Book 1 Chapter 9

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Quick A/N:

Lmao sorry for being gone for 3 or so months, I was dealing with a lot of procrastination and a lack of inspiration. But here it is, the second to the last chapter


A month has passed since Bob and Doc fought. Ren is still in the hospital, helpless and ill. Bob wanted to go but he knows Doc is there 24/7, caressing his husband's hand. Bob wants to go and visit but he never has the guts to do it. He even replaced Ren at the library until he get well as he wanted to help out his brother and to not feel like he isn't helping at all.

"Hey dude." "Yeah, Martin?" "You have been spacing out more often. Why?" "I don't know. I guess it's the worry for my brother. I mean the poor man is in bed, I can't do anything to help him." Bob sighed as he is being dragged down by guilt. "I feel bad, Martin, even if I didn't do anything." "I'm pretty sure Ren is doing fine-". A phone call interrupted their conversation. It was Doc. "What do you want, Doc. Say it now before I-" "ITS REN!" "Wait, WHAT?" Bob gasped as he anticipate for good news about his brother. "What is it?" Martin asked. "It's my brother. What about him, Doc? And why do you sound worried? Did something happen to him?" "YES!" "Is he in a bad situation?" Bob's eyes starts to get puffy and on the verge of tearing up. "I DON'T KNOW, HE JUST STARTED OVERHEATING!" "Overheating? How?" "I DON'T KNOW!" "Well, touch up on a doctor and see what's wrong with him." "ALREADY DID THAT!" "Why did you call me then? You could've just called Bdubs." "OH SHUT UP JUST COME HERE!" "NO, I will NOT comfort you." "Oh for goodness sake." Doc hang up, terribly shaking as he waits for the results.

"Mr. 77?" The nurse called him. "Uh, yes, that is me. How is Ren?" Doc asked. "Well there are good news and bad news." "Give me the good news first." "Well, his condition is curable, the bad news is he might not make it." "It's still curable, right?" "Yes." "Any operations?" "Nope, only on medicines and a few restrictions on what he eats." "Which is?" "Cold food or water." "That's it?" "Yes." "Oh my god, thank the heavens above."

It was almost closing time on the library when Doc texted Bob.

<DocM77> hey Bob
<Renthebob> how is Ren?
<DocM77> he is fine
<Renthebob> oh thank god
<Renthebob> what was his condition?
<DocM77> nothing too serious
<DocM77> she said it was curable through medicines and a few restrictions on what he eats
<Renthebob> oh yes
<Renthebob> my brother is fine

Bob bursted into tears as he is happy that his brother is fine. "Dude, you okay?" "More than happy, Martin." "Ren is fine?" "YES!" "Oh I'm so happy for you!" Martin gave Bob a tight hug, making Bob fluster. "Well, I'll get going then." "Bye Bob!" "Bye Martin!"

Bob reaches his house and proceeds to cook dinner. After doing the dishes, he sits down as he reads another chapter in the book.

"What the- I thought we killed you?!" Scott said, as everyone in the chapel was shocked to see a living corpse. "Surprised to see me?" A laugh came from King Etho the Undead. "You thought you'd get rid of me so easily har har. Well, look who's alive and well right now!" "Fear before his name, peasants! As we take over this boringly peaceful land you call Wolf's Hill!" Laughed Count Impulse and Paladin Tango. "How are you alive?!" Shouted Grian as his husband clutches behind him in fear. "Thank the wonderful Shaman Skizz of Skizzle Point." Tango stated. "But Skizzle Point is a deadly forest, who did you get through the enderman infested land?" Asked Joel. "We had some help." They reveal the Scarlet Pearl of the Crazed Tower. However, her eyes matched those with Skizzleman. "Release her, now!" Raised Cleo from behind. "What are you going to do, fellow zombie?" Etho mocked her origin. "Unlike her, you have a weakness." Bdubs hits Etho's head from behind with this scepter. An enraged Impulse charges to Bdubs, only for Doc covering Bdubs, taking the hit quite well. "Doc! Are you ok?" Asked a worried Bdubs. "Yes, I'm fine, I can heal us with this potion." Doc throws the potion to the ground, healing the both of them. They stood up against the helpless Impulse but Tango managed to defend his colleague by throwing a Lava Bucket near them.

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