Book 1 Chapter 5

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It was a normal Wednesday for a certain hippie. Said hippie does what he normally do, eat, clean, and wake outside towards the library.

As he opened the library doors, he noticed that Ren isn't over by the desk. "Good day!" Bob greeted who seemed to be named "Martyn". "Hello to you too. Now what brings you here today?" "Well I was wondering why is Ren not here. He usually works here by the desk." "Well, he got sick so I will be subbing for him." "Oh no." "Oh no what? Is he your boyfriend or something?" "No, he's my cousin." "Oh." "Why didn't he tell me, you know what, nevermind, I'll just grab a book and head towards his place." "Ok then."

Bob briskly walked towards the aisle where the book lies where he saw Doc getting real close to another man with big eyes and an annoying voice. Bob hid behind a bookshelf, peeped through an opening, quick enough to see Doc kissing said male. This made Bob gasp and immediately Doc looks around for anyone but was unlucky.

Bob grabbed the book and sprinted towards the check-out desk. It was a quick transaction and immediately behind Bob is the one who Doc kissed, his name on the tag says "Bdubs". Bob walked towards his car trembling and uncertain, incapable of processing what just happened before his eyes, every thought buffered and obscured, scared to even meet him.

"I could really use a hot cup of coffee right now." So he headed to the nearest café and there he reads the new chapter.

"The morning sun welcomes the ever-so-blossoming kingdom of Wolf Hill. The faint, lovely scent of lavenders spread throughout the residence, waking up a certain werewolf from his deep slumber."

"Good morning, Ren! Did you sleep well?" Martyn asked, while cooking some bacon for breakfast. "Yeah, let me tell you, that Werewolf Cocoa I had last night really hits the spot." "Yeah, Mrs. Mint's cocoas never fails to disappoint anyone." Martyn said as he removes the bacon from the pan and puts it on the plate with some eggs. "Like can you believe it, she has a special cocoa for every occasion, heck, she even has one for summer." Martyn chortled. "Well, what do you want to do today?" "Well, I was thinking of applying for a job." "You are in luck, Ren, the castle is in need of another charge commander because the pervious one retired." "I guess I'll give it a try."

"You're hired!" King Joel said, enthusiastically. "What? I haven't even started the audition." "Ren, my dear, you lead an entire army to battle the Red Desert Colony and won." "I would say that is hard evidence of us hiring you." "Thank you, Queen Lizzie and King Joel." "Please, call us Lizzie and Joel, besides, you are still of royal blood." Lizzie said. "Yeah, and stop being formal to us, like my wife said, you are still of royal blood." "Thanks, I just felt like I lost that privilege after I let my kingdom crumble." "Come on, Ren, I'll show you the barracks. And put your commanding face on, you'll need it. "

"So, how did it go?" "It went something along the lines of-" "Cut to the chase! I wanna know, I wanna know, I wanna know!" "Ok, yes I got it!" They both squealed out of joy. "Are you guys ok?" Grien, the twin brother of Grian, who is apparently sick, asked. "Uh, yeah, we're good." Ren said, embarrassed. "Oh ok! Hey Scott, that boxes you told me to get, here it is!" Grien yelled. "Okay, bring to the east wing." Scott said. "Huh, wonder what's that about." "I don't know."

"Today marks my first day of being your leader. Now, I have a few rules I must-" "Why should we trust someone who let a whole kingdom vanish out of thin air!" The joker of the troop, Iskall, said out loud. "Okay, come here and do 30 laps around the edge of the castle, it's the least I can do to punish you." "Well, damn okay." "GO!" Iskall got up and started to run as fast as his pathetic feet can go. "Uh, so you said the least you can do, what do you do if no one was preventing you to do it?" "Well the can do 30 laps around the castle, after that 100 push-ups and 75 jumping jacks." This made the one who asked, Mumbo, quiver in fear. "Do I make myself clear?" "Yes sir."

"Months has passed as the squad Ren is supervising is in tiptop shape."

