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I was going insane with every passing second.

We arrived to the hotel an hour ago, I've been sitting in the same spot calling Archer over and over again. All I'm met with is 'We're sorry. The number you have dialed has been changed, disconnected, or is no longer in service.' Hot, angry tears fell down my face as I tried to call again. "God dammit!" I pull my arm back about to chuck the useless phone in my hand. Andrew gently grabbed the phone from my hand pulling me into a comforting embrace. "Jupiter..." I glared up at him, I wanted to yell at him. Blame him.

Because that's what I do when I'm angry. I snap.

But the logical side of me knew this wasn't his fault. It wasn't mine either, it was my bitch of a mothers fault. My glare falters. "No more tears alright. Crying isn't going to help either of us." Taking a deep breath I wipe my face nodding. He was right, we were a month away from this wedding and no closer to getting ourselves out than we were two weeks ago. Because in order for this to work we needed to contact an outside source.

I collectively decided that it couldn't be my dad or Laci. Because I wasn't going to risk my dads long standing job in the force. And it couldn't be Laci because I refused to let her anywhere near here with the threat of my unborn niece/nephew hanging over my head. So that also ruled out Mac, I wouldn't let him lie to her for me. Our options dwindled down to Archer... Who want answering his god damn phone!

I swear if he wasn't dead I'll kill him myself when I get home!

Calm down J... Don't blame Archer.

"What do we do Andrew? Our only hope for this plan to work relies heavily on Archer and we can't get ahold of him." I could feel my anger bubbling up again. I took a few deep calming breaths, when that didn't work I jumped out of the bed and began pacing. "Think Jupiter think..." I muttered, my pacing turned into a weird bouncy walk. Then the bouncy walk turned into stomping. I could feel Andrew staring at me but I was to angry to talk right now.

Pulling out my phone again I tried calling one last time. "We're sorry. The number you have dialed-" I hung up before it could finish. Looking down at the phone an idea hit my head. I halted in my tracks. "I got it!"


Signing into my instagram account I saw thousands of notifications. People from my area tagging me in missing persons posts, commenting on my photos to come home safe, and hundreds of message requests asking if I was okay. I finally stopped my pacing and flopped back on the bed, telling Andrew my last idea. If this didn't work we were doomed. "It's fucking crazy, but it just might work." I looked at Andrew, then back at the unsent message on my phone. "It has to work. It's our only option." I sent the message, quickly logging out of my account. I knew I couldn't stay logged in long because knowing my mom and how psychotic she is she probably had people watching my accounts to make sure I wasn't on them.

I'd kept the message short, well as short as telling the man you love that you've been kidnapped and need his help in saving you can be. So in reality the message was quite long but I kept the rambling to a minimum. I only had one message I could send. I knew if I rambled to much he would completely ignore my plan and come straight here. And for this to work smoothly we had to follow it verbatim.

Archer... please please get this. Please be alive still... I'm sorry it took me so long to contact you. I just got a phone, capable of doing so. I've tried to call you but it won't go through. I'm in Florida. And before you drop everything to come get me I need you to finish reading this. It was my mom who took me, she's forcing me to get married to combine the bloodlines of a rivaling drug cartel. We both don't want this wedding to happen. So I need you to focus, because here's where you come in. Exactly one month from today at the Epicurean Hotel in Tampa I'm set to be married. I'm the back of my closet there is an old vans shoe box, there's money in it. Pay for a flight down here and two flights home. I need you to come down here and stop the wedding. Come alone. I'm attaching a pdf file of everything you'll need to know about the wedding and how to stop it. The wedding starts at two. So the morning of the wedding go down to the police station and tell them everything. The pdf also has a complete rundown of their entire drug operation, with enough evidence to convince the officers to help. Then come save me. I love you so much.

"Now we wait..."


The rest of our weekend went by smoothly. It took everything in me not to keep calling Archer, or to check my instagram account. It was risky even logging on in the first place. But we were both desperate. Saturday we talked on the phone with William. To organize his part of the plan. On the day of the wedding, he too would meet Archer at the station presenting the same pdf file of evidence against our parents. Then he would go to the local motel six and check two rooms under fake names for us to meet up at after everything goes down. According to Andrew, they "knew a guy" who could get fake ID's for the reservation. It might seem like overkill but we had to be cautious. I didn't know much about the drug world. But from the stories I've heard from Andrew... It's better to be safe than sorry.

The plan was officially set in place, and now Andrew and I had the hardest roles to fulfill. Pretending. Sure we have gotten good at pretending we are in love around our parents. But now that we have even a sliver of hope, it was going to be ten times harder. "Are you sure about this Jupiter?"

We were currently driving back to my 'home'. Driving back to my fake reality. "Not in the slightest. But if I've learned one thing from all of this bullshit it's that we have to have hope." I knew he didn't believe me, but that's okay. As long as everything went smoothly we should be fine. Throughout the two months that I've known Andrew he's been the strong one. Always staring positive. But I could see that positivity dwindling by the day. So it way my turn to step up to the plate and stay positive for both of us.

I just hope he couldn't see through to my fear.

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