Chapter 17: The Warden

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It had been a few hours after we arrived back from Hypixel. It was another emotional goodbye and I remembered to give everyone my address so they could finally send me some letters to read. This time Hannah, Boomer and I were all scheduled to leave on the same day and the Las Nevadas group let the three of us catch up on the train.

Hannah started a new life close to Boomer and made some new friends with the Eggpire. I didn't know what that was but it sounded cool! I heard Quackity mention it once, he did ask a favour of me to go help him "deal" with the situation. I won't know what he meant by that until it happens.

Boomer said he found some frogs to live with but Hannah and I know he wasn't being serious. Or he was being serious and I was being stupid but no one believed Boomer when he said he could talk to frogs. Even Walli couldn't talk to bears and I've never seen Fundy talk to a fox.

Chaz allowed me to borrow the two books until my next visit.

"I'm not sure who's searching for a book on the complete history of the DreamSMP or a magical necromancy book nowadays," He told me. "And besides, you're finally reading something."

He was right about both parts. Of course, I felt like the only person who was interested in the Revival Book, other than Quackity. I guess the reading part was also right.

I opened the book about the Revival Book, what a funny sentence to say. The book had everything about it. Even the creator, Foolish's god friend, DreamXD. I don't know why anyone would create something like this, but it exists.

I continued reading, the book had a simple use and could bring anyone back to life without any costs. What a stupid thing to make. Complete necromancy power without any issues when using? Quackity would get away scotfree when he revives Schlatt? The world wouldn't even bat an eye at someone who made a dead person come back to life?

Reading more about the Revival Book angered me more. How could Quackity be so selfish to hide this from all of us? After all, we've done for him? Why did he deserve to know about this book? Didn't we all deserve to have him at least tell us something? Anything?!

What a selfish asshole. He didn't deserve the book. Dream doesn't deserve the book either. No one deserves the book. Why would anyone deserve a book with the power of gods? Out of everyone- why would it fall into the hands of people like Quackity and Dream?

I heard Sam make a last-minute check of everyone and their belongings, I should get him a checklist board next time as a present. Sam always made sure things went right, or for a matter of fact, went the way he wanted to. 

Sam walked over to me and asked me if I had everything before listing everything I brought with me before I could even answer.

"Slow down!" I said, trying to process everything he just said. "I think I got everything?"

"Alright," Sam nodded. The train station started to fill up with more people as the time for the next train slowly arrived. "Double check you've got everything, though."

I know he meant my belongings but I needed to tell him about Quackity. The train station was busy enough and all the others were talking to each other.

"There's something, actually," I began.

"The train is arriving in TEN MINUTES, I hope you didn't leave it in the hotel, I swear to God," Sam said, letting out a deep sigh.

"NO, no. It's nothing about luggage," I shook my head. "There's something I need to tell you about Quackity."

"Oh, okay," Sam said, completely calm about it.

I guess that's what differed Sam from the others. Foolish slightly looked distressed when I brought the topic up, Fundy didn't take it well at all and now, Sam is completely unphased by it. I wonder how Charlie would take it.

"There's a reason why Quackity keeps going to the prison."

"I know."

Wait... what?


I completely forgot.

Sam's the prison warden.

I stood there for a moment, trying to collect my thoughts and started to think about how much Sam knew about this whole ordeal.

"Do you know what the Revival Book is?" I questioned.

"Yes. I was there when Tommy and Tubbo threw Dream into prison. I built the prison. I know why Quackity is going there," Sam replied. "I'm sorry you had to do your digging to find this out, Purp. Quackity wouldn't let me tell anyone."

"Seriously?" I said out loud. "What gave us no right to know? Does Quackity not trust us? How much do you know?"

"Purp, you have to stay quiet, if Quackity finds out you've been snooping around and trying to find out about his plans..." Sam said, I was done being scared of his empty warnings. I didn't care about what Quackity thought. I deserved a right to know, everyone deserved a right to know

"I know, I was just curious," I said, it was only a half-life. I was curious about why Quackity constantly left his country. Once I found out about Dream and the Revival Book, my curiosity only grew stronger. "I just wanted to know why Quackity left every day for a month, shouldn't that lead anyone to be curious?"

I saw Chaz glare at me, he probably knew what I was doing.

On the other side of the lie, I just wanted to expose Quackity for what he's doing. Sam already knows what he's doing and continues to allow it. Foolish doesn't care enough and Fundy is dealing with other stuff right now to even bat an eye.

Why are they letting him get away with it?

The train pulled up to the station and it was time to go home. I hugged everyone one last time and told them I'd visit soon. I needed to anyway, I don't think Chaz would let me borrow these books for that long.

I was the last one to hop on the train, just because I wanted to wave goodbye to all my friends. 

At least they wouldn't let anyone get away with what Quackity's doing.

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