"Wow, Ren, you really are fit for this job." "Thanks, Martyn. Hey, wanna grab lunch? I made them take a break." "Sure! I have nothing to do for the next 2 hours so I can kill off time." "Then it's settled! Let's go to our usual go-to place."

It has struck noon as Ren and Martyn happily munched away time. It was a bright sunny day and nothing can go wrong, or so they thought. A loud bang from the front gates rang across the entire kingdom, causing Ren's ears  to ring harshly, making him whimper.

"Everyone evacuate towards the nearest home, guards standby for instructions, do not leave your stations!" King Joel's voice was heard all over the radio. "Please stay put, everyone, do not panic, the royal army has got this thing all under control." Queen Lizzie followed.

The royal couple stood on top of the front gate entrance, with an army of soldier behind them.

"Who goes there?" Queen Lizzie shouted. "Why us! The kindhearted kings of abandonment!" A mysterious voice spawned underneath a cloaked figure. "What do you mean abandonment?" "Grian and Scott knows what we meant." The other cloaked figure spoke. "Be careful! They have TNT!" Grian warned the group. "Jimmy may be weak but he has a highly defensive team of soldiers." Scott said.

"My legion! Attack this mysterious army with swiftness, not by brute force!" Joel stated to the army.

"For Wolf Hill!"

The swift army managed to get to the defended center space where Jimmy is hiding, the team who got there managed to weaken the defenses, wounding both Jimmy and Scar, who were both hiding there with no weapons. They immediately threw the towel and left with the remaining soldiers, which is about less than 46, home.

"Massive success! An amazing job everyone, not a single dead body of some sort, only wounded ones. Treat those immediately, waste no time, for we will have a feast next week!" King Joel cheered. A loud uproar was heard all over the kingdom, bringing delight and joy throughout the land.

Upon arriving at the castle, King Joel addressed a meeting with his advisers. "Since the attack was obviously caused by Scar and Jimmy, what was their purpose?" Joel asked the group. "Are you dumb or something, it is clearly for Grian and Scott!" Lizzie punched Joel with her mighty words. "I'm sorry, mi vida, go on." Joel sobbed. "Why would they come for us?" Grian questioned Scott. "To get us back to their kingdoms!" Scott answered. "Then it is settled. Grian and Scott, you are going on a mission." Lizzie stated. "Wow, that was fast. May we bring soldiers?" Grian asked. "You may choose 2 from our arsenal." "Great!"

The day of the feast has arrived and everyone was enjoying the moment. "Congrats on the win, Joel, I'm going to hand to ya, that was some mighty fine leadership right there!" Cleo pointed out to the happy crowd. "It was all thanks to my wonderful advisers." "Why do you get the best advisers and I am stuck with him?" Cleo laughed as she chugged a beer. "I guess I have been blessed, I mean they went here on thier own terms and I just welcomed them to my home and here we are, chugging beer and living the royal life." Joel said. "Time for your speech, my royal drunkard." Lizzie said with a blush. "It's time? Okay I'll come up." "That your husband?" "Yeah." "Lucky."

"My people! We are celebrating today yet another big victory over our foes from outside these walls." The crowd goes wild. "As your king, I just want to say a few words. I may be your king, but I am also a person, so please treat me like how you treat others, with less formality but still with respect. I just want to make our humble kingdom as happy and content as it can be." The crowd goes wild again. "But now an important announcement. I would like to bring Grian and Scott to the stage as they will start a mission to seek out answers from other kingdoms. Let us salute them for their bravery and give them the best of luck." The crowd split into 2 parts so that Grian and Scott can march towards the front gates. "Best of luck to both of you." Lizzie kissed them goodbye.

"And that was Chapter 5. Wow. What time is it? Oh, it's only been 2 hours past. I can do much more stuff later, but right now, I have a cousin to visit."
Bob happily said.


Author's note:

I have been busy because of school and Cookie Run Kingdom (yes I play, don't judge) but still, it turned out great! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you on the Matrix Side, good bye!

1600 words. Nice one.

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