Twenty Five

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"Well done Mr. Michaels! Such a raw, real video presentation of our lovely Jupiter!" Our teacher praises Archer, the entire class applauding him before turning to me. "Miss Miller you're up." I get up from my seat walking to the front of the classroom, suddenly nervous. "Well I don't know how I'm going to be able to top that." I laugh, wiping a stray tear from my eye. "But I also made a video about our wonderful new student Archer. I hope you guys enjoy it."

Since Archer wouldn't let me see his video before hand I only gave him the same courtesy. He tried to sit on me until I showed him the video but my stubbornness took over, if he wasn't budging then neither would I. Sitting back down, Archer wraps an arm around my shoulder as I cuddle into his side smiling when he kisses my head.

Archer and I think alot alike. The background music to his video was none other than Vices, his favorite song.

Pictures were flashing across the screen, some older from his childhood that I had Archer email me for the video, some newer, but most were selfies we had taken. The first video to fade into the screen, we were sitting in my room on my bed. The laptop was in-between us.

It was the first night we worked on the project. When we were just answer questions. It's crazy how different things were back then.

"What are your current hobbies?"

"I feel like racing and working on our cars is the obvious answer for both of us so I'm not even going to ask you. Next question?"

The whole class laughs at his answer.

Pictures started flashing across the screen again, where I put a list of all of Archers favorite things. The next clip was Archer working on his car in my garage. "Are you going to stand there video taping me or are you going to help me?" The camera shakes as I set it down going over to help him with the motor work.

More pictures cut us working off, where I also put Archers life goals on the screen. A video of me and Mac working on Archers sign pops up, "Mac this is perfect! He's going to love it!" The camera zooms in on his sign before fading black. The screen quickly cuts to us on Halloween. "Don't worry, I won't let you trip Arch."

"So where you parked is fine and dandy-" I walk around behind him grabbing the blindfold untying it. "- but I think a this spot would be better." I pull the material off of his face. Instantly Archer has a huge grin on his face. "Did you do this?" I nod, "I had a little help from Mac. But it's official, you're part of our dysfunctional racing family." He wraps his arms around me, the video fades to more pictures. I didn't put any facts or anything here, just my favorite pictures of us.

The next video is us on the cliff during the daytime. It's starts as a pan of the view. "I've never been up here during the day." The camera shifts to Archer, "It's so peaceful, no crowd, no DJ's, no roaring cars. It's nice." The next set of pictures is mainly childhood pictures, with facts about his family.

"I didn't know you were recording then princess." Archers whisper in my ear sends shivers down my spine but do my best to ignore him.

The camera changes to us on Halloween again. Dancing to Love Story, looking like we're in our own world. Both of us smiling at the other.

I didn't even know Laci took this video. But when I was looking over the footage I knew I had to put it in the video.

Pictures fly across the screen relaying more random facts I have learned about Archer, before flipping to him trying to do a handstand in my bedroom. "Come on Archie just admit that you can't do a handstand and we can move on." Archer tumbled over with a loud thud. "You messed up my concentration!" He exasperates. "No you just suck at handstands." Archer grabs my slipper and chucks it at me. When the slipper hits the camera, the video switches to more pictures. With a bunch of random facts about him, facts such as 'Archer can't do a handstand.'

I can feel Archer laughing next to me, his arm squeezing me slightly.

The camera pans around our friendgiving table, before shifting to Archer. "What do you mean apple pie is the best? Pumpkin is way better!"
"No Archer you're sadly mistaken because apple pie will always trump pumpkin any day."

Archer picks up a dinner roll and throws it at Laci's face, causing a huge fit of laughter.
More pictures flash across the screen, facts about all of his favorite things cover the screen. A video of Archer singing in my kitchen comes across the screen. "I saw the light in the sunrise, back in a 40 on the muddy riverside. Gettin' baptized in holy water and 'shine. With the dogs runnin'. Saved by the sound of the been found. Dixie whistled in the wind, that'll get you Heaven bound. The Devil went down to Georgia but he didn't stick. This is God's country" He turns around to grab something and his cheeks instantly flame red. "I didn't hear you come in." He fumbles, "I didn't tell you I was in here. I was admiring your voice." His cheeks go redder.

"I told you to delete that video princess." He growls lowly in my ear, nipping it. His hand squeezing my thigh. I had to bite my cheek to stop the small moan in the back of my throat.

More pictures with facts about his musical interests before switching to us in my front doorway. "Nonsense! Follow me kids!" We follow my dad outside to where his black pick up truck was freshly washed and detailed. My dad sets the pick up keys in Archers hands. "What do you think kid?"

Archers jaw drops. "Ar-are you serious!?" He stutters. "As a heart attack. Merry Christmas Archer." He drops my hand embracing my dad in a tight hug. "Now go on you two, have fun. But be safe!"

A few more pictures come on the screen with the question 'if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?' The next clip comes up with Archers answer. "Romania. I will find where they keep the dragons." The clip fades to our plane tickets to Romania, Paris and Tokyo, then to Archer running through the forest on the second day of our trip. "I'm hunting dragons!" He yells as I laugh. The camera is shaky as I run to keep up with him. "I guess we can check Romania off of your bucket list huh?" I shout back to him. Pictures of us in Romania, France, and Japan fly across the screen with some of list bucket list items.

"I can't believe we didn't find them! We searched all day and nothing! Harry Potter has lied to me!" Archer dramatically groans.

The camera fades to me sitting alone in my bedroom. "Well that's the story of the crazy, wonderful, goofy Archer. Over the five months of filming him I've learned so much. Archer grew up in a tough childhood. Something that I'm not going to get into out of respect for him. But even though he had a tough upbringing he always has a smile on his face. And boy is his smile enough to light up any room. He is the most kind, caring, funny, outgoing person I have ever met. I'm so thankful for this project and getting to know Archer personally. So thank you so much for watching it. Bye" I blow a kiss to the camera and the video fades to black one last time.

"Outstanding Miss Miller! What a wonderful presentation. Well done!" My face flushes at the compliment. "Good job princess." Archer kisses the side of my head.

I couldn't wipe the smile off my face I'd I tried.

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