Chapter 20: The Puppet

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I picked up the pen that I borrowed from Sam. It was bright blue but I'm sure it wasn't a terrible colour to write an important letter with. I didn't bother with trying to make the letter look fancy, anyway. I needed to get straight to the point.

I began writing,

Dear Badboyhalo,

After the events of the Red Banquet, I have a request for you.
I understand if you don't trust me anymore but I have big plans to help you get back at Quackity. Don't worry, I won't tell him or rat you out. I want to get revenge on him too. During the event, I told you that Quackity had the better price but I feel if you were to help me, you would be receiving something way better. I saw lava pouring down from the ceiling in the banquet hall, I would like it if you could secretly ship it over. I have a big plan for it and you might like it once the news spreads. I'll be outside the kingdom walls behind the castle on the 16th, meet me there if we have a deal (and make sure you come in secret).

Pleasure doing business with you, if you accept,

There was a slim chance that Quackity would find out what was going on behind the scenes so I needed to make sure that there was no chance at all. Quackity never went to the area behind the castle because there was usually nothing there for him. I heard he made Foolish build a castle for him just to spite the other kings.

I needed a shit ton of materials if I wanted to go through with this plan. I would need to be secretive if I asked the others. Foolish and Sam had the materials I needed for this. Fundy would have the redstone. And I couldn't even go to Charlie for anything, I knew for a fact he would rat me out as soon as he heard something was up or why I suddenly needed so many materials. On the other hand, maybe he was too naive to even notice.

I exited my apartment and locked the door, I had to make sure no one would enter without my permission and see everything I was planning. I walked over to the elevator and pressed the first-floor option, I needed to get to the mailbox. The building was usually quiet on weekends and extra slow on Saturdays.

The elevator stopped a few floors before the first and I shuffled to the side, allowing the person to get in. I wasn't exactly in the mood to bump into people, I was already super nervous about the whole plan and mailing to BBH.

"Where are you headed to?" Charlie asked me, stepping in. "You don't usually leave your apartment on Saturdays."

"Oh, I'm... sending a letter," I replied. "To my friends in the Hypixel kingdom. Been a few months so wanted to check up on them, you know?"

I had still been thinking about why Hannah was on the Eggpire's side during the Red Banquet, did the others know? Why was she with them anyway? Why did she act so differently? But it wasn't the time to continue thinking about this, Hannah's living her life and I'm living mine.

"Are you homesick?" He questioned, fixing his glasses. He had his usual smile on his face. "I like that word, it sounds funny."

"Oh, no, I can visit them whenever I want."

Charlie had given me an idea within that moment. The plan I made was going to get me kicked out of the kingdom. I needed to buy a train ticket back to Hypixel or maybe to wherever Hannah was if the Eggpire lets me back there. It wasn't going to be safe here anymore and all my friends would want me dead. The plan was dangerous. But, I was getting tired of Quackity pushing me around, and everyone around.

"Sounds fun, wish I coulda went with you guys two months ago," Charlie nodded. "I haven't been outside of Las Nevadas in ages. Let alone the Hypixel kingdom."

"It's not the greatest place, but don't listen to me, I spent my entire life there," I added. "It gets boring there."

"Oh, it never gets boring here for me," Charlie began. "Speaking of living in a kingdom for the entirety of your life terms. I'm always by Quackity's side."

"So you must know everything, huh?"



"Quackity is a man of his word, Purpled, if you doubt him-"

"What's this about? Who said I was doubting him?"

"The others lately have been making rumours about what Quackity is doing at the prison and ranting about how he hasn't been trusting them recently. I don't know how it started or how to stop it. You must have heard of it right? The Revival Book stuff?"

I looked at Charlie in the eyes, "Revival Book? Prison? Who started this?"

"I don't know but I'm determined to find out who and put a stop to this."

"Why?" I asked.

"Come on, Purp! Don't tell me you don't trust Quackity too! Yeah, he hasn't been telling us anything but he can have his secrets right?"

"Do you even know what he's doing at the prison?" I blurted out. I was beginning to get angry. "Has he been telling you everything he's been doing?"

"Do we need to know? Do we really need to know, Purp?"

I've always reminded myself to never get angry at Charlie but there's a first time for everything. I looked at him for a bit and the rest of the ride was in silence. I knew what Quackity is doing, he was tricking Charlie. He's been living in Las Nevadas his entire life without being able to leave and is now being brainwashed or something. Even with zero clue or ideas of what Quackity is doing at the prison, Charlie refused to leave his side.

The elevator dinged and we arrived on the first floor. Charlie got out first and waved goodbye, now it was finally time to mail the letter.

I was fine with Sam being unphased by what I told him months ago but I knew that the words got into his head. Foolish and Fundy probably started thinking about it more. Charlie telling me was just confirmation that the beginning of my plan was working.

I opened the mailbox and slid the letter inside. I had a lot to do today.

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