A/n: I literally couldn't wait to write this chapter... I'm so excited now that we are finally getting to the good part. Anyway, enjoy and once again Happy New Year.
Y/n's POV
I walked into physics and sat down in my usual seat next to Emmett and Jasper who were currently not present. Neither were Alice and Rosalie in my first lesson.
'Maybe they caught Edwards flu.' I thought to myself, sighing as I turned to look out the window.
"Why the long face Swan?" A voice rang out startling me and making me fall backward off my stool but before I could fall completely something caught me.
Looking up I saw Jaspers and Emmetts faces smirking down at me. "Jerks, what the hell? You scared me." I exclaim as Emmett, who had caught me, sits me back.
"Sorry." They say in unison as we all chuckle. "Anyway, what we miss?" Emmett continues.
"Nothing much, just some stuff about gravity and blah blah blah. Honestly, I wasn't paying attention."
"And she wonders why she is retaking the year." Teases Emmett.
Raising my brow I continue. "Gravitational force." I start, a smirking becoming prominent on my face.
"An attraction between two objects with mass. Known as an attractive force because it always pulls two objects together never apart. For example earth has a gravitational attractive pull of 10 meters per seconds therefore whenever something enters the earth atmosphere or rotational pull it's pulled towards earth rather than away. Until it passes through and out."
I watched as the smirk he once wore fell from his face becoming one of shock. "And she says she wasn't listening." Jasper chuckles.
"She has an advantage because she did this last year." Emmett argues in a huff.
"Rich coming from the person who also studied this stuff last year." I say high-fiving Jasper.
"Okay fine well it's rich coming from the person who skipped an entire year of school."
"May have exaggerated how much time I missed... was more like a total of 6 months but I still turned up for some lessons and just flunked the ones I didn't like."
"Wait wait wait so you were held back for flunking a few lessons not missing the entire year?"
"Well 6 months is pretty much a full year."
"That's not even close."
"Well as the teachers put on my report. 'Your child has missed an equivalent of 6 months of school therefore for flunking the year will need to be held back.'"
"But why did you flunk?"
"Like I said, I didn't like the lessons."
"Nah there has to be another reason." Jasper finally chimes in.
Sighing, I give in and explain. "Well I could tell you that my ex was in those classes and I didn't like being in the same room as him. But the truth is that those teachers would purposely pick on me and my friend who had dyslexia. We were always their targets and as a result we'd get bullied by some of our peers so to save ourselves the embarrassment we just stopped turning up."
"Seems justifiable." Emmets says, shrugging his shoulders.
"Right, that's what I tried to explain to the head back in my old school but she was having none of it."
"Head teachers are dicks anyway." Jasper says, shocking me slightly which he caught on to.
"What?" He asked nervously laughing.
The Angry Swan ~ Carlisle Cullen x Reader
Fanfiction~ REGULAR UPDATES ~ Y/n Swan has always had trouble controlling her anger so much so she often made stupid reckless decisions that resulted in her often injuring herself. But after a car accident that killed her best friend and took away her ability...