Chapter 15: The God

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Hannah explained to me everything that happened during the Dream imprisonment. She said she wasn't there but all her friends told her the story.

Eret and Puffy were kind enough to tell her more of what happened, including what kind of person Dream was. I was skeptical about Hannah receiving information from Eret since he was the original traitor to L'Manberg during the revolution. But she told me she trusted him so I should.

The stories she told me of Dream, made me a lot more disgusted with him. Maybe Dream did deserve what Quackity had for him but I wasn't convinced that Quackity deserved the Revival Book either. What made Quackity so entitled to get the book from Dream? Why didn't Tommy and Tubbo deserve it? They were the ones who had to deal with Dream the most anyway.

The Revival Book was the thing that stopped Dream from dying at the hands of the two, whoever holds it must be powerful then. I don't know what Quackity has planned to do when Schlatt becomes revived, Schlatt was never a good person, to begin with, why bring him back? Don't bets become called off when one of them dies?

"Eret told me that Foolish has ties with the creator of the books," Hannah continued to explain. "I'm not super sure how they know each other but you could go ask Foolish about it."

"No," I replied. "He doesn't know what Quackity is doing with the book or what he's doing going to the Grand Prison for that matter. I just... I just don't know how to tell my other friends about what Quackity is doing."

"You should tell them, seems fucked up," Hannah added. "Do you know if Quackity ever even got the book?"

"No, but he's been slowing down his visits, maybe he got the book and is going there to ask Dream how to use it?"

"Up to you to find out," Hannah shrugged. "I told you everything I know, now go to sleep, dumbass."

She ruffled my hair into a mess, "Hey! My hair was perfectly fine, why'd you do that?!"

"So you can leave me alone, I'm tired from today, let me rest," She grabbed a pillow and started to hit me with it.

"Okay, okay! I'm leaving! No need to start a pillow fight!" I said, lifting my middle finger as I got off the chair. "You may have won the battle but I will surely win the war."

I heard Hannah laughing as I exited the room. I haven't heard it in years now. She left long before I did and I never got a chance to see her again. Before I leave for Las Nevadas I should tell everyone my address so I could at least get some mail. I need to write this down before I forget.

It was early in the morning (like usual) and I slowly got out of bed and headed to the patio to look outside. I had brought my camera with me to take some more photos, I wanted some new memories of Hypixel.

Foolish sat on the patio beside me and was sipping some coffee.

"What the fuck?" I said, nearly dropping my camera. I forgot he had the room beside me.

"I never get how you wake up so early," Foolish said before sipping more of his coffee. "Lovely view, though."

I realized this was my chance to ask him about the creator of the Revival Book, but I had to be subtle. How can I randomly bring up a book of pure necromancy and power?

"Hey, Foolish, you got any other friends? Out of Las Nevadas?" I asked, hoping it was a good enough question.

"Oh, tons," He replied. Okay, a horrible question to start with.

"Oh, cool!" I lied. I thought for a bit. I needed another question to ask. Foolish is a god, isn't he? Maybe he has other friends that are gods too? "Any of them with god powers like you?"

"A few," Foolish sighed. "One of them doesn't even remember the adventures we had together."

Oh no. Did I just make him start a super long story??

"You know Eret? The current king of the DreamSMP? We used to be such great friends, we fought alongside each other in so many adventures but he doesn't remember any of it. I stopped trying to get him to remember, it got tiring when he couldn't even remember a single thing."

I started feeling bad for Foolish but I needed to know about the Revival Book's creator, "what about the other friend? Do they remember?"

"I think the other one hates me or something," Foolish shook his head. "I'm beginning to realize all my god friends are pretty messed up."

"Anything notable about the one that hates you? Other than sounding like an asshole," I laughed a bit.

"He told me about some books he made," Foolish explained, finally, we're getting somewhere! "He told me about the power that they hold and didn't bother explaining what would happen if they fell into the wrong hands."

Could now be a good moment to tell him about Quackity?

"Foolish, I need to you something."

He turned to look at me, having a worried expression on his face, "What's up?"

"Sorry, I've just been nervous to tell you," I admitted, beginning to shake.

"You can tell me anything, Purp," He reassured me.

"About those two books, the Revival Book is one of them, isn't it?" I asked.

He stayed silent for a second, "Yeah."

"Do you know what Quackity wants with them? He keeps visiting the Grand Prison to torture Dream into giving him the book but I don't know why he needs it. He made a bet with a guy named Schlatt to get the Revival Book but it doesn't make sense why Quackity would uphold a bet with a dead guy-"

"Woah, Woah! Slow down! Relax, Purp," Foolish placed his coffee on a nearby table and got up from his chair and walked towards me. "Quackity wants the Revival Book, huh?"

"Yeah," I replied, looking down at my hands. "When I was cleaning his office I saw some documents about it and I was too curious because he always hides stuff from us! Why does he have so many secrets? Doesn't he trust us?"

"I think he just wants us to trust him," Foolish said. "It was how he convinced me to join Las Nevadas. A relationship built on trust."

"But- it's not fair! We have a right to know what he's doing, we work for him," I said, trying to defend my point. "We're his most trusted staff!"

"Purp," He said, calmly. "I know what we deserve and what we don't. Don't you think that I feel like at least Sam should be given details on what Quackity does? I just don't question it because I feel like it's none of my business. I don't care what Quackity does. I'm sticking by his side."

"Ah, okay, I get it," I lied, trying to hide the anger in my voice.

Talking to Foolish went a lot differently than I expected. He didn't get angry at me, but I definitely am angry at him. Angry at him for being so stupid.

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