Chapter Epilogue + Continuity error

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Hi, this part is just fixing a continuity error of what Bdubs and Bob talked about in the cafe and the epilogue.

Chapter 9.5

"So why did you want to talk to me?" Bob asked Bdubs. "It's about me and Doc." "So you are finally admitting to Ren about Doc cheating on my cousin with you? If then, go. I don't want to talk." "Wait a moment, Bob. That's part of the reason that I wanted to talk." "Ugh, fine. I'll stay. Only because I'm in the mood for some coffee. Let me order first."

Bob rushed off to the counter to order something. Bdubs, who is very nervous about talking about his conflictions. "So what did you want to talk about?" Bob startled Bdubs out of his thoughts. "Well, first off, I just want to say that, uh." "Well?" "I-uh. How do I say this. I'm planning to tell on Ren." "Good news, good luck, end of story." "Wait!" "What is it now!" Bob obviously frustrated. "I'm planning to tell on Ren, but I'm nervous because I still love Doc. I know he is just using me for his emotional support but does he know?" "Doc isn't the type of guy to use someone for his own benefits. He married Ren because he was alone and Ren just wanted to help him out of his sadness. Well, Ren did come out of a break-up so that's why they got married. They helped each other heal from their past." "Wow. Well, what did he see in me that obviously made him be you know, mine." "Well, have you been sad, come out of a break up?" "I guess it's the stress of having to work. I am very sad at the time and him being the very helpful him, he decided to care for me." "Aw that's sweet. Well, that's it, good luck on not getting to pop off." "Wait, can you talk to him about me confessing?" "I'll try. But we meet here. I don't want to talk to him alone." "Sounds like a plan."

Tomorrow came and it was time for Bob and Doc to talk.

<RenTheBob> hey
<DocM77> what
<RenTheBob> sheesh I just wanted to talk.
<DocM77> like personal?
<DocM77> this better not be a fight
<RenTheBob> no no
<RenTheBob> just come to the cafe
<DocM77> fine

20 minutes later, Doc comes in the cafe, surprised to see Bdubs there. "What are you doing here?" "Mad to see me here, Doc?" "Ok sit down, Doc." "Don't order me around punk." Doc sits by Bdubs, unknowingly holds Bdubs' hand. "I see. Well, Bdubs suggested that you two confess about this cheating moment." "What! Why?" "Because, he is almost healed so I guess you won't need me as your emotional support." "Bdubs, what are you saying? I never used you for emotional support. I actually love you." "But why me when you are married?" "I-uh, oh. I get it. You thought that I was using you as a replacement for Ren when he is sick, Bdubs, you got it all wrong." "Then tell me! I don't want to get my hopes up, Doc! You are my first real relationship and I don't want it to be just me being a thirdwheel." Bdubs started to sob. "Oh, Bdubs. You know I will always love you. And no I am not using you. You know what, let's do the thing. Let's confess to Ren. I'm sure he will understand." "You sure?" "Yeah! Bring flowers too."

"That's sweet and all but, I'm nearly late for something, gotta go!" "Wait!" "This is my last time that I'm going to get interrupted, what?" "Thank you. For agreeing with this." "Just happy to help." Bob left the cafe, feeling content and happy.


Ren returned to working at the library. Bob continued to work there too. Eventually, Bob and Martin developed quite a relationship and started dating. Doc and Ren took Bdubs to a hill overlooking the city. As the sun went down, Doc got on one knee and proposed to Bdubs. He said yes and two months later, they got married. People are asking why Doc remarried. His explanation was "Well, I didn't remarry. I'm happy with both of my husbands. He was actually fine with me marrying Bdubs. I mean he was there when I was down. And Ren said it was fine so."

Book Epilogue:

People are still adjusting to King Etho's residence in the castle. Grian and Scar, and Scott and Jimmy went back to their respective kingdoms to manage it. Grian and Scott still visit Wolf's Hill as they still have their positions there. As for King Etho, he just never left the castle. Joel has to drag him out on a boat just to get him out. They might receive some weird stares but Lizzie assured the Kingdom that Etho is under the care of the castle as he was badly hurt. Etho also opened up to Joel as to why he was the way that he was. "I thought that I never would be with anyone. I thought that I only need me and power. But when I saw you take in Ren, I felt envious. I wanted all of your accomplishments for myself. I'm very sorry for interrupting." "You didn't interrupt anything. In fact, you made our year. Well, I'm not encouraging you for being bad. You can always start fresh here. Who knows maybe there are other people that is as bad as you." "Cheating on me, now, King Joel." Lizzie startled Joel and Etho, who was cuddling for some reason. This made them blush. "Ok, fine, I admit, I want you Etho to be happy so I'll gladly share." "Oh you don't have to, I'll just be on the sidelines, working for him." "Ok then, I guess you like my very cute and adorable and loving and very sexy husband." "Well, if you put it that way, I guess I want to try and like him." "Seems like you already do." Etho dragged Joel into his bedroom, leaving Lizzie with a smile. "Are you sure with Etho banging your husband?" "I mean the more, the merrier, am I right?" "It's clearly bothering you." "At the start yes, but if it makes him happy, then I am happy."

Quick A/N

Yeah this was short but it's to fix up a major mistake that will completely ruin the plotline. Anyways, bye guys and happy new year!

1085 words.

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