Chapter 8: Railway Havoc

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I followed Foolish around the station while he was consulting with builders about the new station. It had been a few hours after lunch and he realized I was looking hungry so he bought me some curly french fries. I didn't even know a curly version existed.

"Could I have one?" Fundy asked me, eyeing my bag of fries. Fundy was closer to my age and we got along pretty well.

"Hell no," I replied before rolling my eyes and moving my arm with the bag closer to him.

"Thank you," He said while reaching his entire hand in the bag and grabbing a handful.

"What the fuck, dude!" I gasped. How dare he steal my fries after I offered him my kindness?!

"What are you two arguing about?!" Foolish yelled from across the station. Did he have a super hearing? How'd he hear us from over there?

"Fundy stole my fries," I yelled back.

Foolish shook his head and rolled his eyes before returning to work. I think he said he was drawing out more detailed blueprints of the station for the builders.

Honestly, my job seemed easy so far. I knew that it wouldn't be as easy as watching over Foolish draw on blue paper for an entire day but I'm glad it's relaxing now so I could get some time to only focus on photography.

Quackity had told me that my job would be difficult, I'd be needing to run around everywhere and the time I would spend on my camera would be a few seconds of freedom, frankly, I do believe him. It's easy now but I know for sure it's going to get worse.

It's been a few days since the dinner we all had together, I was already feeling pretty settled in with the environment. Though Charlie did warn me that Quackity would sometimes go off track I never fully understood what he meant by that. Even in a few days, I learnt almost all the history of the kingdom and its people.

Las Nevadas started as a place where Quackity could escape with his friends, but his friends never came. I'm pretty sure the other kingdom was called Kinoko and Foolish said he had built everything there too. I don't know how Quackity let Foolish even step foot near Kinoko but I was impressed by the photos Foolish sent me, it was a beautiful kingdom. If I ever took a vacation I'd probably visit there for the wonderful scenery. Could I get away with telling Quackity that I was going there on a spy mission but in reality, I would be taking photos?

It was too early for me to start thinking about a vacation, especially since it's been a few days since I was hired. Come to think of it, Quackity specifically placed everyone here with Foolish because he and Sam were on a "business trip". I even asked Charlie where they were headed, but Charlie wouldn't say a word. I'm not sure if it's that confidential but I'm too curious to keep my mind off of it.

Foolish signalled us to follow him to the new area of the station. The overhead wood was already placed and was supporting the overhead copper. The concrete had also completely dried from earlier today, that's probably why Foolish told everyone to move here. Now that he had a clear view of what the station would look like, I could see the designer clogs start moving in his mind. I was always impressed with Foolish's ability to be able to design and physically build everything he envisioned. Fundy had told me that in the early days, Foolish built all the casinos on his own without a team, but I haven't fully trusted Fundy because he keeps pulling stupid pranks on me.

Foolish and Fundy started talking to each other, some technical stuff on how the station would be the first one to have technologically advanced signs instead of a basic clock hanging overhead. Sometimes I forget that Fundy is somewhat of a computer nerd, he always told me about how he loved coding. The more I looked at the people in Las Nevadas, I realized how far behind Hypixel was.

I started spacing out while sitting on the incomplete stairs, it was uncomfortable for sure. The wood wasn't sanded and I most likely got a few splinters from placing my hands on it. One thing Hypixel got right was beautiful staircases, I'd give Simon that.

I heard a creaking noise and I assumed it was the stair I was sitting on so I instantly got up to prevent Foolish from yelling at me for destroying his build. However, the creaking didn't stop and my inner Hypixel-trainee kicked in, I scanned the area for anyone who looked suspicious but it didn't seem like anyone was tampering with anything.

Fundy started noticing that I was hyper-focused on something and walked up to me, a concerned expression on his face.

"Purpled, you alright?" He asked, but I didn't bother to answer, the creaking was becoming louder and more intense. What was going on?

I looked up and I noticed the large wooden support cracking right in the middle. Foolish mentioned something earlier about how the beam was supporting everything within the station. 

Fundy followed suit and looked up with me and gasped. I pushed him onto the stairs and ran over to Foolish, who was unfortunately right under the beam. Out of everything I wanted to use my sword for, I'm more glad it was only used to slice a piece of wood in half.

I dived towards Foolish, drawing my sword out as the wood fell towards him. Using all the force I had, I felt the beam land on the top of the sword and I pushed upwards. Another thing Hypixel could do right is make the world's sharpest swords. Trust me, I saw 80's sword cut through stone before, if only I had the strength like 80.

The now two pieces of the large wooden beam landed right on either side of me. The force of the blade had luckily pushed them out of the way from hurting me or Foolish.

"What the fuck," Foolish said, out of breath. I don't know why he was out of breath, I did all the heavy work.

"Crisis averted," I said, to everyone's surprise, I wasn't exhausted. "Hope the beam being split in two won't be a bad thing."

"No, that beam was holding everything in the station," Foolish said, signalling everyone to move towards the staircases. "Luckily, it's not gonna fall so soon like the beam."

We both quickly run towards where Fundy is and listen to how the station was crumbling behind us.

"Purpled, what the actual fuck was that?!" Fundy yelled, shaking me. "How the hell can an iron sword be strong enough to cut a piece of wood like that in half?!"

"Hypixel makes super good swords, I guess," I put the sword back where it originally was.

"Thank you, Purpled," Foolish patted me on the back. "I would have died and that would have made Quackity mad."

The three of us laughed. In reality, I wasn't having a good time. I was covered in wood chips and holding my sword probably pressed the splinters on my hand further in. What an interesting experience to start my job.

Hello, sorry for dipping lol, I'm writing again. Hope you enjoy it.

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