Book 1 Chapter 7

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Quick A/N

This is here to not cause confusion.

So this chapter as I said is the second half of the ball (in the book Bob is reading) and the Rendoc Modern AU is still moving along.


"What's happening, Ren? Are you alright?" Bob was worried for his crying ill cousin. "No, it hurts so bad." Ren sobbed. "Ok stay in bed and I will call an ambulance." Bob reaches for his phone and dials 911.

"Hello? This is Hermit Hospitals, how may I help you?" The lady in the phone said. "I need an ambulance now!" "What address are you on?" "Uh it's Lot 9, Street 7, Hermitown." "Ok, they will be there shortly." "What did the lady said?" "She said that help is on the way. Now, stop talking, it will worsen your state." "Ok, Bob. Oh and can you please call Doc from his office?" "Sure." Bob grabs Ren's phone and dialed Doc's number.

"Hello? Ren?" "No, Doc, it's me, Bob, Ren is in a bit, no, not a bit, he is in a lot of pain." "What? Where? Why is he calling me now?" "He just felt the pain, I don't know, I don't control his sickness." "Oh, fine, I'm coming." Doc hang up from the phone.

An hour later, Doc and the ambulance arrived. "What is thee patient's name?" "Rendog M. 77" "Huh?" "Oh, we are married." Doc replied. "I see, and who might you be?" "I'm his cousin, Renbob." "Well, we only need one person to accompany him, who would like to go?" "I'll go." "Ok, I'll just be in the house."

Bob was sweating in fear as to he has no knowledge of what's happening to his poor ill cousin. In a state of panic, he opened his book and started reading where he left off.

"Who did you go to the dance with?" "Oh, his name is Doc. And from the looks of it, I think he is an inventor." "So, how did you meet such a fine specimen of a man?" "Well, I guess it was by fate." This made Martyn break inside. "How do you believe it is?" "Oh next partner." "Huh, weird."

It was now Doc's turn to dance with Ren. "So who were to talking to?" "A friend." "I have a good feeling he was the one that ran away from you." "Shut up, Doc." "Why? It's like a match made in heaven!" "Oh, like you and Bdubs aren't the same." "No we are not." "Your eyes were puffy when you came to me so I assumed you were a tad bit too late to ask him out." "Yeah, I chickened out." "Say, let's make them jealous." "Uh, sure, what do you want to do?" "Hold me tighter." Doc blushed of embarrasment.

Bob's phone started ringing from his pocket. It was Doc. "What's up, Doc?" "Bob, come to the hospital right now." "Okay, okay, coming." He fetched a ride to Hermit Hospitals as fast as he can. Doc was waiting outside.

"How is Ren, Doc?" "Well, the doctors gave him some painkillers at the moment but they are running some tests." "Okay." "Come with me." "Okay?" Bob followed Doc to wherever the heck he wants them to be.

"I know you saw me cheating on Renat the library." "Whaaat? No I didn't." "Explain the book." "The book, psssh, I had it long before you were 'cheating' on Ren, plus I didn't even know that you-" "Tell me the truth." Doc was huffing and fuming with anger.

"Okay, okay, I did see you kiss Bdubs or whoever he is." "So you did! Are you planning on telling him?" "No. Of course not-" "Lying again!" "Okay, okay, you caught me, yes, I did plan on telling, but I can't find the right time to do so." "Good, because if you tell him, I will send you down the deepest chambers of hell." Bob started to cry out of fear. "Wimp." Doc walked off towards the ER.

Bob was trembling and shaking as he could not believe what had happened just now. "Doc just got unhinged!" He exclaimed. "I'm still telling him no matter what." Bob felt determined.

As he returns to the ER, he noticed that they were gone. "Uh where are the people in that were in that area now?" Bob questioned the lobby lady. "3rd floor, Room 308" "Ok."

