Book 1 Chapter 6

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Quick A/N
So next chapter is going to be consisted of the second half of Chapter 6 and the first part of Chapter 7 (in the book Bob is reading) while the Rendoc Modern AU storyline is still playing along.


"Ren? Are you feeling alright?" Bob asked the poor sick Ren. "Yes, I am fine, dear cousin." Ren coughed. "Oh, stop talking and eat this porridge, it will worsen the cough." "Thanks for looking out for me." "No problems! Uh, just call me if you need anything, I'm just going to be on the couch, reading." "Ok Bob, I'll call." "Rest well."

"As both of the Wolf King's advisers venture back to their original kingdoms, Martyn is left to take care of Joel. Tho helped by Lizzie, he has doubts about himself."

"Oh Ren, I can't do this." Martyn whined to Ren. "Why?" "It's because when I tried to be an advisor, I failed and you became violent and cold, and and and-" Martyn's cries were cut off by Ren hugging him. "Hey, hey, listen to me, none of these would have happened if you didn't fail, I mean look at us, living a happy life with no responsibilities of running a kingdom!" "But, but-" "Shush, Martyn. Let go of your past mistakes." "But it's not just Renchant I failed, I failed you!" "No, Martyn, I failed you. I failed to listen, I failed to care about you, I failed!" Ren started to tear up a bit. "But look, I am now reformed, you are living your best life, and now, here is your chance to make up for your mistakes!" Ren encouraged Martyn. "Thanks. I really needed that."

"Hey, Martyn, ready to be the advisor for like 3 weeks?" Queen Lizzie said. "Yeah, I think I can do it." "Oh, don't sweat yourself, Joel is just a lazy fat arse!" Queen Liz joked. "Anyways, my husband awaits you."

"Martyn, my man! How is it going! I haven't talked to you for quite a while!" Joel wholeheartedly hugged Martyn, causing his fear to shake away a bit. "Ready for your first day of working as an adviser?" "Yeah, I guess." Joel was confused as to why Martyn was nervous. "Martyn, why are you nervous? We're friends right?" "I just don't want to repeat the same mistakes I did when I was an advisor to Ren." "If that is what you are being so nervous right now, then throw it away, because I know you will do phenomenal. Now why don't we go to the local pub, I'm sure Spark won't mind." This made Martyn warm up and said yes.

"BOB! I NEED *cough* THE *cough* SOUP!" Ren yelled. "Okay, coming!" Bob rushed towards the kitchen and grabbed a bowl quickly, but carefully, filled it with soup and headed upstairs. "Ah, thank, Bob." "No problem, but please avoid screaming, it will worsen the coughing." "Alright." "Rest, cousin, rest. If you need me, I'll be on the other room." He exits the door and headed towards the guest room. "Now where was I? Ah yes."

"Down by the local pub, everyone is enjoying themselves. Joel and Martyn are having a drink when a surprise visitor came."

"Martyn! How is it going?" "Hey Ren, I'm doing good, aight that right Joel?" Martyn chuckled. "It's nice to see you smile and cackle for once in a while." "Yeah, it is nice to catch up with a friend. Shall we go back to our work? Remember, Queen Cleo and Prince Bdubs of the Plains are coming over." "Okay sure! I'll just pay our bill for the drinks."

"King Joel." "Queen Cleo." Both rulers said sternly, causing tension spread across the moist room. But the silence was soon broken by laughter from the two rulers as they chat about being invited to a festival in Queen Cleo's domain. "Sure, we'd love to come by. Martyn, ask Ren and his brother to come here at afternoon, I have a proposal I'd like to address to them." "Yes, King Joel." "Stop with the formalities, Martyn, we are literally friends, just call me Joel." "Okay, Joel."

"Ren, BigB?! I have something to tell you!" "What is it, Martyn?" "Where's Ren?" "Oh, he ran to do some errands." "Ok tell him when he comes back to go up the castle at afternoon, Joel has something to tell you." "Ok." "Well, I'm off to the cafe to take a break, I'll see you at the castle." "You got it!"

