Book 1 Chapter 4

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"Hey, Ren! Sorry to bother you in your work but I need help with something." Bob said. "Ok, just let me finish up some things here. So, what do you want, cousin?" Ren asked. "Oh, where can you find the story you were reading to me?" Bob asked Ren. "Uh, Fantasy Aisle, Section 3A." (Author Note: I don't know how to name these library thingy lol, anyways continue) "Thanks Ren." "No problems."

Ren shuffled away from Bob to his desk as he rushed towards the book. On his way there, he finds Doc, along with someone, who he seems to be interested in. Bob shrugs it off though and grabbed the book and sat by the tables near the flower garden outside of the library.

"Okay, book, give me chapter 4, I am so intrigued by this story." Bob squealed.

"The downfall of the Kingdom of the Swamp caused an outbreak of happiness and relief. Although, only the Kingdom of the Plains came to visit them of their victories, an unwanted assassin came."

"Greetings, King Joel." "Queen Cleo! It is an honor to have you here." "Oh no! I should be the one who is- oh forget it, Bdubs, I can't be too formal." Cleo huffed in annoyance. "No, Cleo, this is a formal event. You should be in accord and in perfect poise." Bdubs blabbered. Joel chuckled at Bdubs saying that it wasn't a formal event, it was just supposed to be just a fun celebration. "Anyways, enjoy yourselves."

After the meet-up with Cleo, he was surprised that a wolf came along with them. "Uh, Cleo, do you have a personal dog?" Joel questioned. "No, we don't, why?" "Because I think this lone wolf right here followed you." "Oh, ok, you can have it if you want, we have one too many cats back at Bdubs's house."

As the clock struck midnight, everyone went home and wolf started to act crazily around the castle, injuring some in the process. "Calm that rogue dog down!" King Joel demanded. "That is right!" Queen Lizzie, the queen of Wolf Hill, married to King Joel, shouted like a captain on a travel through the Ocean Empire's Seas.

After sometime, the rogue wolf slowed down, calming itself. "Martyn, my man, can you do me a favor and take care of this blinded wolf?" Joel asked, politely. "Uh, sure. I'd be happy to help out this wolf and bring it back to tiptop shape." Martyn agreed.

An hour has passed and a faint light can be seen and a scream can be heard from Martyn's house. For on the floor lies a tattered, in his undies, scarred body of Ren. The sound of a screaming Martyn startled Ren, causing him to whimper in fear behind a couch. This made Martyn blush and laugh at the sight. "Are you okay, Ren?" Martyn asked, holding in a laugh, not to insult Ren. "Yes, I'm fine, can I borrow some of your clothes, mine is tattered from me going berserk." Ren shyly asked, blushing from embarrassment. "Ha ha, you look cute when you're flustered." This made Ren blush even more.

After putting on some new clothes, they went to a nearby tailor shop to get Ren some new clothes since his clothes were wrecked in the destruction of his empire. "Hello, Blanc!" Martyn greeted the resident seamstress. "Why hello, Martyn! Oh and, your royal highness." Mont Blanc responded. "No no, I am no royal anymore, my kingdom is in ruins now." Ren sadly said. "Oh I am so sorry, uh..." "Ren." "Ren! I am so sorry, Ren." "It's alright." "Anyways, what brings you here?" "Oh we are picking some clothes for this handsome man beside me, Blanc." Martyn said, making Ren turn red. "Oh, ok! There is a lot to choose from, feel free to explore the place!" "Thank you, Blanc!" "Anything for a customer."

"So, anyways- oh, Oh, oH, OH! GOD HOW IS THIS ON A BOOK!" Bob shouted. Everyone shushed him since he is in the library. "Right, I am in a library- ah!" Bob got spooked by Ren tapping his shoulders. "What seems to be the problem, dude?" "This part of the book." "Oh haha! You can always skip it." "That is what I am planning to do so." "Let me tell you a little secret, Bob." "What is it?" "That part you skip is Doc's favorite part." "Dude! I didn't need to know that!" Ren and Bob laughed it off as he continues to read the book.

"As the pair walked out of Mont Blanc's shop, they stumbled upon a cocoa shop."

"Hello Mrs. Mint!" Martyn greeted the shop owner. "Why hello, Martyn! And oh, who is this wonderful piece of junk you have here, Martyn?" Mrs. Mint questioned. "Ah yes. This fine specimen is Ren, the former ruler of the fallen Kingdom of Renchant, and I was his former right hand, before he exiled me." "Oh no! What happened?" "Well, we will tell after you get me a Pumpkin Spice Cocoa and oh, you, Ren, what would you like?" "I could try the Werewolf Cocoa with a side of Kumiho Cookies." "Ok then, I'll get you guys the order in a minute. Why don't you take a seat over there, by the garden balcony." "Ok sure."

They seated on the designated seat that Mrs. Mint pointed them to. "Hey, uh, that thing you said back when I was you know, in my undies, it kind of got stuck in my head." This made Martyn blush, not from being flustered, but by embarrassment. "Oh, I, uh, I was feeling kind of naughty." "Naughty, you say?" Ren raises both his eyebrows twice, which makes Martyn blush even more. "Well we did have - NOPE" Bob blurted out. Again, the library shushed him again.

"Where was I? Ah yes" "- earlier at the fitting room so." "Here is your order and what did I hear about you and your friend in the fitting room by Blanc's tailor shop?" Mrs. Mint asked. "With all due respect, miss, that is none of your business." "Ooh! A feisty one you have there, Martyn!" Mrs. Mint chuckled. "You are quite lucky, Sir Martyn." Herb, the local gardener, said. "Anyways, have fun with what you were doing before I sent you the cocoas." Mrs. Mint greeted the pair goodbye, as well as Herb.

"Where were we, Martyn? Ah yes, something about being naughty and the-" "Nope, stop talking." Martyn shushed Ren plump lip. "I now you were tempted to say baby." "Stop it, Ren!" They both laughed it off and headed home.

"Hey, the library is closing soon, better return that book." Ren said. "Oh, ok." Bob walked up to the section he got the book and met up with Ren by the entrance. "Want a ride home? 8 can take you there, Doc said he is finishing up some things so he won't be home for a while." "Sure, cousin."

"Hey I want to tell you something." "What is it?" "Did you see Doc enter the libra-" "Hold that thought. Uh, hello? Oh hey Doc!" "Hey love! Sorry if I can't get home earlier, job is really stressing me out." "It's okay! We'll just relax and watch Netflix later." "That sounds like a wonderful time. Bye love." "Bye! So anyway what was it about Doc you wanted to tell me?" "Uh, nothing! He he, oh we are almost near the store, you can drop me off there." "Sure, bye."

As Bob left the vehicle, he spoke out a few words. "How can I tell him that Doc is cheating on him?"


Author's note:

Oooooooh. Looks like someone has a secret!That is all, my fellow Helixians, and I will see you on the matrix side!

1300 words, wow that is long.

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