Chapter 9: The Casino Case

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Sam wasn't very good at making conversation and it wasn't helping that I wasn't good either. We talked about what happened at the train station yesterday but I didn't have much to say other than "I knew what I was doing, I'm trained to hold a sword".

Of course, that wasn't all of it. I've explained what I learned at Hypixel to him before but he seemed to already know it all.  I'm not sure why he knew, he never grew up there or even step foot into the kingdom. Maybe Quackity made Sam learn about the other kingdoms for research purposes?

We walked around the city together, it was a chilly day but warm enough to get away with a light jacket. Or, if you're like me, a hoodie. Fundy joked about how I only wore hoodies but he always wore the same black jacket, I'd sometimes see him wearing some light blue uniform jacket but I couldn't put my finger on why.

Sam and I were headed to a casino because some havoc had happened and Quackity was busy with something else. Charlie told me that Quackity needed some time alone because he was making big plans. I didn't get why Quackity didn't tell anyone, did he not trust us enough?

Foolish was close enough to finish the train station to the Grand Prison, perhaps something to do with that? I asked everyone and only Charlie knew what the railway was for and he wouldn't tell anyone. He kept rambling about how he wanted to tell us but it was Quackity's orders that stopped him.

I wondered for a bit if Quackity truly wanted us to be a part of his kingdom or if he was lying to us. I mean, he didn't trust us enough to even tell us his plans? Foolish had designed an entirely new railway system just for him without any questions, but why did he need the railway? Was there someone at the prison Quackity needed to talk to? None of Quackity's friends were in prison or anything... Perhaps an enemy?

I started becoming more determined than curious to find out what Quackity was up to. However, it would most likely cost me my residence if I was ever caught lurking around. I didn't feel like going on a spy mission, anyway.

"Okay, so stick close to me, I think you're too young to be in a casino," Sam said, he looked down at me like I was a tiny kid.

"I'm not that young," I replied. "What difference does it even make? I'm only here to protect your sorry ass."

He glared at me.

"Sorry! Aha, didn't mean to swear," I put my hands up in defence.

He shook his head and continued walking off into the casino. I'd never been to one because I don't think Simon Hypixel promotes gambling, at all.

80 and Chaz told me a story about how they went to a casino one time in las Nevadas. I didn't pay attention enough to hear what happened but I heard it was pretty cool. And honestly, this was cool.

There were hundreds of machines, all with bright lights, colourful screens and some even playing coin sound effects. There was even a massive chandelier on the top of it all, probably filled with thousands of diamonds and amethyst that even if you had the time, you'd never be able to count every single one of them.

I refused to believe a place like this existed, all of this decoration and the stunning venue just for people to gamble their life away? While also being drunk? Quackity knew his kingdom well, it's astonishing.

"Okay, right here, Purpled," Sam notified me to a blocked-off area somewhere near the left side of the casino, there were alcohol stains and slight blood spilled. "It was a pretty brutal fight and people got scared, apparently the guy who started it ran off into the building somewhere and we need to find him."

"How long ago was this?" I asked him. The stains looked pretty recent and were not dried up yet.

"Not too long ago, Quackity got a call and then called me to investigate since he's... running an errand right now."

"Right," I replied. "Any possible exits around the area, or do you think he's out of the building by now?"

"Security didn't see anyone leave," Sam said. "I'll go check the cameras. Can you go look by yourself?"

"Didn't you just call me too young to even be in a casino?"

"Either you're too young or a trained professional, take your pick," He snickered before walking off to the security room that was at the back of the whole area.

He was right though, I am a trained professional... at sword fighting. I'm not a detective! I've never tried to find someone before, I usually left that for my friends to do because I never could find leads on anyone.

I looked back at the alcohol and blood on the ground. The person was drunk, right? Or the entire time I've been assuming the stain is alcohol. I mean what else could it be though? There was no other reason for a fight to break out without it.

It wasn't the best start in the world but I was going to go on my gut since that's been working for a while.

There were two doors nearby where the crime scene happened and if I was a drunk guy I'd go to any one of those because I'd be too drunk to even think and I'd just need to leave the place as soon as possible without getting caught.

I decided to go to the one closer to the exit of the casino, maybe the guy thought he could hide out there and then leave when he was sober again. I mean, I'd do that if I was in his shoes. Find somewhere to camp out closest to where you need to go and then leave whenever it was safe to.

There was a security lock on the door but it opened without any hesitation. Sam had given me an employee badge ID card and I completely forgot I had it but it wasn't even useful. Should I tell Fundy that his technology was terrible or did a certain someone break the lock?

I walked inside and it was a huge storage room filled with crates filled with wine, old casino machines and some crates were closed so I couldn't even tell what was inside of them. If this is where the guy decided to hide, this would take a long while to find him.

He had to be here somewhere, right?

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