Book 1 Chapter 2

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"So what comes next?" Bob said out of curiosity. "Well"

"On their way to Wolf Hill, they encountered Scott, the royal advisor of the Kingdom of Poppy. Sad and bruised up, looked like he came from a battle with a couple of heavily armed zombies."

"Martyn! Grian! Help!" Scott shouted. "Was that Scott shouting for help just about now, Grian?" "Yeah, it sounded like it came from be- oof!" Grian got cut off from finishing his sentence by Scott ramming into him. "I am so sorry, Grian! I was- I was- hoo!" "It's okay! Breath first, here have some water." "No thanks, I have my own." Scott chugged down his water. "Anyways, what are you doing here?" "I should ask you the same question." "Well, me and Martyn got exiled out of our own kingdoms." "Same." "Those red corrupted kings." Martyn growled.

"But how did you end up like this?" Grian asked. "I was on my way to Joel's place up on Wolf Hill, but then a hoard of zombies assassinated me!" "I am guessing they were armed." Martyn assumed. "Dude, they were armed as heck! They had enchanted swords and everything!" "Wait, but I thought Renchant had the Enchanting table?" "Ren HAD it. But the Kingdom of the Swamp took it." This made Martyn gasp.

"How'd you know?" "I saw them on the outskirts of the Renchant Walls, holding a big bag of something." "Oh no!" "What do you mean?" "My lord-" "We were banished, remember?" "Oh yeah." Martyn sighed. "I guess we just let them deal with it." Scott chuckled.

"Upon arriving Wolf Hill, they saw another figure in the distance besides Joel. It was Impulse, King Etho's war chief." Ren narrated.

"Hey, you! I saw you on the outskirts of Renchant!" Impulse yelled. "Cut it out, Impulse!" Joel scolded Impulse. "Sorry about him. What are you three doing here?" "Well, all three of our kingdoms got blinded by power and rage and banished us for trying to calm them down." This left Joel in shock. He wouldn't have thought that Scar, Ren, and Jimmy, 3 kindhearted kings, turned cold. "Well, you can stay at my place for as long as you like." Joel stated. "Thanks, Joel, we won't be too much of a bother."

"Days and nights came, the residence of Wolf Hill expanded, with it, being declared as a kingdom of it's own, with Joel leading them. Scott, Grian, and Martyn were his royal advisers, and hand, respectively. The riches came in, people, power. But that didn't corrupt Joel. For his 3 amazing accomplices helped him to be humble and kind. One feastful night, a werewolf knocked on their front gate." Ren stated.

"Who is- here." "Um, hello, Martyn." "Hello, Ren." They stood there for a solid minute, before Ren crumbling down into tears, hugging Martyn as he wept. "Please! Come back, I am begging you!" "And here I thought I wasn't needed. What now, 'Your Highness'? Need a helping 'Hand'? Well, you are not getting one!" "Please, Martyn. I am begging you!" "Hm, only in one condition." "What is it? I will do anything. Anything!" "Bring me my brother here." "Y-yes Martyn." Ren scurries his way home, happy as he now got a chance to take what was his all along. "Hello? BigB?" "Yes, that is me? What do you need from me?" "I need you to go with me to Wolf Hill." "Okay, my lord, I shall do it." "Yes! Ah, you were just like your brother when I first saw him." "Yeah, I learnt from him."

Sun rose on day three when Ren and BigB arrived. They knocked. "Hello? Martyn! Your brother is here!" Ren shouted. "BIGB!" "Big Bro!" Ren watched with a smile. "Thanks for bringing my brother with me." "No problem." "Oh, and me helping you? Here, have some bandages." Ren's heart smashed into fine pieces that are not so fine. "B-but you said y-you'd help me. W-what ha-happened to t-that?" Ren said, disheartened. "Sorry, but that is all I can give you. I will not go back to where I was just a slave." "N-no, you won't be a s-slave anymore. Y-you weren't e-even one in t-the first place!" Ren cried out. "I don't trust that. Goodbye, Ren." "No, please! Please!"

"After the betrayal, Ren cried for days and nights. The Kingdom of Renchant crumbled within those days. People fled from the kingdom, never to return again."

"Woah! That is insane! What happens next? Will he kill Joel to get Martyn back?" "No, no, he isn't a yandere, Bob, cut it out." Ren scolded the fangirling cousin. "Sorry." "Hey, no got hurt, nothing to apologize."


Author's note

Sorry if it's short! But it felt like it told a story, don't you think? Anyways, I'll see you all in the matrix side, goodbye!

815 words.

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