"Ren, BigB, I have a proposal to make." Joel said. "Both of you are cordially invited to the Skeleplain Festival over on the Kingdom of Plains." "Whaaaaaaaaaaat? But we are mere lowlifes, we don't deserve this kind of-" "Ren will you snap it out?!" Joel accidentally screamed at Ren, causing him to whimper in fear behind BigB. Luckily Martyn was there to tame the king. "I'm sorry, Ren, for shouting at you, but it makes me mad that you still don't consider yourself royalty, sure, your kingdom fell but you still fought for it. And you are still of royal blood, so please, Ren, don't see yourself as a failure and you are going to the festival with us." This made Ren shed a tear. "Thanks, Joel. I didn't know that I needed that." "Oh that's nothing, now we have a festival to go to!" Everyone cheered.

The doorbell rings. "Who is it? Oh, hey Doc." Bob said. "Hey, Bob, is Ren okay?" Doc questioned the man. "Yes. He is resting for now but uh, if he needs help there is soul at the kitchen, boil it before serving it to him." "Ok, thank you Bob for looking out for your cousin." "It's fine, he is my cousin after all, he he."

Bob enters his car and went home. He quickly made dinner and continued to read the book.

The day of the festival came and everyone came with a smile on their face. Ren was excited, BigB is ecstatic, everyone was having fun. "Alright everyone, please come in front of the stage, I have an announcement." Queen Cleo asked the audience. "Huh, wonder what it is", questioned Ren. "As you know, the Full Moon Ball dawns upon us this night, and this is the perfect time to find a partner for the dance, in the meantime, enjoy the rest of the festivities!" Everyone scattered trying to find a partner for the ball. "Hey, guys!" BigB shouted to the group "I found me a partner for the ball, he's name is Tomohawk and we are practically married up to this point." BigB squealed. "He he, don't listen to him, we just met 20 minutes ago." Tomo shyly replied. "Okay, but promise me this, if you were to be his lover, protect him or head is off." Martyn commanded Tomo. "Hey, don't scare the poor kid." Ren calmed Martyn down. "Okay, now let's find our partners, see ya!" And off goes Martyn trying to find what was infront of him this whole time. "But I want to take you to the dance, and oh, he's gone." Ren sighed.

30 minutes left till the dance and Ren still haven't found a partner. "Would you want to go to the ball with me?" A creeper-goat-robot with an Outlandish accent asked Ren. "Uh, sure, I mean I have no other choice." "Choice? What choice?" The hybrid asked. "It's just I wanted to ask my friend if he would take me but nope, he just ran off." "Why would they-" "He." "Okay, he choose another man to take to the ball instead of your cute face?" The hybrid flirted. "Stop being such a tease and take me to the dance, by the way, who are you exactly?" "My name is Doc." "Doc what?" "Just Doc." "Okay, Doc, lead me to the dance floor."

The ballroom was littered with elegance and beauty. Every speck of room there is gas been beautified. "Woah, who made this?" Joel asked Cleo. "It was Bdubs's fault for making this ballroom the beauty she is tonight." "Wow, I might need to kidnap, I mean hire the prince so he can have some use, am I right?" Joel and Cleo laughed it off as the music starts to fade into a ballad. Everyone gathered up in a circle and started to dance.

"Okay, that is it for today, might as well get some rest - wait, who is calling?" Bob thought. It was Ren on the phone. "Bob can you come here?" "Wait, why are you crying?" "Just come here." "Okay. Wonder what's that about."


Author's Note
SORRY AGAIN FOR NOT POSTING I PROMISE TO UPDATE A LITTLE BIT MORE FASTER BUT I HAVE TOO MUCH IN MY AGENDA RIGHT NOW. But I hope you enjoyed the little cliffhanger there. Anyways, I'll just see you on the Matrix Side.

1480 words. Nice.

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