Twenty Six

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Life was perfect. I had straight A grades, the best of friends, the most amazing boyfriend, and a great family (excluding my psycho mother). Archer officially swallowed his pride and moved in with us fully. Finally getting it through his this skull that we only wanted to help him and we weren't trying to pity him. So he's been fully living here for about two weeks.

It was now March, the weather was finally beginning to warm up which meant it was almost racing season again. Jacob and Morgan's wedding was just under a month away, and I finally got the fitted bridesmaid dress the other day I couldn't be more excited!

My mom had finally given up her incessant calling. After blocking her number she tried emailing me, calling me off of pre paid phone numbers, texting and emailing my dad, even sent letters to the house. All about me moving with her. She threatened to take my dad to court, but we both knew that she couldn't just take me away. I was eighteen for gods sake.

Life was finally great.

I'm currently in my room with Laci getting ready for the date that Archer was taking me on tonight. Originally Archer was going to hang out in here while I got ready. But Laci wasn't having it, needing some serious girl time. I wasn't complaining, as I needed some girl time too. "Hey J.... I need to tell you something." I was in my closet getting dressed, but something in her tone of voice made me drop my dress and run out to the room in just my leggings from earlier and a bra.

"What's up Lace? Is everything okay?" She didn't say anything at first and promptly broke down crying. I quickly sprang into best friend mode, running over to comfort her. "Lace talk to me, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong." I pull her into my arms. "I'm pregnant."

Holy shit.

"Um, okay. Well before I say anything how do you feel?" I felt guilty, because a part of me was happy for her. Even though she was currently sobbing about it. "I want to keep it. You know how badly I want to be a mom. But I also didn't expect to be one in high school..." She trails off. "Does Mac know, or your parents?" She nods. "You know Mac is there for me, if he wasn't we'd both kill him. My parents are disappointed in me which I also understand. But I've been so scared to tell you-"

"So, you're keeping it?" I cut her tangent off, she slowly nods not meeting my eye. "So what you're saying is.... I'm going to be an auntie?" I tried to keep my voice calm, but I could feel the excitement bubbling. "You're not mad?" Oh Lace... "Mad? Why would I be mad! This is amazing Lace! We've been talking about this moment since we were kids. I'm so happy for you, as long as this is what you want I will be here!" I throw my arms around her shaking with excitement.

"Okay, go do your happy dance. I can feel you shaking." I jump up screeching and dancing around my room. "I'm gonna be an auntie!" I squeal. "Okay psycho bitch go get ready for your date!" I nodded, not before I quickly drop to my knees in front of her, kissing her still flat tummy telling the baby I loved it.


After alot more squealing from me, and many more kisses to Laci's belly. I was ready for my date, and Laci's belly had so many lipstick marks on it.

I had picked up my red plaid dress I dropped on the floor throwing that on. I paired it with spiderweb fishnets, a black crossbody, and chunky heeled boots with spikes on them. Laci was currently doing my hair. She covered my mirror claiming she wanted it to be a surprise.

"And voila!" She rips the towel from my mirror. She curled my hair into loose beach waves, half of it was pinned up beautifully into a messy yet elegant bun. Around the bun was a red ribbon tied into a bow. "Oh my god Lace it's amazing!" I squeeze her arm.
"Princess are you ready to go?" Archer knocks on the door before walking in. His jaw drops a bit as he stares at me.

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