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I woke up from the best night's sleep I've had in a long time. Groaning I tried to sit up, but the arm around my waist restricted me.

Arm around my waist?

I quickly snapped my eyes open. I was outside? What the hell?

Memories of last night hit me like a train. Archer and I arguing. Me slapping him. My mom coming back. Us arguing. Her hitting me. Me running. Archer finding me. Him holding me. Him comforting me. Him being there. Him knowing.

It had to be his arm around my waist. "Good morning princess." Hearing his morning voice sent to goose bumps through my body. Instinctively I rolled over to face him.

"Morning." I still didn't know where we stood. Yesterday we were fighting, but we weren't? I don't even know anymore. All I knew is I didn't want to be fighting with him anymore. He was to important to me now.

"Archie are we-"
"Princess we should-"

We both started talking at the same time. I breathe a quick chuckle. "You go first." I look up at his face. "We should talk. About what happened yesterday..." I nod, totally agreeing. "I shouldn't have yelled at you. You were just trying to be nice. I'm sorry." I didn't even know what to say. I hadn't expected him to apologize. "No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed, it wasn't my place to try and get involved in whatever you have going on. And I definitely should not have slapped you. I guess karma got me back on that one." I motioned to my cheek.

My cheek was sore, which doesn't surprise me. I tend to bruise easily. Light as a feather Archer ran his hand across my cheek, if I wasn't looking at him I wouldn't have been able to feel his hand on me. "I'm sorry this happened to you." I barely heard him whisper.

"Hey, this. This is not your fault." I grab his hand, intertwining our fingers. "Who did this to you?" His voice is filled with pain, and anger..? "My mom..." I didn't think he heard me. "Why would she do that to you?" I honestly wasn't sure what to say. Do I tell him about my mom? I know I can trust him, but he doesn't need to hear my sob story.

"It's not a pleasant story Arch..." Using the arm not attached to my hand he tips my chin up. "You can tell me anything princess." And I did, I told him everything.

"My mom left when I was ten. I didn't understand it at the time, but as I got older I realized she was having an affair. She didn't like the lifestyle that my dad was living. Always more focused on his next project car than anything else. I was always in the garage with him, wanting to help with his projects. He was a police officer by day, street racer by night. Kind of ironic given the circumstances." I let out a dry laugh. "Alex was fifteen, so he could make the decision on who he wanted to live with. He chose to stay with my dad, as our whole lives were here... My sister..." Tears spring in my eyes just thinking about the memories. "My sister Addison- Alex's twin. She chose to leave with mom. So they packed up and left. Didn't even say goodbye or anything. I remember coming home from school. My dad and Alex were both crying. They tried to play it off like nothing was wrong. But I was smart for my age. Eventually they explained that Mom and Addi moved away to Minnesota. To start a new life and live with a new family." My voice was getting thick. "After mom left dad quit cars all together. But I didnt. I kept learning, teaching myself most things. He hoped if he stopped she would come back. And I hoped if I kept learning my dad would begin to love the passion we both shared again. She didnt come back, and he didn't touch a car again. I stayed in touch with Addi, my mom on the other hand thought I was a lost cause and cut all contact with me. I was to much like my dad. Not girly enough for her. Then a month or so before my fourteenth birthday Addi stopped contacting me. Cut all ties. I had been working odd jobs, mowing lawns, babysitting, shit like that. Saving for a car of my own."

I pause taking a deep breath.

"I talked with my dad and he agreed that I could spend my money, so we flew to Minnesota. We ended up going the day before my birthday. We tracked down where my mom and Addi were. I remember knocking on the door and some guy opened the door. I think it was her new husband Robert. I don't know, I never asked his name. I asked him where Addi was, hoping I had the right address. He point blank told me that Addi was dead. No emotion, no remorse, just nothing."

The tears were falling freely now. "He... He uh... Told me she killed herself, and then slammed the door in my face. My older sister committed suicide. She died and not once did my own mother think to call us. It was after that I gave up on trying to be apart of her life. She was officially dead to me, as I had been to her. I haven't spoken to her since. Except for yesterday."

Archer didn't say anything. How could I expect him to. He simply pulled me into his warm embrace and held me tight.

That's one of the things I've grown to love about Archer. He can make me feel better without any words at all. Just being here, his presence alone calms me.


We laid there not speaking for awhile longer. "Are we okay now? No more fighting?" I ask him. He smiles at me. "No more fighting." He leans down kissing my forehead. We both held up our pinkies at the same time. And I couldn't help but smile.

Soon after our heart to heart, well my story and his listening that is. Archer and I packed up the cars heading back to my house. He agreed to come to my house in case my mother was still there, besides he had to drop off the truck. I couldn't face her alone right now. Alex's flight left late last night, and dad was working a double today. That's if he went to work. I hope he went to work... He shouldn't be missing his job for me. I'm already to much of burden.

The drive back was peaceful. I just drove, no racing, no crying. Just a relaxing cruise, my dad's pickup with Archer inside always in the rearview mirror.

Pulling into the thankfully empty driveway I killed the engine. Archer hops out throwing the keys to me. "Want to stay for some pizza?"
"As long as this one doesn't have pineapple on it then sure!"
"That was one time give me a break jackass!"

Running into the house we continue our banter about pizza when my phone rings. I honestly forgot about the thing, after ditching it on the couch as I ran out yesterday.
"Hello?" It was an unknown number calling me, so I was confused. "Good fucking god Jupiter where have you been!? You can't just run off like that!" If it was anyone else who was worried I would feel bad. But no it was my mother who called.

"How in the hell did you get this number?"
"Nevermind that, where did you go young lady. You are so grounded when we get home-"
"Hang the fuck on what do you mean we? There is no we in this relationship. There is you who walked out on me.''
"Now Jupiter that's all in the past now. You're coming to live with me and that's final."
"I'll be eighteen soon, you can't control my life anymore. You have no say in where I go, what I do, or who I'm doing it with. You lost that privilege when you walked out on me. Go fuck yourself." I hang up the phone quickly blocking the number.

"So pizza?" I looked at Archer with a hopeful smile.

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