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The ride to the cliff was awkward to say the least. Filled with an uncomfortable silence that neither of us wanted to break. The few times I opened my mouth to say something I suddenly felt as if I hadn't drank anything in days. So I decided to stay silent. My knuckles practically white as I drove, and Archer was border line cuddling with the crock pot. All in all I think we were both happy once we parked and could get out of the cramped air of the car.

I jumped out before my keys were fully out of the ignition. Causing me to fumble and drop them. "Fuck." I grumbled quietly to myself. Once I looked up I gasped. Laci truly outdid herself. Turning the field into a five star restaurant.

Okay, maybe not five stars.

But it was gorgeous. She went all out with candles, pumpkins, gourds, fancy tablecloths, and hay bale benches with small cushions on them. The whole nine yards.

"Lace this looks amazing!" My crazy best friend skipped over to me. "Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week." She mock bows. I couldn't help but giggle. "So miss planner, where do you want the crock pot?" She quickly pointed to a separate table with other food dishes already set up on it before running off to God knows where.

I head back to the car to grab my crock pot. I could feel Archer staring at me, I just chose to ignore him.


"Morgan says grace!" I point to a confused looking Morgan who had a bite of roll in her mouth. "She watches to much fast and furious" Laci tuts. "No Lace! That's the rules of the table. Whoever eats first says grace!" I huff. "But J! You're not even religious?" Everyone laughs at me, but I refused to let that falter my argument. "That doesn't matter, it's Friendsgiving! You have to say grace!"

"Okay, before a cat fight breaks out how about we just skip the grace and start eating?" Jacob pipes in to Morgan's defense. "It's okay sweetheart, I'll say grace. But next time I'm shoving food in Jupiter's mouth." She kisses his cheek. I stick my tongue out at her laughing.

"So I'm not really into the whole grace thing. But I think we're all in the same boat here." We all laugh. "Heavenly father, thank you for the food, thank you for the friendship we all have, thank you to Laci for setting this all up in three days. Thank you for the hardships you've helped us through." She pauses smiling widely at Laci. "And because I too watch the fast saga, most of all thank you for fast cars." She winks at me as we all shout "Amen!"

I couldn't help jumping out of my seat to go hug her. "Jacob she's perfect, don't fuck it up!" I squeal, everyone laughs at me.

Lunch was going great. Better than any family gathering I've ever been to. It was just the nine of us laughing our asses off eating great food. I couldn't help taking out my camera recording everyone. I zoomed in on Archer who was in a heated argument with Laci.

"What do you mean apple pie is the best? Pumpkin is way better!"
"No Archer you're sadly mistaken because apple pie will always trump pumpkin any day."

Archer picks up a dinner roll and throws it at Laci's face, causing a huge fit of laughter from everyone at the table.

I stop recording, not wanting to focus on school for once. Just on the people in front of me who I'm closest with. Out of the corner of my eye I see Archer pulling something out from under the table before standing up and walking away. I just ignore it, continuing to pick at my food and talk with people. After about ten minutes I was beginning to wonder where Archer disappeared to. Part of me wanted to go look for him but I didn't want to interupt Morgan. Currently we were talking about Jacob and Morgan's wedding plans. They were due to be married in April.

"Did you guys start without me?"

I whip around, tears instantly filling my eyes. Because right in front of me, still in his army greens, was none other than "Alex?" I choke. I whip my heels off running into my brothers arms. I was all out sobbing now. "What are you doing here! You said you wouldn't be home until Christmas!" I sob.


I quickly calmed down after Alex's arrival. Thankfully Laci was in on the surprise and brought me makeup wipes to remove my tear stained makeup. I haven't left Alex's side once. "Does dad know your back yet?" He nods, his mouth full of food. "I got in this morning and went straight to the station to see him. He was going to call you but I told him I was on my way here next." The cheeky bastard loves his theatrics.

"When do you go back?" He doesn't answer right away, and a lot sinks in my stomach. "I have to leave tonight." My eyes well up with tears. "Oh." My voice breaks, I clear my throat. I should be used to the day trips by now, but it never gets easier watching him leave and not knowing where he's going. "Well at least we have today. I'm just happy I got to see you." I lay my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry JuJu, I was barely able to convince them to let me come home for one day. Let alone a whole weekend. But I promise I'll be home for Christmas. I got the leave approved for a whole week." He holds his pinky out to me. "Christmas." I interlock our pinkies.

After everyone finished eating and everything was cleaned up we headed for the cars. "Where are we headed?" I ask Laci. "Well how about we just cruise around and see where the road takes us?" We all agree. "So you and Mac are in front then since this was you're great idea Lace!" I hop in my car before she can argue. I know Laci would have tried to put me in the front. But the world doesn't need to revolve around me.

Archer hops in the passenger seat. I'd offered for Alex to ride with me, but he told me he wanted to go see dad for awhile. So we agreed that after the cruise I'd head straight home to see him. I was about to put my car into gear when archer grabbed my hand. "Jupiter..." I glanced over at him, unsure what to say. "Are we good?" Archer mumbled quietly. I smiled over at him quick. "Yeah Arch, we're good."


The cruise was nice. We just drove around the town for hours. We all ended up getting on a big conference call to talk to each other. Archer was in the passenger seat taking random videos of me. Everytime I would catch him filming I'd make a funny face at him.

"Do you want me to drop you home? Or are you coming over?" I couldn't help but smile at how easy the question rolled off my lips. "Um I'll just walk home from your house I don't live far." I don't understand why he didn't want me to see his house. "Are you sure? I mean we're already in the car I can just drop you." I knew I fucked up before I finished speaking. "I said I'll walk!" He snaps.

We spent the rest of the drive in silence.

I pulled into the driveway, not even knowing what to say. Do I say bye? Do I yell at him? Say nothing? Boys are confusing. "Well bye I guess." I got out of the car, not even bothering to say anything to him. "Wait Jupiter! What just happened?" I whipped around storming up to him. "I don't know! You tell me!" I jabbed my finger into his chest.

"You're the one who got snippy over a common fucking curtsey!" I snap. "Listen I am more than capable enough to walk! I don't need you noseying around my life!" I heard the slap before I felt my hand sting. "Did you really think that's what I was trying to do?! Be fucking nosey! I was trying to be nice you dick!" His face was already turning red from my slap. "Just fucking go." I stormed into the house without another word. Tears threatening to spill down my face. I knew it was to good to be true. Us being friends...

"Pumpkin!" There was only one person on earth who called me that. And I was hoping to God if was just my imagination. I slowly look up. It wasn't my imagination. She was really here. In my living room. After seven years.


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