Book 1 Chapter 10

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Hey y'all. Sorry for the VERY late update. You can blame school for that. Anyways, here is the update and final chapter of the Martyn and Ren 3rd Life journey. Much love to everyone and Merry Crimuh to those who celebrate (bc I don't).


"How are you doing, Ren?" Doc asked his husband. A month after the fight happened, Ren did miraculously get better. "Feeling a lot better." "Oh that's right, your medicine. Here, eat up this soup and I will prepare the medicine for you." Doc then handed Ren the soup as Ren watched some TV. "Alright, Hun, drink up! You will feel a lot better." Doc said with a smile. "I'm not a 5 year old for you to say that." Ren chuckled. After an hour of cuddling, Ren fell asleep. Doc left his side as he has some important matters to attend to. He opens the door and Bdubs caught him by surprise. "Hey Doc, how is Ren." Bdubs asked. He looked worried for Doc's husband. "He's doing well. Why ask?" "Well, if you are feeling a bit sad and worried, just remember that I am here to support you." "Thanks, Bdubs." As Doc leans in for the kiss, Ren interrupted with a question. "Who's that on the door, love?" "A friend from work, they just handed me the paycheck for this month." Ren stood from his bed to greet the guest, but Doc prevented him from standing up. "Ren, no, don't stand, I'll just tell them you said hi." "Oh, ok." Bdubs and Doc then rushed out of the hospital to go to a date.

Meanwhile, Bob and Martin are busy working on the library, greeting guests and stamping books. Bob has forgotten about the whole squarrel and moved on with the help of his buddy. "So how is your cousin, Bob?" "I don't know at this point. He doesn't want to see me. I don't even know if he is doing better now." "Hey, if anything happens to your brother, your efforts won't be in vain. I mean you gave up being a hippie and started working a job. Speaking of the hippies, here they are." "Hey Bob, how's your cousin?" Asked Grain, Grian's uncle, who is somehow just 3 years older than Grian himself. "I don't know guys, the man even said it himself that he doesn't want to see me." "And the job?" Dimpulse asked, Impulse's brother. "Yeah, taking over Ren on the job has been great." "But I thought you hated having a job." "That's because the environment there was rubbish, Dim." "But here the environment is?" "The people here are lovely. Been here like 3 months and no complications whatsoever has happened." "Wow, Bob, I'll say this place is rather pleasant and peaceful." "Well if you want, you can go to the botanical section and read about some flowers and plants, then head to the sun room." "Thanks Bob, goodluck on the job."

After the job, Bob headed to the cafe to grab a drink and headed home. He continued to read the rest of the book.

"THERE IS NO MORE POINT IN TRYING, OH GREAT KING REN!" Etho laughed at the defeated pair of Ren and Martyn. Mentioning his fallen state, Ren huffed and puffed. The moon became bloody and the skies turned crimson with silver clouds. A spout of wind swirled around Ren as he turned into his werewolf form. "NO REN, YOU CAN'T CONTROL IT YET-" "SILENCE YOU!" Etho put Martyn in a cage. "You have been the most PESKIEST and ANNOYING person ever!" "All in the name of trying to stop your tyranny!" Martyn shouted. Tears starts to drop down his cheek as there was no more hope. Joel is still asleep, Lizzie is powerless in this makeshift dimension, and Martyn has nothing he can do to help. He has to trust everything to the rogue werewolf. "FINALLY, now that you have been dealt with the problems, time to fight the beast that wrongfully killed the king." A portal opened and Shaman Skizz, Paladin Tango, and the Rogue Impulse appeared. "Kill him." Etho said with a cold tone. Ren tried his hardest to fight off the 3 generals of the undead king but to no avail. Lady Lizzie kept trying to open a portal but she can't. "Hey, m'lady! Try to grab those swords! Then I can let us out!" Lizzie then tried her hardest and managed to grab both the swords. With that, Martyn busted out of his cage and plunged his sword on the Shaman, Lizzie following behind. "Fend them off! I'll try to heal Ren so that he can fight!" Martyn used his swordsmanship to fend off the two remaining generals. After a while, Lizzie started attacking with Ren to take down Paladin Tango. "WHAT! HOW ARE WE LOSING???" The Rouge Impulse tried his hardest but eventually fell to the hands of our 3 units. "UGH! USELESS! I guess I'll have to take matters into my own hands." Kung Etho floated down as a checkered pattern appeared on the floor. "Now, King Ren. I challenge you to a duel. If our king cards fall, one of us loses. Deal?" Ren shakily agreed. "WELL THEN!" 5 cards flied from a stack of cards on Ren's right. In those cards represented Joel, Martyn, Lizzie, Cleo, and BigB. "You go first, Ren."

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