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Apollo furrowed his brow, a look of concern etched on his face.

"Listen, if this is overwhelming for you, we can try your fai..." he began, his voice filled with genuine worry.

I interrupted him, determination shining in my eyes. "I appreciate your concern, Apollo, but I need to go through with this."

He nodded, understanding my resolve.

Remiel, with her gentle voice, reassured me, "When the wings emerge from your back, you may feel a sensation, but I assure you, it won't be as painful as before, Aggie."

"Okay," I replied, mustering my courage.

Remiel provided me with simple instructions, her guidance clear.

"All you have to do is visualize the angel wings you witnessed in your memory."

Apollo gave a nod of affirmation, ready to support me through this transformative experience. "It's really that simple. It's only hard if you've never done it. Can't imagine something you never had and experienced."

I closed my eyes and visualized the angel wings from my memory. They were stunning, adorned in white with shimmering gold accents.

Despite the bloodstains that marred my younger self's wings, their beauty shone through. They possessed grandeur and weight, yet I knew they had to be light enough to keep me aloft.

The wings slowly protruded from my back then extended to either side of me. It didn't hurt, but it felt weird. I glanced back at my wings, their appearance mirroring the vivid images etched in my memory.

Curiosity compelled me to reach out and touch one, experiencing its softness like the ethereal clouds of Olympus, yet substantial to the touch.

Apollo summoned his wings as well. They were entirely gold with trickles of red. I couldn't say I was surprised because his god form was entirely gold. He flapped his wings and flew toward me.

"It's just like levitating. Your only blockage is thinking you can't, which makes it harder than it has to be."

I nodded, trying to absorb his words. Closing my eyes, I envisioned myself effortlessly levitating, my wings gracefully carrying me upward.

But as I attempted to ascend, doubt crept in, weighing me down. My progress faltered, and frustration began to cloud my mind.

Apollo noticed my struggle, his eyes filled with empathy. "Aggie, you're capable of more than you think. Believe in yourself and trust in your abilities. Don't let doubt consume you."

I took a deep breath, finding solace in his words. Determination surged through my veins, reigniting my resolve. With renewed focus, I visualized my wings unfurling with strength and grace.

Slowly, inch by inch, I pushed through the barriers of self-doubt. The resistance lessened as I tapped into my inner strength. My ascent became more fluid, and a sense of accomplishment washed over me.

Apollo's supportive presence fueled my determination. "You've got this, Aggie! Keep going!"

With his encouragement echoing in my ears, I pushed beyond my limits. The weight of uncertainty began to lift, replaced by a growing sense of confidence. I soared higher, leaving doubt and struggle behind.

Apollo's smile widened as he witnessed my progress. "See? I knew you could do it."

Breathing a mix of relief and exhilaration, I couldn't help but acknowledge his insight. "Alright, you were right. Thank you for believing in me."

"Always. To reach the supernatural realm, we need to fly to the entrance of the Underworld," Apollo explained, his voice brimming with purpose. "Follow me."

Meeting AggieWhere stories live. Discover now