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As soon as I stepped through the portal, I made sure it closed behind me. I always made sure to cast untraceable portals.

These specific types of portals were hard to create but were crucial for those who didn't want to be found. If the wrong person ever came across it, I could be followed wherever I went.

I walked into my bedroom and stood in front of the dresser. It wasn't too hard for me to decide who I wanted to look like as a nymph. I distinctly remembered this one girl my freshman year who I absolutely fawned over.

She had gorgeous brown skin, black curly hair, and an amazing body. I knew for sure the that gods wouldn't suspect me if I had the perfect look. I pictured her facial and body structure in my mind. I watched myself shift in the mirror as my body morphed to look like her.

"Not bad." I turned this way and that, checking myself out in the mirror.

Shape shifting was the easiest thing my dad taught me. It required visualization. No words, just focusing on what you wanted to look like. The only thing needed was a clear mind and an image of who or what you wanted to look like.

I made my assets slightly bigger. Suzette from freshman year had an amazing body, but Elidy needed more to play the role. Nymph bodies were top-tier which was why they were the most sexually desired besides the goddesses and angels.

To convincingly embody the role of Elidy the nymph, I knew I had to pay meticulous attention to every detail. The stakes were high, and even the slightest misstep could jeopardize my mission.

With determination, I stepped into the bathroom and eagerly turned on the shower, anticipating the warm cascade that awaited. It wasn't merely a matter of nerves, showering before and after school had become a cherished routine for me.

As the water gradually reached the perfect temperature, I reached for my trusty loofah hanging on the wall, ready to embark on the transformative process.

Taking my time, I carefully rinsed off the suds, ensuring that every part of me was immersed in the indulgent embrace of the shower.

As I reluctantly turned off the water, I emerged from the steamy sanctuary, wrapping myself in a fluffy towel from the nearby rack. My reflection in the mirror beckoned me back to my bedroom, where I embarked on the crucial task of moisturizing my skin.

A pang of gratitude washed over me as I recalled the savvy decision to take advantage of the buy one, get three free sale. It had not only saved me time and effort but also enhanced my ability to create the perfect scent potion, thanks to the readily available supplies I obtained at a bargain.

Feeling satisfied and prepared, I took a final glance at my reflection, a shimmer of confidence in my eyes. With each meticulous step, I was one step closer to becoming Elidy, the nymph I needed to be.

The next task on my list was to find something degrading, a subtle mockery of my own identity. I approached the closet and began rummaging through the array of clothes, purposefully avoiding the temptation to rely on my magical abilities to conjure an outfit.

After all, I needed to keep up appearances while accompanying Apollo to Olympus. I stopped my perusal at a red corset bodysuit.

I paired it with faded black ripped shorts and red heels. From that point on, I called it a day. Slipping into the corset, I skillfully maneuvered to emphasize my assets within its snug cups.

As I fastened the lower part of the bodysuit, a wave of frustration washed over me, fully aware of the impending struggle I would face when using the bathroom later.

Cursing inwardly, I resigned myself to the inconvenience, knowing it was a necessary compromise for the desired effect.

A shuffling noise and a wolf whistle came from behind me. I glanced at the clock on my nightstand. I rolled my eyes and put a hand on my hip.

Apollo had purposefully popped in on me naked a month ago, so I guess it didn't bother me now. There was nothing to hide that he hadn't already seen. Besides, it wasn't even my real body.

"You're early by almost an hour, pervert."

"I'm not perverted. I simply admire nice bodies. I definitely prefer your original one, though." He whined.

I shrugged. "Suzette was sweet to me. She was also the hottest girl in my class."

"Yeah, I remember her. She was sweet, alright. " He winked.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "You did not have to ruin the version I had of her."

Apollo chuckled and came up close to me. He lifted his hand and touched my hair. I twitched, nervous, but let him continue.

"You said you wanted to be a water nymph, right?"

I nodded at him while looking at his beautiful light blue eyes. He moved his hand from my hair and waved it in front of me. Tingling magic changed my hair and eye color.

He backed away from me and nodded toward the mirror. "Water nymphs always have blue hair and blue eyes."

I looked at myself, confused. "Cute, but what's with the lip color change?"

"I will always like pink on you. That's all. But anyways," he said clasping his hands together, "you should probably wear a blue or black bodysuit to match."

"Black." I chanted in Greek, waving a hand down my body.

My outfit changed to a solid black color.

"I never understood why you chant in Greek when all witches speak Latin."

"That's exactly why I do it."

I planned to let Apollo ponder on that thought, but the truth was—I just loved the Greek language. Magic took a lot of energy for witches if they didn't chant, which was why most, if not all did.

When I was younger, I discovered that I could effortlessly wield magic without the necessity of incantations, saving my energy.

I smoothly put on the shorts and waved my hand over my heels, causing them to transform into a sleek black color. I then slipped them onto my feet.

"Are we ready?" I asked.

"No, you didn't drink the potion yet."

"Oh, yeah."

Apollo handed over the potion. I popped the top off and drank all the contents in it.

I licked my lips. "This actually tastes pretty good."

He shrugged. "It does? I mean, Hecate made it."

I choked on my spit. "Are you drunk on nectar or something?"

Hecate is the goddess of witchcraft and ghosts. She was the very goddess who created the witches and half of my existence was owed to her.

"It's no big deal. She owed me the favor anyway. That's what happens when you catch her messing around with Uncle Hades while Persephone is with her mom."

"Fair enough. Let's go."

Apollo walked up next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. "You may or may not get dizzy."

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