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Archer and I were inseparable. Making up for lost time as we decided to call it. At school he walked me to my classes, we sat next to each other at lunch, and held hands under the table in class. Just enjoying being in each others company again.

I haven't told anyone about what happened. Not even Laci, but I know that she had her suspicions. It's only been a few days and I was not going to be the girl who demanded to know 'what are we'. I hated girls like that. All I knew is once we got back to my place I felt free enough to kiss him whenever I wanted.

And for now that was good enough for me.

"So you and Archer have seemed to work out your differences." Laci and I were walking to lunch that Friday, talking plans for the evening. There was a warm front that came in melting the ice momentarily and I had been itching to race again and Mac being the best, coordinated it in an hour. It was probably our last race of the year. "Yeah, I think we finally are back to being okay." I didn't give details, there was nothing to give. We weren't dating. We were kind of just kissing, a lot.

"Well that's good, I mean I'm sure you'll tell me the truth eventually! But for now I'm just happy that my best friend is back!" She wraps an arm around me in a side hug. "Now you can kick some major ass tonight and we can party till we're purple!" I couldn't help but laugh at my psychotic best friend.


Archer and I were back at my house, he was laying on my bed while I was pulling clothes out of my closet trying to get ready. I had music playing from my speakers.

'You told me think about it, well I did. Now I don't wanna feel a thing anymore. I'm tired of begging for the things that I want. I'm over sleeping like a dog on the floor'

I couldn't help but sing along dancing around my room. I could hear Archer laughing behind me but I didn't care. I was so utterly happy with whatever was going on between us. Knowing there was no more animosity. While jumping around I catch him holding the camera up. "You better delete this video Arch!" I run over to the bed jumping on top of him.

He pans the camera around before singing with me.
'Hail Mary, forgive me. Blood for blood, hearts beating. Come at me. Now this is war. Fuck with this new beat!'

I rip the camera out of his hands shutting it off, then slam my lips to his. This interruption didn't seem to bother him in the slightest.


Two hours later, and a whole lot of kisses later, I was finally dressed for the evening. Red ugg boots, black ripped jeans, and a red and silver cropped top. I had discarded my mother's necklace. The necklace used to remind me of the good times. But now, now it reminded me of the rotting person she has become. So I took it off, locking it away in my jewelry box. "Won't you get cold princess?"

My heart swelled. It was cute that he was concerned. I'd been going to races like this for so long that the cold really didn't bother me to much. "I'll be fine I promise." He walks over to me placing a soft kiss on my lips telling me he'll be right back.

While he was out of the room I put the finishing touches on my makeup. A few minutes later he returned with a box in one hand and a red sweatshirt in the other. "Arms up princess." He whispers in my ear, a shudder takes over my body and I comply. He pulls the sweatshirt over my body and I'm instantly engulfed in his smell. "Arch I told you I was fine." I couldn't help wrapping my arms around his neck, wanting him close. He places a lingering kiss on my lips. "I want you to wear it, it's cold and you're stubborn. So meet me in the middle here and wear it please. Besides I have my jacket." Still dazed from the kiss I nod, agreeing without thinking.

"What's that?" I glance at the little black box in his hand.

"Close your eyes and you'll find out." I shiver again, closing my eyes. I can hear him fiddling around with something before his hand pushing my hair out of the way. He places a soft kiss on my neck causing a small moan from me, then places something around it. "Open." I open my eyes to see the most gorgeous necklace. It was a black choker with two chains hanging from it, each chain had a little diamond pendant on it.

"Archer it's gorgeous! I love it! Thank you!" I pull him down for another kiss. His kisses were addictive and I couldn't help myself. "Happy birthday beautiful. I'm sorry I'm late." I just shut him him with another kiss.

"They're real diamonds, cost me a pretty penny. But it was all worth it to see that smile on your face." He really shouldn't have. "Now where on earth did you get the money to afford this!" I gasp. "I sold my car. The damn thing kept killing on me anyways. Bought myself a new project and I've been slowly fixing her up." I couldn't help but feel guilty. He really shouldn't have. "Hey, don't go looking all guilty on me now. I made my decision." I bite my lip. "At least let me help you fix the car up. It will make me feel better." Another sweet kiss. "I wouldn't have it any other way."


We arrived at the field half past eight. The races don't start for another half hour. People were setting up the TVs and making sure the cameras were all working good with the cold front. The entire drive here Archers hand was firmly in mine. Only letting go when I needed to shift gears. A permanent smile on my face.

We jump out of the car walking over to Mac and Laci. Do I grab his hand again? I quickly glance at him deciding I better not. I don't want to make him uncomfortable. Archers sweatshirt was big on me. I was basically drowning in it, but I didn't even care. Laci rushes over pulling me into a bone crushing hug, causing me to groan in pain. "Woah, babe don't go killing our star racer now!" Mac jokes and Laci glares at him.

She just ignores him pulling me away. I throw a quick confused glance at Mac who just shrugs. "So what the hell is going on with you? I mean one minute you cold, closed off and just angry. Then the next you're completely fine like nothing happened?" Do I tell her? I opened my mouth to say something but out of the corner of my eye I could see Archer talking with Mac and some girl who was here presumably for the races. "It's nothing Lace I'm fine! Archer and I were in an argument but we've resolved it and now we're fine." I chickened out.

"Are you sure because I just want to- HOLY SHIT!" She cuts herself off. "What?" I was utterly confused, then unbelievably nervous when I saw her looking at my neck. I swear to God if Archer left a hickey I'll kill him. "Who got you this gorgeous necklace?!" I let out a sigh of relief. She was only staring at the necklace.

"Um... Archer did. He gave it to me for my birthday." I'm sure my face was as red as the sweatshirt I was wearing.

She abruptly smacks me upside the head, which causes me to yelp. "And you didn't tell me! What the hell J-" I can hear Mac whistle from behind me. Indicating it was time to go. "Lace I have to go but I promise I'll explain later." I give her a sorry expression before running away.

Jumping in my car I rev up the engine, Archer leans in my window, giving me a peck on the cheek. "I'm not going to tell you good luck, you don't need it. Just kick some ass." He was out the window walking away before I could even say anything. A furious blush came across my face as Laci took her usual place with our makeshift red flag. Mac shouting quick instructions about clean races.


And we were off.

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