Chapter 19: The Red Banquet

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I watched as Quackity slowly dug through dirt with a shovel. It was funny how he overestimated his strength.

"We're almost there," Quackity said, putting down another scoop of dirt onto the ground.

"How do you know?" I asked, shuffling around in the cramped space. "Could you hurry up?"

"I can feel the Egg's power, it's not a good feeling that's for sure," Quackity said, shovelling dirt into my face. "Why don't you shovel then, huh? Get some dirt on your fancy suit."

"You're the worst."

"Quackity, focus, you've reached the room," Techno whispered, and everyone began to whisper as well.

"Okay, stick to the plan, if they start readying up, you two start readying up. If they start a fight you better fight back," Quackity explained. "I'll go in first and call you both out."

"What? Why?" I questioned, couldn't we all just go out at the same time? It seemed like a much safer plan.

"I need to tell BBH some stuff, one on one," Quackity said, I could tell he was getting angry just thinking about what he had to say to him. "You two got the plan down?"

"It wasn't that big or difficult of a plan," Techno whispered, drawing out his crossbow. "Purpled and I got it."

I nodded, "Yup."

"Alright," Quackity nodded as well. "See you guys out there then."

Quackity pushed the thin wall of red plant down and jumped down into the banquet hall. I awkwardly stood behind Techno and we stayed in silence for most of the time. Even with the large tunnel, that we dug into the hall, Quackity's words still seemed like a whisper. I don't know what he was exactly talking about either. Why can't I ever know what Quackity is planning? First the Revival Book and now this?

Techno looked up as soon as he heard his name and readied his crossbow. Out of everything I expected him to load it with, I wasn't expecting him to choose fireworks.

He jumped down into the hall and I was now sitting awkwardly alone in the tunnel. I started hearing a familiar voice that wasn't Techno and Quackity, but I couldn't figure out who it belonged to. Curse this tunnel and it's stupid noise cancelling.

"You're right! I couldn't have fought you all alone, so I got the two best fighters I know to hang out with us," Quackity said, sounding confident. 

I jumped out of the tunnel, I wasn't exactly sure if that was a cue for me but I didn't want to sit in the dirt anymore.

"Welcome him, BBH!" Quackity exclaimed.

"WHAT?" BBH said, in disbelief. "W-we hired you to take out Puffy... and you joined the enemy's side?!"

Quackity and Techno glared at me but I didn't care what they thought. At that moment, I was looking straight at the person with a familiar voice.

"Hannah?" I asked, beginning to feel slightly betrayed.

Hannah looked at me, seemingly different from the way she looked at me when I went back to Hypixel a few months ago, "Purpled, explain yourself."

"BBH, to be frank with you," I looked away from her and turned my attention to the Eggpire ruler. "Quackity just had the better price."

"Look, I didn't want to work with his guy either but this Eggpire nonsense has been going on for too long and we need to put a stop to it," Techno spoke up, Quackity looked at Techno in disbelief for saying that. "So, yeah, I'm working with him."

"We still outnumber you," BBH said. They outnumbered us and on top of that, I had to fight my friend. "It's four against three."

I heard a potion splash behind everyone and I saw Captain Puffy send a death glare to someone who was half cat.

"Not for long," She exclaimed. "Antfrost... YOU'RE DEAD."

I took a few steps back, witnessing the whole event unfold right in front of me. From what I've heard, Puffy was always the calm one, probably one of the kindest people that others could meet. But at the moment, she was a relentless fighter. Antfrost died too fast for anyone to react properly.

I looked over to Quackity, who used the opportunity to make a quick dash to someone's body that was near the Egg. 

I tried my best to follow him but the room erupted into fighting and I suddenly was being bombarded with weapons being used against me. Hannah glared at me for a moment before choosing to fight Techno.

From the corner of my eye, I saw BBH behind me, holding a netherite axe, ready to swing.

Techno gave me his netherite axe since my sword wasn't up to scratch, but I didn't know how to use an axe properly. It was heavy and difficult to swing, unlike a sword. I grip onto the axe's handle tighter and swung with full force.

The two axes made a loud clanging sound and I ducked under another swing. I had no idea what the hell I was doing. We continued to fight and I began to realize that blocking attacks with an axe was way too difficult. Who uses this as a weapon of choice?

Becoming more frustrated with every swing I had to deal with, I threw the axe onto the ground and listened to its heavy clang.

"Are you surrendering?" BBH asked me, his pitch white eyes looking at me.

"Of course not," I said while drawing out my sword. I knew for a fact this sword wouldn't last against metal like netherite but I just needed to defend myself. "Just changing up the pace."

Using the sword, I swung much more easily and now it was BBH's turn to block my attacks. I could tell he was beginning to become overwhelmed.

"Hannah!" He called out. "Help me out!"

Hannah's attention was suddenly on me but we both knew we didn't want to fight each other.

"Fuck," I cursed, watching her make her way over with her netherite sword. I'm going to beg Sam for some when I get home. I slowly backed up until I reached Quackity who was still leaning over the person's body.

"Quackity, we need some help-"

I looked down at the person.

"Alright, I made sure Foolish isn't bleeding anymore," Quackity said, standing up finally. He grabbed onto his axe that he placed on the floor. "Now we can get revenge for him."

Techno whistled at Quackity's signal and suddenly the room flooded with hundreds of dogs. What the actual fuck was going on.

The Eggpire members attempted to take another swing at us, but with the dogs, it was almost impossible for them to reach us. I covered my ears, trying to tune out the loud sounds of barking and growling.

BBH signalled all the Eggpire members to escape through their tunnel. He picked up everything he could and started to run.

I looked at Hannah one last time, she didn't have much emotion on her face. Just emptiness compared to when I saw her. What happened?

She followed BBH and the others out of the Banquet hall while Quackity ordered Techno and me to help everyone out. He handed the shovel to me and told me to make our tunnel more assessable to the surface.

I never realized that there was lava flowing down from the ceilings, stopping people from escaping. 

That could come in handy.

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