Book 1 Chapter 1

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"The red sky, reminds me of a distant kingdom destroyed by a power sandstorm." Ren stated to his cousin, Bob. "This reminds you of something, cuz?" "Yes, dear cousin, yes." "What is it?" "Reminds me of a distant love I had in the Red Dynasty." "What?" "Yes I existed and played a huge part of that era." "But you were born 70 years after the dynasty fell!" "Cousin I am a werewolf, I can live up to about 250 and still look young." "I kind of forgot about that part." "So, dear cousin, would you like to hear the story?" "Yes!"

"Once upon a time, in a far away land, lies the Kingdom of Renchant. It held one of the most magical and powerful item in the land, the Renchantian Table. It held all the spells that were known to mankind. But, a certain merchant/ruler of the Kingdom of Sand wanted it for himself."

"Sire, the merchants are back." "Good." "What do you mean good? They are a threat to our kingdom!" "Don't raise your voice, Hand." "I am deeply sorry my Lord." "Anyways let them in." "Well, hello Ren!" "DON'T SPEAK MY NAME OUT LOUD, PEASANT!" "Damn, this kingdom business is really getting into his mind, am I right, Scar?" "Yeah! I mean we're are still friends, right?" "I swear to your silver tongues that I will never, EVER, be your friend." "Chill out dude, this is getting out of hand." "Sir, I think they are right." "SILENCE, HAND!" "Opinionated, selfless, cruel king." "What?" "I mean this is how you treat your first hand?" "Well, um." "That is a bad thing to do!" "Shut it, merchant." "We have names, jackass." "I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR BULLCRAP! Leave before things get messy." "Are we supposed to be scared rn?" "SCAR!" "What? It's true." "Hand, escort them to the front gate." "Yes, my Lord." Martyn sighed as he escorts the merchants back to the main entrance.

"I am deeply sorry about my lord's behavior." "No, it's alright. It's just Scar here doesn't shut his mouth up." "Why is everyone being mean today?" "Because Scar, sometimes, you have to keep some opinions to yourself, you don't even realize that you're hurting other people!" "Oh. I guess I am a bad guy after all." "No, Scar!"

Scar storms back to the western desert, sad and broken by the hurtful truth.

"I am quite sorry about my companion, you see, I only became his companion because I accidentally killed his jaguar named Jellie." "It's okay." "Can I stay here for a while? I don't think he wants me back yet." "Oh, sure! You can stay with me at my quarters." "Wonderful!"

Time flew by as Martyn and Grian became inseparable. But this secret alliance was soon found by The Red King. "HAND! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!" "Um, Lord, the companion of the silver-tongued merchant, um, surrendered itself to us." "That is correct, lord." "Unbelievable, I just saw you two enjoying yourselves." "Um, uh." "ENOUGH EXCUSES. Guards! Take these buffoons to the dungeons." Martyn and Grian tried to make a run for it but the guards were too quick.

"Uh, I'm sorry for dragging you into this, Grian." "No, no. I insisted to stay." "No, it is still my-" Their bickering was  cut short by Ren. "So, enjoying your precious time with our rival, Hand?" "N-no, my lord." "SILENCE! That 'no'  of yours is false. I just saw you with your - let's say - companion, having lunch by the tavern!" "So?! Can't I have fun for a little bit? Or are you jealous of Grian?" Ren was startled by his Hand's statement. "Uh, uh, w-why am I going to be jealous~ by some filthy merchant, hand?" He said with confidence. "Because unlike YOU, HE is much more enjoyable, and fun to hangout with." "Are you saying that he makes you happy? But I thought I was that one who makes you happy?" "Back when you were kind and gentle. Now you have been corrupted by this power you control!" "Guards. Take them to the gate. Banish them from this land." "W-wait. R-ren, please! I am sorry for acting up, I promise I will be more obedient. Please! My brother needs me!" Ren just looked away, wiping a tear from his cheek.

"Again, I am so sorry that this has happened." "No, no, don't apologize. You just had no one to be with." Martyn said, wiping off his tears as he spoke. "Thanks. Uh, now what?" "I mean, we are now both exiled from our kingdoms so." "We just go to Joel's then." "It is decided, then my good lord! To Wolf Hill we go!" Grian said, jokingly.

"As the two exiled partners of both ruling kingdoms depart on their journey to Wolf Hill, the rulers they used to be with are now struggling as they now enter war with each other." Said Ren, with a yawn following it. "Woah, and that is just the beginning?" "Yes, dearest cousin, yes it is."


Author's note:
Hello! Welcome to my first fanfic! I am really proud of this short chapter bc EMOTIONSSS! Anyways, Part 2 and 3 may come out next weekend. Goodbye and I'll see you on the Matrix Side.

887 words. Not too bad.

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