Chapter 22: Calm Before the Storm

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All the staff were speeding around as panic spread throughout the air. None of my friends were in sight. I already told Fundy to be waiting at the train station for me.

"Purpled, come with me," Sam said, making me follow him.

"Shouldn't you be at the prison?" I asked. "You're the Warden, after all."

"I'm headed there right now, I just need you to look after Foolish," He said. "Stick together, I don't know where Dream is right now and he might come after us."

"Oh," I said, nodding. "Alright, I got it."

We continued to speed around the lobby but Foolish was no one to be found and Sam was becoming impatient and more anxious.

"You go to the prison, I'll find Foolish, don't worry," I reassured him. "Your priority right now is finding out how Dream got out of prison and getting him back into the cell."

"Okay, okay," Sam put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't let Foolish out of your sight. I don't know what a god does when they're anxious."

"I got it," I nodded.

Sam rushed out of the room and sprinted down the street towards the train station. I started to feel bad for Fundy after I realized that Sam never asked me to also protect Fundy, or even ask where the hell Fundy even was.

Quackity and Charlie were out of the kingdom and were rushing home as soon as they could. It would have been safer for them to stay out of the kingdom but who am I to care, this was all a part of my plan.

I continued to look around the busy lobby and couldn't find a sight of Foolish. The evaluators were too full for me to get into so the only option left was to climb the stairs. I had to climb thirty flights of stairs to reach our apartment district.

I probably needed the exercise anyway.

I took a very long deep breath and started running up the stairs. What if Foolish was taking an elevator down right now? I would seriously have climbed thirty flights of stairs for that nonsense. Though with the panic going on, they were filled to the brim with people trying to leave the building and I doubted that Foolish would have been able to leave his apartment at this rate.

The flights of stairs weren't that difficult to climb, I spent way too much time in my past trying to up my energy levels. But I was beginning to feel like the stairs would never end with the pace I was going at.

Why was everyone freaking out about Dream escaping prison anyway? I mean everyone worked super hard to get him into prison in the first place but we had guards to protect each gate into the kingdom and it wasn't like Dream was welcomed anywhere. It was Quackity's fault for making us a target. If he wasn't so greedy for that stupid book none of us would be in danger.

I finally reached the floor and forced the door open before storming out. I was way too tired to even care about the exit door. I rushed down the hall and tried to find Foolish's room which was not too far from mine.

"Foolish?" I asked, practically banging on his door. "Open up!"

Foolish swung open the door and dropped a load of stuff into my arms.

"Um, what are you doing?" I said, trying not to drop everything I was holding.

"I'm trying to find some items to protect us," Foolish replied, shuffling around his apartment. The place was a mess.

"Okay, no need to make a scene," I dumped the items onto the floor in a corner so they wouldn't get in the way. I noticed a green pearl object within the cluster. "What is this?"

"Oh, you found one of them!" Foolish exclaimed. "That's an ender pearl, it'll get us out of difficult situations."

"Good to know," I put the ender pearl into my pocket. It was surprisingly light. "Why do you have multiple of them?"

"They're pretty easy to get if you know the right people."

"Fair," I looked around the room for more. "Are you sure you'll find more with the mess you made?"

"I mean, we did find one," Foolish looked at me before going back to searching.

"I found it, not you," I looked at my pocket as he let out a laugh. "How do you even use one of these?"

"Just throw it, if it lands on something or hits something you'll teleport to that place," Foolish answered. "It's usually for escaping but I've seen people use it for tactical advantages."

"You don't say..." I mumbled. I was beginning to wonder how I could use this against Quackity when he came back. Hearing the words "tactical advantage" peaked my interest in these small items.

"Could you check that pile over there?" Foolish asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I'm not even sure how that one formed, honestly."

"Maybe it's because you keep throwing random shit everywhere," I said, walking over to the pile. "What other useful items do you have here?"

Before Foolish could answer, a loud thunderous noise rang throughout the room. I didn't even notice how heavily raining it was outside. What a day.

"Get that bow, you might need it," Foolish pointed towards something leaning against his couch. "I don't know how to use one or aim with one."

"You think I'm any better?"

"Well, you keep bragging about how you're trained in everything so I assumed so," Foolish replied.

"Fair enough..." I grabbed the loaded crossbow and looked at it. Long-range weapons weren't usually my strong suit but they'll come in handy. 

I walked towards the window and saw a car pull up. A car that was super familiar and way too fancy.

"Quackity and Charlie are here," I said, mostly for myself but Foolish heard me.

"They got here fast."

"I'm going to go talk to them," I said. "Tell them what's going on."

"Alright, you know where to find me," Foolish said, throwing more items onto the ground.

I started to head towards the flight of stairs but my nervousness started getting to me.

I need to make sure this plan worked out perfectly with no flaws. 

Quackity would pay for what he's done.

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