50. Getting her back

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Brianna's POV

Today we were gonna try and get Caitlyn back. It was going to be very hard.

We all got into Brock's car and headed off to my old house.

"Okay so at the next roundabout turn left and then turn onto Bracket St. Then it is number 46"

Brock did as I said and after a few minutes we pulled up in front of the house. There were heaps of cars here, dad was probably throwing another one of his "get togethers".

"Right next to my old room is a tree that we can climb. I used to sneak out all the time when I lived here. We can sneak up there but then we will have to sneak around the house to find her. There are gonna be heaps of people inside so we have to be quiet"

They all nodded their heads and we headed towards my old bedroom.

Tyrone, Mitchel and I headed up towards my bedroom while Christian, Luke and Brock stayed as look outs.

We all stood in my bedroom and could hear the loud male voices from downstairs. I tip toed to the door and opened it quietly. I waved at the boys to follow me, I looked into the corridor and it was empty.

We walked to Caitlyn's old room quietly but no one was in there. If she is downstairs then we are dead meat, there would be no way of getting her back.

I was thinking of where else she could be. Bathroom? Spare rooms? Basement? Dad's room?

We checked all the rooms except for dad's room and she wasn't there.

I quietly went to dad's room and opened the door. The door wouldn't fully open cause there was something blocking the way.

I slipped in and tried not to scream. Caitlyn was lying motionless on the floor in her own blood.

I put my hand in my mouth and bit down on it.

"No Caitlyn no!" I said quietly. Tyrone and Mitchel came in and they both started crying silently.

Tyrone picked her up and carried her to my bedroom. Just as we got in the room we heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

I pushed Mitchel and Tyrone out the window and carefully gave Caitlyn to them so they could carry her down.

Just as I hopped out the window someone walked into my room. He was around Luke's age and he was quite attractive but I know what he would be like.

His eyes widened and he ran over to the window, I looked over to the car and saw everyone was there, waiting for me.

I slipped down the tree and sprinted over to the car. I jumped in the backseat and we drove off.

"Shit Caitlyn" I sobbed "Quickly Brock! To the hospital"

I grabbed her hand and cried into her stomach.

I heard Tyrone speaking next to me so I looked over at him to find him talking to Caitlyn. He was crying and he would repeatedly kiss her. He obviously loves her so much!

"Bri it will be okay, she will be okay" Christian said.

I screamed and buried my head in her stomach again.

"Why" I whispered repeatedly.

The car stopped and Caitlyn got lifted off my lap.

I looked up and Tyrone was running into the hospital with Caitlyn in his arms.

I sat in the car crying into Christians chest.

"Baby it's alright, she is the strongest girl I know. She will make it, she needs you to be strong for her alright baby girl" He said while running his hands through my hair.

I nodded and tried to control my crying. I looked up at Christian and I probably looked like a panda with my mascara running. He smiled at me and started wiping at my cheeks.

I gave him a quick kiss and hopped out of the car with him following behind.

He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"I feel so sorry for Ty" I sobbed.

"Yeah and Mitch" Christian added.

"He still loves her" I said sympathetically.

"Yeah he has never stopped"

We walked into the hospital and Tyrone was sitting in the waiting room leaning againt the wall crying his eyes out. Brock and Luke were comforting him while Mitchel was just sitting on the either side of the wall staring at nothing in particular.

"I'm just gonna go talk to Mitch okay, you can go talk to the doctor okay babe. I love you remember"

"I love you to Christian"

He kissed me before going over to Mitchel. As soon as he gave Mitchel a hug Mitchel burst into tears.

I walked over to the lady at the desk and she didn't pay any attention to me she was to busy chewing her gum loudly.

"Excuse me" I said.


"Caitlyn Parker"

She sighed but looked it up on the computer.

"She's currently in surgery"

"When can I see her"

"When she's out of surgery" she said annoyed.

"Can you tell me when that is?"

"Whatever. Scoot"

I walked over to Tyrone and sat next to him.

"It will be okay Ty"

"What about if she's not? What about if she doesn't make it"

"She will make it okay, Christian said that she's strong so she will make it"

I lay my head on his shoulder and fell into a dreamless sleep.


I woke up to someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and I was in a chair on Christian's lap.

"Wake up babe, the doctor is coming that did Caitlyn's surgery"

I instantly opened my eyes and ran over to the doctor.

"Is Caitlyn alright? Did her surgery go well? Where is she? What happened?"

He looked at me sympathetically and I nearly broke down in tears.

"We fortunately just saved her. She is a fighter, a really tough one that girl. She has a bump to her head and we won't be sure of the causes until she wakes up, if she wakes up, she is in a coma at the moment. She has a massive cut to her arm which we have treated but she had lost a lot of blood and she also has lots of bruises, cuts and scars all over her body, she was lucky to escape from where she did. She was also carrying a child but it didn't make it through all that happened. Only family can go in and see her"

"I'm her sister. Do you know how long she was pregnant for?"

"The tests ran that she was around 3 weeks"

"Thank you doctor, what room is she in?"



So Caitlyn was pregnant with Ty's child.......






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