Ch.34 ~ Meeting The Volturi Pt. 1

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Y/n's POV

I never imagined I'd be a part of a grand theft auto situation such as this. So here's the low down of what's happened. Alice returned to Forks after a vision showing Bella and myself cliff jumping. She'd travelled from New York, where her and the others were staying minus Edward. Edward was staying here in Italy Volterra, home to the Volturi coven of vampires.

Upon news from Rosalie that Bella had "killed" herself, Edward went to the three vampire kings, Aro, Caius and Marcus, asking for them to kill him so he could join Bella. Upon the news of this Bella, myself and Alice bolted out of the house to Carlisle's car, speeding towards the Seattle airport, catching the Cullens private jet, travelling x amount of hours here to Italy to stop said stupid 109 year old vampire boy from making a very stupid and irrational decision.

To top it all off, Alice left us at the airport momentarily to acquire a car. Note the use of the word acquire and line that up to.... THIS BITCH FUCKING STOLE A YELLOW PORCHE. Oh god if Charlie ever found out.

Speaking of Charlie, for the last 10 minutes Alice has been speeding from the airport to Volterra City dad has non stop been texting me worried sick. Of course I've replied with short messages telling him some fake ass excuse which I was 100% sure he hadn't brought due to the last five attempts to call my phone.

Anyway let's get back to the fact Alice committed grand theft auto. Following Bella's remark about her not renting the car and not caring. Shocker.

Alice was pulled into a trance like state which resulted from her mind pulling her deep into a vision. While momentarily trapped in her head the car swerved, making me curse loudly as I launched myself across from the back, between the two front seats and took the steering wheel from the distracted vampire whose foot never let up from the acceleration pedal.

After a few seconds of me driving, Alice gasped lightly as she took the wheel back and patted my arm to let me know she was back to reality. I slumped back into the back seats with a sigh of relief.

"What did you see?" Bella asks the girl whose face was contorted to that of worry and fear.

"They refused him." She utters softly.

"Soooooo..." Bella egged on.

"He's gonna make a scene. Show himself to the humans." Alice replied.

I once again launched forwards from my seat and yelled. "You're fucking kidding me!"

"When?" Bella demands.

"He's gonna wait until noon, when the suns at its highest." As Alice spoke, she saw the image from her vision of Edwards neck being pulled back by one of the guards.

"Alice, you gotta hurry up." Bella panicked, breathing heavily as she gripped tightly onto the dashboard to steady herself in the spreading car.

"There's Volterra." Alice points out an approaching city situated on top of a hill. We all leant forwards to see the cinnamon coloured city outlined by tall dark green trees.

Another ten minutes later of panicked breathing from Bella and leant back mental curses from my nervous self, who despite being incredibly pissed off at Cullen still find myself worried for the boy. We began to race through the thin laned streets of Volterra.

'Fuck since when did I start to care for Professor X.' I mentally sigh as my leg bounced nervously. 'I wished I had some Fluoxetine right now.' I mentally moaned, squinting my eyes shut to try and subside the anxiety rising in my chest.

The further up we travelled through the city to reach the clock tower, the more people we saw walking in the same direction as us dressed in red cloaks and chatting away merrily before scowling at us as we came barging through the crowds in the yellow porch. Alice repeatedly pressed down on the horn.

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