2. Meeting the boys

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A few months ago Brianna and I escaped from that hell hole. We have been living on the streets for a little while now. We are both 15, well I am nearly 16 and she has just turned 15. Just as I was born mum got drunk and Paul took advantage of that and had sex with her, leaving her pregnant again with Brianna.

She always wanted to leave him but he threatened her.

My dad died a little before I was born in a car accident on the way home. I never knew him but I found photos of him stored away in boxes hidden in the basement of the house.

Before we ran away Brianna and I took our most valuable things and ran. I have photos of my mum and dad and Brianna has all of our toiletries stuff and photos of mum.

I was just walking through the streets of Sydney trying to find some food or something when I accidentally bumped into someone. I immediately fell to the ground because I was so weak.

"I'm so sorry mister, I didn't mean to hurt you. Please don't hurt me" I said quietly. I was so used to Paul beating me if I touched him. I probably looked like a mess at the moment but I don't care, I never had anyone care for me in my life so why should I start now.

I quickly hopped up from the floor and ran as quickly as I could back to Brianna. I could hear someone chasing me and yelling out.

I got  to mine and Brianna's "place" and yelled out to her.

"Brianna help, someone's chasing me"

"Who is it?"

"I don't know. I accidentally ran into them while I was trying to look for food so I ran and they followed me"

We heard footsteps and prepared for the worst.

We cuddled up together in the corner and waited for the beating but it never came.

We looked up and there was this guy around the age of 18 or 19 looking at us.

"Do you guys need some help?" he said while putting his hand out to us.

I cowered down but Brianna reached up and grabbed his hand.

I looked up and they were whispering to each other.

He crouched down in front of me and smiled.

"What's you name?"

I looked up at Brianna and she nodded her head.

"Caitlyn" I said quietly.

'What was it sorry?"

"Caitlyn" I said just as quiet.

"Her names C..C..Caitlyn" Brianna stuttered.

"Pretty name" he said while smiling.

"T..Th.Thanks" I stuttered quietly.

"Guys do you need a place to stay?"

"Yes" Brianna said nervously while I said "No" at the same time.

"She's got trust isssues. We do really need a place to stay if you don't mind?"

"Not at all! How long have you guys been staying here for?"

"A few weeks" Brianna said disappointed.

"Where is your stuff?"

I looked over at the box each of stuff that we have. He smiled and went over to them.

"Be careful of them, they are really important to us" Brianna said quietly.

He nodded and took them out of our place and to somewhere, probably his car?

He came back and told us to come with him. Brianna started following him but I just stayed still.

He turned around and noticed I wasn't coming.

"Come on Caitlyn. It's fine. He's not gonna hurt us" Brianna whispered to me.

I shook my head and stayed still.

The guy came over and lifted me up. He touched one of my bruises and I yelped out in pain.

"What's wrong?"He said while putting me down. As soon as he put me down on my own 2 feet I fell to the ground.

He lifted me up again but carefully this time and carried me to his car.  Brianna sat in the back with me while I lied down.

She ran her fingers over my scars and sighed.

'You guys alright back there?"

"Yeah" Brianna said 

"Well my name is Brock"

"Nice to meet you" Brianna said

"You to girls"

After about 15 minutes we stopped. I looked out of the window and we were at a big house.

"Well this is where I live, I also live with 4 other guys. Just to let you know"

"That's fine" Brianna said.

"I will just take these up and put them in your rooms"

"Thank you so much for all of this" Bri said.

"It's seriously no problem at all"

We all walked up to the house and Brock knocked on the door. I kept my head down and avoided eye contact. I was never allowed to make it anywhere with anyone. I only did with Brianna, because she is the only one I can trust.

A few seconds later someone opened the door.

"Hey Mitch.These girls are staying with us, don't ask them to many questions about it"

"We don't mind if you ask a few. I'm Brianna" Brianna said

I could sense that someone was staring straight at me. I looked up and saw a boy around my age staring at me. I quickly looked back down and played with the sleeves of my shirt.

"And that's Caitlyn, she doesn't talk that much" she said quietly to him, but I still heard.

He moved to the side so we could come in.

"Can you ask Brock where my room is, I want to sleep" I said quietly to Brianna.

"Brock where is Caitlyn's room?" Brianna asked him.

"Go upstairs and it's the second room on the left"

"Thanks" she said.

"can you please stay with me? I don't want to be alone" I said quietly.

"Sure, c'mon"

She put her arm over my shoulder protectively and took me to my room.





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