Book 1 Chapter 8

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TW: Violence

"Nurse? Nurse!" Doc yelled.

"What's wrong?" The nurse said. "I don't know just look at him!" Tears are about to run down his cheeks as his worries for his ill husband intensifies. "I need a doctor in here immediately." "Why doctor? What's wrong with him?" "His heat is off the charts, he is sweating a lot more, some are actual sweat and some are blood." "How much blood did he lose?" "Not much considering it just happened." "Is it serious?" "We need to check." "I'm here."

Bob was awoken by a loud ringing of his phone. "Hey Doc, is Ren okay?" "No, he is not." "I'm on my way." "No." "What do you mean no? Can't I visit my cousin? I mean he is the only family he's got since his family is far away." "Just no, god why did I even call you, just go to the library and tell his boss he might need to extend his leave." "Okay sure."

He stops by the library where he bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry about that." "Don't worry about it." Bob paused. "You." "Me? What about me?" "You kissed my cousin's husband." Bob's voice was cold and harsh, a not so normal tone for a hippie. "What?! Excuse me? I have never kissed anyone!" "Do you happen to know a dude named Doc?" "N-no." "LIAR!" Bob shouted. The library shushed him, but Bob didn't care. "Ok ok fine, yes I know Doc, but I didn't know he was married!" "What?" "Uh oh." And just like that, Bdubs was running away towards the hospital. Bob still needs to tell Ren's boss about his condition.

Bob rushed to the hospital to see a whimpering Bdubs and a very angry Doc, waiting for him at the parking lot. "YOU BASTARD!" "Hey! Knock it off!" "WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO HIM?" "You cheated on my cousin!" "But you don't have the right to do that to him!" "Oh what did I do scratch his beautiful face?!" "Look!" Doc showed Bdubs's bruised face. "I didn't even do that! We were at the library! Look, yes I am angry, but I keep things civil and you don't!" "Want me to show you civil?! Then I'll show you civil?!" (Author's note: ROUND ONE FIGHT)

Doc charged at Bob which he dodged, elbowing Doc in the process. The fight goes on and on and on, punches were thrown, bruises everywhere, and not a single one were going to stop. Security arrived with Bdubs and ended their battle. "HOW'S THAT FOR CIVIL, JERK!" "NOT MUCH CONSIDERING IT CAME FROM SOMEONE WHO CHEATED ON MY COUSIN!" "Hey! Cut it out alright!" Doc and Bob stopped. Doc immediately walks off towards Ren's room, Bdubs following him behind. Bob starts his car and drives off to a local cafe shop to calm himself up.

"So, enjoying your private time I see." Joel barges in the room. "Well, yes. Yes Joel, we do." Martyn blushes while he smiles at Ren as they were caught cuddling. "Well that's good. I thought something is wrong since Bdubs came running to us. Now pack your stuff, we're leaving tomorrow." They nodded as Joel left the room.

The evening moon glistened the streets of the Kingdom of the Plains. It was a wonderful sight to behold. A top a hill nearby, sat a newly formed couple. "The view up here is amazing!" Ren gasped at the sight. "Well do you what is the more amazing than this?" Martyn questioned his boyfriend. "What is?" "Your well rounded arse." Ren blushed as he playfully smacked Martyn's arm. "This place right here looks like a perfect place to propose." "It does. It does." Once they said it they overheard a person's voice. They decided to listen.

"Scott. You are the most amazing person I ever knew. I regretted the day I decided to exile you off of The Kingdom of Poppy. With that said, will you be willing to share the kingdom with me, and marry me?" Jimmy held a ring adored with small leaves and a blood red poppy. Scott immediately started crying and said yes. They hugged and kissed under the moonlight. They parted and Jimmy inserted the ring on Scott's finger. Ren and Martyn started clapping, congratulating the newly soon-to-be wedded husbands.

"Congrats on the wedding, Scott!" Martyn greeted his friend. "Hey, Martyn! Didn't know you were here." "Neither did I!" "So, how long have you been dating?" Ren asked Scott. "Two or so months." "Two months?!" Ren and Martyn gasped. "And already proposing?!" "Well we did date long before he exiled me so.""Ah, that makes sense." Scott notices how Martyn is holding Ren. (Author's Note: Martyn was holding Ren from his hip.) Scott gasped audibly. "What's wrong, petal?" "You guys are dating too?!" "Well yes." "OH MY GOODNESS THIS IS AMAZING! Tell me EVERYTHING!" Scott squealed like a little girl when she sees a Barbie doll. "We'll tell you when we go home tomorrow, want to come?" "Sure! I also need to say to Joel that I'm moving back with Jimmy."

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