Ren was just woke up from his nap and he saw he was in a different room. "Where am I?" "You're in a hospital dorm, honey." "Where's Bob?" "Oh he left already." "Why?" "He was running out for errands." "Oh ok. Hope he come back soon." The room was silent till there was a knock on the door. "Oh, that must be the nurse. Uh, come in." Doc said. "First of all, I'm not a nurse, I'm his cousin. So step away from him." Bob said, furiously. "What's up your ass this morning?" Doc questioned, completely disregarding their fight at the garage. "You know what you did." "What did he do to you?" Ren asked. "He pushed me to a wall and punched me!" Bob said. "Lies, Bob, I was with Ren the whole time." "You're the one who is lying, cheater!" "How Dare you accuse my husband as a cheater, Bob?" Ren sternly said. "But he is!" "You have no proof." "But maybe I have." "Show me then." "Wait." "Why wait when you can do it now." "Contacting a friend." "Pish posh, Bob. I don't want you here anymore. Get out." Ren shouted at his cousin. "Fine, I'm leaving, but mark my words cousin, mark my words." Bob sobbed as he exits the building.

Hours of crying have passed and Bob still hasn't stopped crying. It pained him since he has no one to run to. He decided to read away his sadness.

"I see what you're doing to me." Martyn said. "What?" Bdubs, skeptical about what Martyn just said. "Oh nothing. Hey, do you know anything about Doc?" "Yes, why?" "See them over there?" Martyn pointed to the 'couple'. This made Bdubs furious, but he doesn't know why. "Want to take revenge on them?" "Yeah sure". Martyn spun Bdubs and caught back into his arms. Ren was stunned at what Martyn just did. Doc noticed this as he picked up Ren bridal style away from the dance. Martyn followed the two, with Bdubs following behind.

"DUDE! What was that about!" Martyn said. "I don't know, what were you doing with HIM!" "Why don't you say yours first?!" "Well, if you want the truth, I wanted to go to the dance with you but you rushed off too quickly!" "What?" "Yeah! And when I saw you with another man, I swore to make you jealous." "You wanted to go the dance with me?" Martyn almost shed a tear. "Yes!" "Why?" "Because I like you, Martyn! Ever since we met I knew you were going to be my one and only, and for me to now be broken like that? I was so right to exile you. Come on, Doc." Martyn fell to his knees as Ren and Doc walked into a room.

"Hey, bud are you okay?" "No, no I am not." Martyn said, completely heartbroken by Ren. "If you want comfort, I'm here for you." Martyn hugged Bdubs to calm himself down. "I'm going to go talk to Ren." "I'm coming with you."

Martyn knocked on where Ren and Doc entered. Doc answered the door. "Hey, you might want to check on Ren." Doc said. "Okay." "If you need help, me and Bdubs are just outside." Martyn nodded.

"Hey, Ren." Ren sobbed, completely ignoring Martyn's call. "I know you might hate me right now but I am sorry for running off." Again, Ren didn't listen. "Look, I didn't know what I was thinking. My mind went haywire. I just wanted a partner for the dance, that's all." "Well it could've been me, Martyn." "Look, Ren, I'm sorry." "Your silly sorry can't heal what's broken." "Maybe it can. Maybe if I-" Ren cut him off by pushing him. "No! I have had enough of you! You made me believe that you liked me and sent me into a spiral of emotions! Why would you do that to me! I just had a kingdom vanish, people left me, and any more things I can't remember but it still hurts!" "Maybe you got a taste of your own medicine." "What are you talking about, Martyn?" "Because you did the same thing to me!" This stunned Ren. "What?" "You also made me believe you liked me and then you exiled me and everytime I sleep it still hurts even though I had friends to cope with, it just hurts so much!" "I-" Ren hugged a crying Martyn. "Look, Martyn, I'm sorry for exiling you, but, it's in the past-" "No, we are talking about your choices as a king!" "Maybe we should talk about you choices as an actual partner!" "You made me believe you liked me!" "That's because I did!" "Liar!" As Martyn said that, Ren slammed his lips into Martyn, tear flowing down both of their cheeks. "See, I do like you." "No, you don't." "Want me to kiss you again?" Martyn nodded and kissed Ren again, this time with love and happiness rushing through their bodies.

Bob calmed down as he read the final words of the chapter. He was filled and satisfied enough to get some well earned sleep from a really long day.

"Nurse, nurse? Help!" Doc shouted.

Author's Note

Procrastination hits hard. Anyway, enjoy your chapter 7. Oh, and by the way, next chapter is back to normal (which means next chapter is the entire chapter 8 of the book Bob is reading). And with that, I'll see you all on the Matrix Side, roll the outro music. (blasts OG Lazarbeam outro)

1650 words

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