I was just happy he was here.

At our spot.

"Laci called me in a panic, after your dad called her asking if you went to her house. Everyone has been looking for you for hours. Wondering where you could be. Then about an hour ago your dad mentioned that you might not want to be found, and just need some time. And it hit me, I knew you were here." I don't respond, sniffling into his chest.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I shake my head. "Are you still mad at me?" I nod. "Do you want me to leave? Now that I at least know you're safe."

Did I want him to leave?

No. I really didn't. I didn't care how mad I was at him. Part of me knew he would understand. So I shake my head no. "You and I can finish our fight later." He chuckles slightly, squeezing me tighter.

We sit in silence for hours, the sun is now long gone, and neither of us have moved out of the position we were in, me curled on his lap. The only time silence was broken when he called my dad. He thought I was sleeping. If the roles were reversed I would too, with how quiet and still I've been.

"Mr. Miller, I found her." He paused listening to my dad on the other end. "No sir, she's fine. She's just not ready to come home yet." Another pause. "She's sleeping right now." Pause. "I can't tell you that, it would break her trust. Trust that I only just got. I can't do that to her." One final pause. "I promise sir, I'll keep her safe." I hear the phone click off, and for the first time since we fought earlier I smiled.

"Princess." He gently shakes me. "Hmm." Is the only response I can muster. "It's getting late..." He trails off. "You can go." Another short response. I was shocked when he places me on the ground getting up. I honestly didn't expect him to leave. But I wouldn't blame him. I could hear a door slam and the engine roaring to life. A new wave of tears hit me, my chest constricting. But I understand.
The tears stopped when the vehicle turned off, and the door slammed again. He picked me back up and began carrying me, as if I was no weight at all in his arms. "I anticipated you wouldn't want to leave. So before coming up here I wanted to prepare." This peaked my interest enough for me to lift my head off his shoulder to see none other than my dads old black pick up truck, the box filled with blankets and pillows. "So princess, what do you way to camping?"


"So why do you have my dad's truck?"
"I went home after our... Disagreement. And not even an hour after I left your house I got a call from a very hysterical Laci claiming you ran off. So I ran back over to your house. I knew that I had to help. When your dad saw me he asked where my car was. I told him it was broke down again, so he threw me the keys." Since I've gotten my license my dad never drives the pick up anymore, the old thing has been sitting in our driveway since I used it for my driving test. He always drives his police cruiser anyways. Only going to work and back.

We fell into a comfortable silence. Just laying there in the back of the truck. The only sound was the rustling wind, our quiet breaths and my pounding heart. I just hope he couldn't hear it.

"Archer?" My voice was hoarse, as I've barely said two sentences since my mental breakdown. "Hmm?" He sounded like he was half asleep.

"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For being there. You didn't force me to talk. You were just there."
"Anytime princess. I'll always be there for you."
"Always?" I didn't see it happen. But I could feel him interlock his pinkie in mine as he whispered. "Always." I snuggled in closer to him, our legs tangled together, and our pinkies locked together.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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