Chapter 2: Time to Go

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I wandered around the train station for a bit.

I wasn't lost or anything. Just filled with nervousness and stress. It was the day I finally left everything in the Hypixel Kingdom behind. It was the day where I could get a new start in a new kingdom. There were only ten minutes left before the train would arrive and I wasn't feeling any good about it.

My friends wandered with me, having a laugh and talking about how life would be for me once I reached Las Nevadas. Much like when Hannah and Boomer moved, there were all there to say a final goodbye. I never admitted to them, but I would miss them all a lot.

We never usually were able to gather like this anymore due to everyone having jobs and busy lives. Especially since everyone was busy training or working around the kingdom, I still never understood why they would ever want to do that.

"Guys, you know what?" I said, taking off my backpack and rummaging through it to find my camera. "Let's take a photo, for the memory."

"Oh, great idea," Sammy nodded. "You might need the extra emotional support."

"That was completely uncalled for," I replied, shaking my head with a smile. I perfectly set up the camera and everyone huddled together. "Alright, everyone! You ready?"

Everyone let out a yes and I pressed the countdown button before running to them and managing to pose. A loud click later and the photo was taken. I walked over to the camera and looked at the photo. A perfect memory.

"Did it turn out good?" Chaz asked, looking over my shoulder. "Aw no my hair was messy, we need a retake."

"Hell no, I look great in this photo," 80 added on. "If we retake it then I won't be able to look this good ever again."

"You know what," Astelic glanced at the photo. "If you like it Purp, then it's a great photo. It's your memory after all."

I let out a small laugh, "thank you. I'll somehow print this out and frame it."

"If you ever have somewhere to put it up that is," Levi laughed before I jokingly punched him on the arm. "Ow! What the hell when'd you become so strong?!"

I completely ignored Levi and shoved the camera back into my backpack so I wouldn't forget it on the train or at the station. I took another good look at all my friends, ones I've known for basically my entire life, all here to wish me goodbye. Where did the time go? It felt like only yesterday we were all growing up together and training together.

"Oh, Purp look!" Walli exclaimed. "The trains here!"

Everyone's attention diverted to the train arriving but I kept staring at my backpack. I didn't want to look at the train until I was forced to get on it. Moving away from home was too difficult for me to handle, but at the same time, I wanted to make it worth it.

I grabbed my suitcase, sword and backpack, double-checking everything with the help of Chaz. He gave me a thumbs up and I nodded, walking towards one of the door entrances to the train.

"Hey, wait!" Coffee said from behind me. He ran up to me and practically jumped to hug me. Suddenly, everyone was hugging me. The instant warmth of everyone, not just from the hug but from the feelings and emotions everyone felt. They were going to miss me, they didn't want me to go.

"Goodbye, guys," I said, trying to fight back tears. "I'll visit when I can."

We talked a bit more before it was finally time for me to get onto the train to my future home. I looked at everyone one last time and turned around onto the train. I wanted to turn back and never get onto the train, I wanted to stay. But I knew I was committed to this life, I was committed to making something new for myself.

I continued further into the train until I found an empty booth. I peeked out the window and saw my friends awkwardly wave at me. God, I'm going to miss them so badly.

The train let out a loud whistle and suddenly the wheels started turning. The train was off and was going to Las Nevadas. Definitely no turning back now.

My friends shouted goodbyes as the train sped up away from the stations and I waved back. Would I ever be able to make friends like them in Las Nevadas?

I leaned back into my seat, taking in the fresh train air. It didn't smell good but it was something different from what I was used to.

My booth door opened and a lady appeared. She looked slightly older than me and was confused.

"Sorry! I thought this was empty, do you mind if I sit with you?" She asked.

"Go ahead, I'm just staring out the window anyway," I replied, shoving all my personal items closer to me.

"I'm Niki, by the way!" She smiled softly. "What about you?"

"Purpled," I turned and looked at her. "Where you headed to?"

"Oh somewhere unheard of," Niki said. "It's unnamed, so even if I wanted to tell you I couldn't."

"Right..." I said, becoming increasingly nervous. "Why'd you come to Hypixel?"

"I visit here sometimes, there are many things to do," She replied, looking away to think about everything she did on her trip.

"Oh, that sounds cool. I'm moving from here to somewhere else."

"Oh!" Her eyes lit up. "Moving must feel stressful, right?"

"Yeah..." I admitted, remembering all the friends I left behind at the train station.

"I wouldn't worry too much, though. A new place can be filled with many journies and events. I think you won't regret your decision once you get settled in."

Genuine advice from someone I just met. I needed to hear some reassurance especially since everyone I knew was now long gone.

"I've moved so many places by now," Niki explained. "I know how stressful it is to leave something you once cared about so much behind. But trust me, you got this."

"Haha, thank you," I smiled. "I mean it."

"Of course," Niki smiled and nodded. "I'm pretty good at making people feel better. I know we probably won't see each other again after this train ride but I'm glad I met you."

"Me too," I agreed. "Maybe where you're going is close to Las Nevadas?"

She stared at me for a second before answering, "Las Nevadas? That's far from Hypixel, why the choice?"

"Um, it's a new kingdom, thought there would be more chances there for me," I shrugged. Did I have a real reason?

"I respect it," Niki nodded. "It's far from where I live, sadly. But if I ever do visit Las Nevadas, I'll make sure to keep an eye out to see if I can find you."

"You know, I never expected to make a friend so quickly once I left Hypixel."

"Who knows, life just sometimes throws unexpected stuff into your face and hopes you're ready for it."

I took a moment to take in those words. How many more unexpected moments would life throw at me? Would I ever be ready to take the chances they're giving me? I never believed in fate... but perhaps it would be kind to me just this once.

Idk why I wanted to make an editor's note section I really don't have much to write here.

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