Chapter 14: The Revival Book

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I followed Chaz into the library. It was not too late at night but all the others had gone to sleep after a day of busy touring. Walli had told him about the research I needed to get done. Out of everyone, Chaz was probably the guy with the answers.

"Revival Book, huh?" Chaz turned to me. "Interesting name."

Chaz knew the library like the back of his hand, he should know if anything mentioned it.

"Yeah, Quackity's been visiting the Grand Prison for it. There's someone named Dream in there with it," I explained. "It's been a month by now."

Chaz looked back at his lantern for a second before looking back at me.

"You know who Dream is, right?" Chaz began. "King of the DreamSMP, leader of the army against L'Manberg, got arrested after it was revealed that he was not the good guy he set out to be."

"Yes, but there has to be a bigger reason why this Dream guy has the Revival Book and why Quackity needs it so badly."

"Well, to begin with, the Revival Book has the power to revive someone, that could be pretty useful."

"Quackity has no dead loved ones, it doesn't make sense why he would need it."

"Hannah has talked to Tommy and Tubbo, she says they told her what happened in the prison," Chaz explained, searching through a row of books. "Dream saved his life by telling them he could revive any dead person. We all know what happened to Wilbur."

The leader of the L'Manberg revolution, died in the hands of his father after turning against his people, who doesn't know his story? I never understood why he did what he did, why lose the greatness you were going to achieve? Why throw it all away?

"I've got the history of the DreamSMP and the Revival Book here, but if you truly want more answers you should probably ask Hannah about it. Plus, you might have to do some digging back at Las Nevadas to find out what Quackity wants with the book."

"I did, I saw the word bet thrown around a lot," I replied. "He lost a bet to someone and needs the Revival Book to pay off his debt."

Chaz tossed a book at me, "Chapter two, L'Manberg elections. Quackity had a partner and combined parties with some other guy."

Out of all the documents in Quackity's room, there was one name tied to the bet Quackity made.


"Who's this Schlatt guy?" I asked. "He sounds pretty important."

"Ran for his own party during the election, Quacktiy and Schlatt's parties were losing to Wilbur's so they decided to combine into one party," Chaz searched through more books. "They ultimately won by one percent."

"What happened to Schlatt? I've never seen him in Las Nevadas, did he make a new kingdom? Run away? Disappear?"

"Oh no no," Chaz shook his head, pulling out a book and shimming through each page. "Schlatt died."

My eyes widened as I looked up to look at Chaz. Did Quackity make a bet to bring Schlatt back to life? Why didn't he tell anyone? 

"Was Schlatt a terrible person?" I asked, quickly reading a small biography in the book. "Seems like it."

"Well, he wasn't the best for Manberg, that's for sure, everyone hated him," Chaz explained. "They banded together to stop him and that's when Wilbur blew up his kingdom."

"Woah," I said, being amazed by the history that the other kingdoms had to offer. "That Revival Book... Is pretty important, isn't it?"

"It's got a pretty good history," Chaz lifted a book and signalled for me to come over. "Imagine the power you would have when you have a magical book that can bring people back to life."

"I just don't understand why Quackity would lie to everyone about the book," I said, taking the book Chaz had in his hand. "Why hide something like this?"

"Dunno, he probably has his reasons."

The word "reasons" had become such an anger-inducing term to me by now, I knew Quackity had his reasons for why he was doing it. But, why couldn't he tell anyone? Why did he go to see Dream about it? Why did he always come back with a bloody axe? What the hell was he doing to Dream?

"Chaz, I don't think Quackity deserves this book," I said, I knew I could trust Chaz with what I told him. "This... Dream guy, he was arrested and Quackity keeps going to the prison to 'visit' him but I know for a fact you can't just convince a fallen war king to hand something over."

"Huh? What are you suggesting then?"

"I was awake one night," I began to explain. "I heard Quackity walk down the hallway and I wanted to scare him, so I hid behind some desks. But when I looked at him, he was covered in blood. He came back from the prison covered in blood."

Chaz stared at me in disbelief, "Sam works for Quackity doesn't he? He's letting Quackity get away with this?"

"I don't know if Sam knows this! I've been wanting to tell them but I'm so scared of what they'll think of me after. They have to know. Quackity is torturing Dream for this book."

"Dream didn't go down in history as the world's greatest person, though. Probably went down as the worst," Chaz reassured me. "Quackity might be doing everyone a favour?"

"No, Quackity doesn't deserve this book," I replied. "I don't know what he's planning to do with it but I know for a fact he shouldn't be able to."

I took the books and started to make my way out of the library.

"Purpled," Chaz said, I paused. "Don't do anything stupid. Seriously, I mean it. You don't know what Quackity is doing it for, at least do some more research."

"I'm going to go ask what Hannah knows, thanks for the help."

I quickly make my way out of the library and onto the empty dark streets. I got way too used to Las Nevadas' filled-to-the-brim streets with crazy flashing lights everywhere. Everything was so dark and lifeless.

Hannah was staying at the same hotel I was in, which made it easy for me to confront her about what I needed to know. I knocked on her room door, realizing that my lack of energy was starting to get to me.

"Can I help you?" She laughed as she opened the door. "Something wrong?"

"Hannah, I need to ask you about Dream and the Revival Book."

The sparkle in her eye disappeared and she grabbed the door handle tighter, "Alright, come on in. I'll explain it."

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