51. Hospital

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Brianna's POV

"Guys only family is allowed to see her and its only 1 person at a time. While I'm seeing her can you guys tell the lady that these people aren't allowed to see Caitlyn under any circumstances" I said showing them a photo of Paul.

"Yeah sure" Luke said.

"Tyrone I need to talk to you for a second"

I walked over to the corner of the waiting room and Tyrone followed me.

"What did you want to talk about? Is Caitlyn alright?"

"She's in a coma Ty and they don't know if she's gonna wake up. But I need to tell you something really important"

"What is it?" He asked worriedly.

"She was carrying your baby Ty"


"It didn't make it"

"Damn it!" He punched the wall and fell to the ground. 

 "What's wrong Ty?"

"I know that she has always had a soft spot for Mitch even though she loves me. If we had this baby it would have brought us even closer and Mitch would have been fully out of the picture"

"Ty she loves you so much! As soon as she started dating you she hasn't mentioned Mitch to me, she's always been talking about you"

"Can I see her?"

"They said family only but I can try and sneak you in"


We walked to Caitlyn's room but stopped just before we opened the door. I took a deep breath and opened the door handle.

I fell to the ground and started crying hysterically. She looked dead.

She was taped up to heaps of machines and there were cords everywhere.

I hopped up and shakily walked to her bed.

"Caitlyn I know you probably can't hear me but I want you to know that I love you so much! And I'm glad that I decided to run away with you cause then I would never have met Christian if I didn't! You have done so much for me, and you are such a strong girl, I'm proud of you sis! Mum and dad would be proud of you"

Caitlyn's POV

I could hear people talking to me but I couldn't feel my body or open my eyes. It was like I was dead. All I could see was darkness and a bright light in the distance.

Tyrone's POV

After Bri finished talking to Caitlyn I grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly.

"You have to come back to me Caitlyn. I love you so much, you can't just leave me"

'If you ever leave me baby'

'Leave some morphine at my door'

I started singing. I couldn't finish cause I was choking on my own tears.

"Please baby just wake up for me"

"I'm sorry sir, visiting times are over"

"I can't. I'm staying here"

We fought for around 5 minutes and she eventually let me stay. Thank god!

The chairs were really uncomfortable and I would rather be sleeping with Caitlyn but I know I couldn't. So I just slept with my chair right next to her bed and I was holding her hand.

Just before I fully fell asleep I heard someone open the door and sigh.

Mitchel's POV

I told everyone that I was gonna stay with Caitlyn and Brianna came along with me. Christian wanted to stay with Brianna but she just wanted some space at the moment.

So Christian, Luke and Brock were at home while Ty, Brianna and I stayed here with Caitlyn.

We went to her room and opened the door finding Ty asleep on a chair next to her bed, holding her hand.

I sighed and sat on the other side of her bed and watched her sleep. It sounded creepy but she was so beautiful.

"I love you Caitlyn" I said quietly before kissing her softly.






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