Chapter 10: Spy

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I drew my sword slowly and walked carefully. The room was dark, only being dimly lit by the lights above. I inspected the lights more, realizing that they had been smashed and the glass was now on the floor.

There was a high chance the person smashed the lights due to them being too bright, is that how drunk people work? Simon never let anyone have alcohol unless it was that big of a special occasion. Having drunk swordsmen wasn't a good idea.

I was getting tired of slowly making my way around and hearing the sound of crunching glass under my feet.

"Come out!" I yelled. "I don't want to hurt you, so come out and we can deal with this peacefully."

I heard some shuffling behind a bunch of boxes, did I scare the person? Did they wake up after I yelled?

I held my sword tighter, this person was able to run away from security guards after fighting someone, who knew how powerful they were? Even with them being drunk, it was dangerous for me not to go armed.

"Hello? Are you okay?" I asked, trying to sound friendly enough for them to come out of their hiding place. "I'm here to help you."

The sounds shuffling started to become louder and louder, but it didn't sound like a human was making them. It was the sound of tiny feet scraping against the floor along with a few others and I realized that there was a major pest problem here.

"What the fuck," I said out loud, seeing a bunch of raccoons run past me and through a small opening in the wall. Should I tell Sam about this?! It wasn't the guy we were looking for but it seems like Quackity can be sued over this.

I noticed a shadow appear behind me, it had soft footsteps and they knew what they were doing. This couldn't possibly be the drunk Sam and I were looking for, who was this? I continued to pretend to be invested in the raccoon's escape and carefully waited for them to creep closer.

I remember Hannah and 80 discussing a moment like this, they were both sent out on a mission to undercover something for Simon. Someone was sneaking up on them and they pretended to be oblivious to catch the person off guard. I've never tried it out myself but if it worked for them it should probably help me at this moment.

I let go of my sword, quickly turning around, allowing my other hand to grab the sword and block the incoming blow. The person stumbled backwards, shocked by my sudden movements. I held my sword tighter, running forward towards the person.

They jumped to the side but I had faster movements, swinging my sword into their landing, managing a small cut on their arm. They let out a wince and start realizing that they're probably outmatched in this fight.

Having the dim lighting was an advantage for me, I was able to see them creeping up behind me and I could see in the dark better than others. Simon kept making me go on night missions, it was a lot of training for my eyes to be adjusted to darkness faster.

"What do you want?!" I demanded, awaiting their response, or to see if they would run away. "Why are you hiding in here?"

The person let out a small laugh, "Aren't you too young to go off playing detective? Why work for Quackity?"

"I don't care, answer my questions," I said, I was getting tired of people saying how young I was. Hypixel prided themselves in having young talents and suddenly I'm being blasted for being too young to do anything.

"You'll find out soon enough, maybe not from me," The person replied. After a few seconds, they dashed to the door. 

I snapped out of my angered state and started following behind them, but they were too fast. They couldn't win in a battle of pure strength but they could win in the battle of speed and agility. I couldn't keep up with them and suddenly they got lost within a crowd of people hurrying inside to gamble.

A few people started backing away when they noticed I was holding a sword. Another thing I would never be used to- everyone not having their weapon with them. Hypixel had swords and axes everywhere, it was impossible to find someone not holding one.

I started to get lost in my own thoughts, wondering who that person was and why they caused such a scene in the casino for. Were they actually hiding in the storage room or did they take the opportunity to sneak up on me? No, the last point doesn't make sense.

Who the hell was that? They wore a white sweater with black stripes, and I swear I saw a gold chain with a pendant on it. Who did they work for?

Sam rushed through the crowd, breaking into the circle that formed around me, I didn't even notice how many people were now staring at me.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked me, sounding concerned. "Why do you have your sword out?"

"It wasn't some drunk that started the fight, Sam," I said, quietly. "There's someone here and they know what they're doing. I caught them in the storage room but they outran me and I lost them in the crowd."

"Wait... What?!" Sam said, loudly before quieting himself down. "Quackity isn't going to like the sound of this."

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