9. Falling

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Caitlyn's POV

I woke up and heard noises in the kitchen, it was probably Mitchel cause he wasn't on the mattress.

I walked in and sat at the table.


"Morning. What are you making?" I asked quietly.

"I'm making everyone breakfast and for you we are going to start off small so you are gonna have a hot chocolate"

"A hot chocolate?"

"You've never had a hot chocolate?"

I shook my head and he nearly dropped the cup.

He walked towards me with the cup and handed it to me. When I grabbed it out hands brushed together. Oh no.

"I..I'm so sorry mister.... It won't happen again" I said while closing my eyes and shaking.

"Caitlyn, Caitlyn, It's me Mitchel, CAITLYN!" He said while touching my hand. I flinched and screamed.

I dropped to the floor and started screaming.

I heard footsteps come up from behind me.

"Please don't hurt me" I whispered over and over again.

"Caitlyn it's alright, your safe, it's me, Brianna"

She pulled me into a hug and squeezed tightly.

"Ow!" I screamed out in pain.

"What's wrong?" Mitchel asked.

She grabbed my hand and took me to the bathroom.

"Let me have a look"

I slowly took off my jumper and she looked at all my scars and bruises that Paul gave me.

"Can I.. Can I see your arms?" She said on the verge of crying. I pulled my arms out from behind me and nervously showed her.

She screamed a little bit and started crying.

I quickly put them to my sides so she couldn't see them. I hugged her and pulled away when she started talking.

"I'm so sorry about everything that happened. I could have stopped him but I didn't-"

"No you couldn't have. No one could. No one could have stopped anything that happened. Except for I could have helped mum, it was my fault that she's dead. If I bloody kept my mouth shut then she would still be here-"

"Shut up, shut up, SHUT up. You couldn't have done anything about it! It was not your fault!" She yelled.

"I'm so sorry Brianna" I said while grabbing the razor.

"No Caitlyn. Don't! You don't want to do this! Stop hurting yourself!"

"It keeps me calm Brianna. I have to do it"

"I will scream out to the boys, you don't want them to find out, do you?"

"Don't!" I warned her.

"Then put it down"

"You know I can't"

"Caitl-" she stopped talking when I slid the razor across my arm just above the elbow, 7 times.

I cleaned it up and looked at her. Her face was pale and she was shaking.

I put my jumper back on and walked out of the bathroom and sat at the table.

"What did you do to her?" I heard Christian yell from the bathroom.

I picked up my hot chocolate and stood up but my arms were to weak. I dropped the hot chocolate and it smashed on the floor. I dropped to the floor immediately and tried to clean it up.

"Caitlyn. Stop. Get away from the glass. Go to the lounge room" Luke said trying to be calm.

I tried to pick myself up and leave but I just couldn't. I didn't have it in me.

"Leave Caitlyn! Get out!" He yelled.

I quickly picked myself up and ran. I ran past everyone in the lounge room and out the front door.

I ran down the street and ended up at a beach. I reached the sand and hugged my knees while crying into them.

A few minutes later someone came and sat next to me. I looked at them and it was Mitchel. I quickly looked away and cried on my knees again.

"Caitlyn, look at me" he said softly.

I shook my head and he sighed.

"Caitlyn! Look at me" he said a little louder.

I lifted my head up from my knees and stared out at the crashing waves. I had never been to the beach before.

Mitchel grabbed my chin and turned me to face him.

"DONT DO THAT! EVER AGAIN!" I yelled while pulling away from him.

"I.. I'm so sorry Caitlyn"

"You apologised?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I, I am truly sorry for hurting you"

"I know that Brianna told you what happened to me so yeah It's just that my stepdad never.... he never apologised when he hurt me"

"I'm sorry about that Caitlyn but you need to stop thinking about him. You live with us now and your safe, stop thinking that we are going to hurt you"

"How can you tell me to stop thinking about him when I am scarred for life! I am never going to forget what he did to me, I can't. You don't know what it's like to be me or what I have been through!" I yelled angrily.

"Why can't you forget?" He said back angrily.

"Because the scars remind me everything day!" I blurted out. Oh shit he wasn't meant to know that.

"What scars?" He asked quietly.

"Nothing. You know to much already, your not meant to know anything" I said while standing up to run away. Just as I started to run away Mitchel grabbed my hand lightly.

I screamed and fell to the ground crying.

"Please Caitlyn, Please. Let me touch you, I want to comfort you. I hate seeing you like this"





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