46. Cemetery

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Caitlyn's POV

Today I was going to visit my fathers grave. This is the first time I have ever seen it. I told everyone that I just wanted to go by myself and they all understood.

"Be safe okay baby"

"I will Ty"

"I love you"

"I love you to. I'll only be gone for around 2 hours okay?"

"Okay I love you"

"I know. I love you to"

I kissed him softly before walking out the door. We lived around 10-15 minutes away from the cemetery so I just decided to walk there.

I was thinking about everything that has happened to me throughout my life and thought that it was all over now, I was safe now with the boys.

I got to the cemetery and looked around at all the tomb stones. I looked around at them all till I found the one that belonged to my father. Kyle Parker.

I sat down in front of the tomb and read over the writing.

"Hi dad, I know we have never met before but I'm your daughter, Caitlyn Lee Parker"

I breathed out slowly and held back the tears.

"I'm sorry I have never visited before I didn't really have a choice. For most of my life I have been stuck with my evil stepfather. It's not mums fault that she was with him so don't blame her. I hope you guys are happy up there! I know that you have probably been watching me from above and you are probably disappointed in me for the things I do but I.. I just can't help it... I'm sorry daddy. He just hurt me so much that I couldn't do anything else" by now I was crying heavily.

"Okay enough of the bad stuff I should probably tell you about some of the good things in life. Well I have a stepsister and her name is Brianna, she is my best friend! And well we moved in with a few boys and I have a boyfriend and so does she. I will show you a few photos of my friends"

I got out my phone and went into my photos. I showed "dad" all my photos of me and Ty, me and Bri and me with all the rest of the boys.

After nearly 2 hours I started to get really emotional. I had decided to come here every weekend to visit my parents graves.

"I love you daddy, I will be back next weekend. It was really nice finally meeting and talking with you"

"Well well well little miss Caitlyn. I thought I'd never see you again but I know exactly where to find you" that rough familiar voice said from behind me.

I turned around and saw my worst nightmare. Paul.

"What.. What are you doing here? How did you find me?" I stuttered.

"I'm here to take you back and I have my ways"

"I'm.. I'm.. I.. I'm not going anywhere with you" I took a step back but tripped over a stick. I fell on my ass and started crawling away.

He smiled creepily and walked over to me. I screamed and he whacked me across the face.

He grabbed out a cloth and covered my mouth with it. It was making me really sleepy. The last thing I remembered was getting picked up and carried throughout the cemetery.


I woke up and I was in Paul's car but I couldn't move, what had he done to me?

I tried to squirm around but I couldn't. I started hyperventilating and looking around everywhere.

"Shut up you stupid bitch. We are nearly there"

"Please don't mister! I just want to go back to my friends"

"Since you ran away from me you are not going anywhere"

"Please don't hurt me mister"

He pulled into the driveway and hopped out of the car while slamming the door shut. He came over to my side and opened the door. He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me out of the car.

He dragged me into the house and I heard heaps of people talking. I curled up into a ball when he let me go and started crying silently.

"Shut up and get over here"

I tried to hop up but when I did I fell over. I crawled over and he told me to sit on the couch. I did as he said and this creepy man started rubbing my legs.

I looked up at all the people that were in Paul's living room and locked eyes with a person that I least expected to be here.


I bet you all weren't expexting that! :)




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