16. Beach (Part 2)

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Brianna's POV

"Mitchel was so checking out Caitlyn" I said to Christian.

"I reckon he likes her, I know that he cares for her very much. He should ask her out"

"I think so to but she won't say yes I don't think"

"What? Why?"

"Cause of everything that happened to her, it takes a long time to trust people"

"Get her to trust him, you trust all of us so just tell her that she can trust us"

"I'll try"

"Wanna go on a date tonight?"

I nodded my head and kissed him. He grabbed my hips and pulled me onto his lap. 

 After our make out sesh we decided to go in the water.

Caitlyn's POV

I was actually having the best time at the beach! It was so fun! Me and Brock had a splash war which I won with the help of Luke, Mitchel and Tyrone hahaha.

I watched the boys have shoulder wars, I obviously didn't join because yeah you know why. But it was Luke and Tyrone vs Brock and Mitchel. Poor Mitchel got pushed off by Tyrone.

"What are you thinking about?" Mitchel asked.

"That this has been the best day of my life" I said while smiling and touching his arm.



We went over a wave and I swam out a bit further.

"Don't go out to far Caitlyn"

"I won't Mitchy" Mitchy was the nickname I gave him today.

"CAITLYN!" Brianna screamed from shore.

I turned around and she waved at me to come over to her.

I took a step forward when suddenly a wave crashed on top of me.

The water pushed me down and held me down underneath, I tried to swim to the surface but my foot was caught on something.

I screamed out and all this water went into my mouth, drowning me.

I started seeing black dots everywhere and eventually everything went dark.

Brianna's POV

"CAITLYN" I yelled out to my sister.

I was gonna teach her some things about impressing boys and being a proper girl.

She turned around and started walking to shore.

Before we could say anything or even do anything a giant wave came and crashed on Caitlyn.

She didn't resurface for ages.

Brock quickly dived underwater and was trying to grab something. He came back up and looked around.

"She's stuck! Someone help!"

Christian let go of me and ran into the water.

Mitchel and I were just frozen on the spot.

They came up around 5 minutes later with a pale Caitlyn in Tyrone's arms.

She wasn't moving or doing anything.

He quickly ran her back to shore and put her down on the towel.

After realising what was happening Mitchel and I ran over to Caitlyn.

"She's not breathing" Christian said.

I fell to the ground and started crying. Christian picked me up and took me away from everyone else.


He sat down on a bench and I cried into his arms.

Mitchel's POV

Luke kept on pressing down on her chest trying to make her start breathing again but nothing was happening.

I was holding her hand and breathing slowly.

She couldn't die, I hadn't told her how I felt yet, she hasn't even let me touch her properly yet. She was making progress!

"Give her CPR!" Brock yelled

"I don't know CPR" Luke said.

"I do" Tyrone piped up.

"No! You are not touching her like that" I said to Tyrone.

"Well do you want her to die!" He yelled.

I watched painfully as he leant down and have her CPR.

After minutes of mouth to mouth nothing was still happening.

"Bro I think she's gone" Brock said while a tear slipped down his face.

"NO SHE CAN'T BE GONE!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry" Tyrone said while patting my back. "We did the best we could"

I screamed and put my head on her stomach and cried.

"Time of death, 3:16" Luke said.

Bet you guys didnt expext that!





<3 xoxo

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