Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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I expected moving to be easier.

I lived alone in a tiny apartment near the main city within the Hypixel Kingdom. It had a nice view of the busy street, beautiful city lights, sun reflections bouncing off windows, it had endless potential, it was my favourite spot to take photos. I thought the hardest part of moving was packing up everything, though, the motivation to leave the place where many happy memories were created was difficult to have. The Hypixel kingdom was home, but as I grew older, it felt like I didn't belong here.

A kingdom filled with those who wield a sword with no meaning. Those who trained every day to perfect a craft that seemed to lead those who were willing down a path of constant agonizing pain with every swing at an enemy.

Some friends were willing to, I had no effort to try and convince them of how I felt. It was always a lot of hard work and willingness. My friends were willing to lift a blade to cut those who opposed them. Everyone who grew up in this kingdom did.

I, on the other hand, wanted a simpler life, something without needing to carry a heavy burden. I would still carry my sword, though. One thing that stuck with me as I graduated was that you always need a backup plan when things go wrong.

However, planning isn't my thing, which is why I've been staring out the window the entire time because I never planned when to start packing. I owned little and mostly only had a sword, a camera and an important heirloom to my name. It wasn't much and I didn't feel like moving everything to a new house. I didn't even buy a new house... I need to get better at planning.

Hannah used to keep bothering me about making sure to plan everything when moving. She was in fact moving too. She kept nagging me about how she was older and knew all of the things about "being an adult" as she moved boxes around her house. That was probably the last time I'd be able to visit Hannah in a while. She moved out weeks ago, I wonder how she's doing at her new place.

I had a few days left to pack up everything I needed like Hannah but unlike her, I didn't have boxes, just a large suitcase that could probably fit everything I could be able to bring. Las Nevadas was a new land, especially how it was only announced as a kingdom a month ago. I could probably land a job soon, right? It's a new kingdom with a bunch of shops opening, maybe I could find a small shop to make a few bucks before moving on to something bigger. Wow, I just made a plan.

I packed up the remaining things I wanted, mostly clothing that I managed to fit into the spots of the suitcase that weren't taken. Why did I want to move, anyway? Was it worth the effort of needing to pack up everything and leave everything behind? Was it worth it to get a new fresh start and leave everything in the past? Most jobs in Hypixel required something related to a sword skill and it just didn't feel right to me. Perhaps Las Nevadas could give me a job that required no heavy lifting and a photographer like me could make a living.

I stared at my suitcase for a bit, spacing out into a land of thoughts that didn't exactly make sense and what my future had for me. In the best-case scenario, I would land a job that involved photos and I would be able to die of old age happily.

Two knocks at the door snapped me out of my haze and I looked up at the sad wooden door that was keeping my apartment as an apartment. I wasn't expecting any visitors, especially since I was... attempting to pack everything to move.

I open the door and my friend smiled happily at me.

"Purp! Hey man!" Walli said with a large smile on his face. "How's packing up going for you?"

"Uh," I looked behind me and looked at the fully packed suitcase. "Just finished."

"That looks super sad, dude," Walli's smile disappeared and turned into a frown.

"I don't have much stuff, and you know that!" I moved out of the way so Walli could enter.

"Well, on a lighter note, I came to visit before you finally move!" He said. "Who knew you'd also move away."

"I know, Chaz told me that and so did Sammy," I sighed. "You already know the full story, Hypixel isn't just for me, man. I'm tired of swinging a sword every day and needing to train hard, I just want to sit back and relax for the rest of my life."

"But you are bringing it with you to Las Nevadas, aren't you?" He turned and looked at my iron sword that was leaning against the kitchen cabinets.

"It's a backup plan if I ever can't make it," I said in defence, picking it up and looking at myself in the reflection. "Another swordsman here is the basic standard, in other kingdoms, it's a specialized craft and you can get paid a lot more."

"If photography never works out for you?" Walli turned and looked down at the camera resting on the dining table beside him. "Are people in Las Nevadas even searching for photographers?"

"I don't know, maybe someone wants me to take a picture of them hanging out with their friends at a Casino or something."

Walli laughed, a nice genuine friendly laugh.

"What's so funny, huh? Do I look like a clown?" I joked.

Walli put the camera back down and looked at me, "I'm just... happy for you, dude. I mean it."

Being as honest as I could be, I was never expecting those words. It was a sudden shock and it took a bit for my brain to fully process it. Out of everyone I wanted to hear say those words, I wanted it to be my best friend. 

I'm pretty sure Walli wasn't expecting me to react like this to his message. His smile quickly turned into a concerned frown. I hadn't realized but I completely froze and my eyes were widened.

"Are- are you alright? Did I say something wrong?" Walli panicked, trying to make sure I was okay.

Without being able to process anything to say, I hugged him. Much like Hannah, this was probably the last time I'd be able to see Walli in a while.

"Thank you, make sure to at least visit or write a letter when... I get a house," I said.

Walli let out a relieved laugh, "Why wouldn't I? You think I wouldn't check up on my friend when he's exploring the world?"

Walli was one of those friends everybody needed. I wouldn't have decided to move out of Hypixel without him. After living in the Hypixel Kingdom for so long, I felt like I was the only one getting bored of what it offered, but Walli understood and I'm ever so grateful for that.

Las Nevadas was a land with so many opportunities, a land with so many people that had bright futures. From what I heard, the kingdom offered so many freedoms and the people there were all free-spirited, untouched by the other kingdom's ideals.

It felt like the perfect place for me to explore without anything getting in my way. The perfect place to see what I want for my future. A world filled with what no one else can explain and a world where you could choose your own story.

Unlike ao3, Wattpad doesn't have an editor's note section so I'll just be adding them like this. Thanks for reading! This book probably won't have a clear ending since I write from my mind but I'm glad to be back and kicking up my writing again.

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