55. Going Back Home

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Caitlyn's POV

I woke up and there were 4 people in the room, one of them being the doctor.

I noticed one person and that was Mitch. The other 2, I couldn't remember their names. One was supposedly my sister and the other was apparently my boyfriend.

"Sorry what are your names again?" I asked nervously.

"I'm Brianna" the girl said.

"And I'm Tyrone but you used to call me Ty"

"And I'm Mitch"

I nodded my head and looked at the doctor expectantly.

"Do you remember something?"

I nodded my head and he grabbed his clipboard to start writing, I'm guessing.

"Um I remember something while I was in the coma"

"What was it?"

"I was somewhere and there was white everywhere. But I wasn't in heaven. It was real, I know it was, so I'm not crazy!"

"You aren't crazy Caitlyn, now what else was there?"

"My parents"

Someone started choking and then coughing hysterically. I looked and it was Brianna.

"Where are your parents now?"

I told them where they were and a blonde boy charged into the room.

He kissed Brianna on the lips and then wrapped his arms around her waist.

He whispered something in her ear and she gasped but looked happy.

She looked at me and smiled at me.

"Caitlyn. I have a really important question for you. Do you remember this man?"

She showed me a picture of a man and a shiver went down my spine. I recognised who it and I hated what he did to me. I remember what happened to me as a child, all the abuse and rape. I nodded my head at her and she smiled at me.

"He's in prison for life sentence"

Tyrone started tracing patterns on my leg lightly.

"Please don't touch me mister" I said while closing my eyes and gripping the sheets tightly.

"When can we take her home?" Tyrone said pulling his hand away from my leg.

"I don't want to go anywhere with you guys" I said cowering away from them.

"Baby please, I know you don't remember but I love you" Tyrone said.

"Stay away from me" I said.

The doctor whispered something in Mitch's ear and he nodded.

"Well you can leave today Caitlyn but you are gonna have to stay on your medication alright?"

I nodded my head and gulped.

"This is only gonna hurt for a second" the doctor said.

He stuck a needle into my neck and everything started going blurry.

Tyrone's POV

I picked Caitlyn up carefully out of her bed and carried her in my arms. My beautiful girl.

This was the only way we were gonna get Caitlyn to come with us, if we knocked her out.

We signed all the sheets that we had to and took her home.

I carried her to her room and she had lost heaps of weight again. Just as she was going back to normal, shit had to happen to her.

She began stirring around in my arms and thrashing her arms while screaming.

"Baby? Caitlyn? Wake up princess"

Her eyes shot open and she looked around everywhere. She looked up at me and screamed.

I put her down and she ran into the closest room that happened to be hers. She slammed the door and locked it securely.

"Baby open the door, I promise I won't hurt you. It's me Tyrone, remember from the hospital?"

"What am I doing here? Where am I?"

"You are at your house, you live here. Just walk around your room maybe you will remember some things"

I heard a lot of things dropping on the floor from inside her room and then a loud thud.

I barged into her room and she was looking up at me innocently.

I leaned down so I could be eye level with her and you could see the nervousness in her eyes.

"Do you remember anything?" I asked her.

She pointed to the photo frame that was on her bedside table.

Her mum and dad..






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