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"What brings you all here?" Athena smiled.

"They're here for me," I replied. "I want to learn more about Empress Iridessa's lineage."

Athena raised an eyebrow. "Quite an intriguing request for a water nymph. What sparks your curiosity?"

"A thirst for knowledge," I smoothly lied.

"You owe me, Athena," Apollo interjected sharply. "Quit with the interrogation and simply give her the answer she seeks."

"Who doesn't owe you a favor?" I muttered quietly.

Hermes placed a hand on Apollo's shoulder. "Take it easy, Apollo."

Apollo glared at him and shrugged off his hand, fuming. "I'm out of here."

Apollo left the room, slamming the door behind him. I debated on whether or not I should follow after him, but Hermes shook his head no.

"Spoiled sun baby!" Athena called after him.

She pivoted toward us, her eyes shimmering with a captivating blend of annoyance and amusement, hinting at a mischievous nature beneath her composed demeanor.

"Follow me," she commanded.

Hermes and I trailed behind Athena as she led us through the vast expanse of her library. Countless shelves lined the walls, stretching as far as the eye could see.

The aisles were meticulously organized, adorned with alphabetical markers boldly indicating the start of each section.

"K... L... M... Ah, here we are," Athena announced, her gaze scanning the books in the N aisle.

With practiced ease, she reached for a particular book titled "Nightingale," pulling it from its resting place on the shelf. I couldn't help but marvel at the enchanting atmosphere of the library.

The air crackled with the energy of knowledge as these books were more than just ordinary tomes.

Apollo mentioned that Athena's collection magically updated itself every year, ensuring that the latest information was always at her fingertips. She placed the book in my hand cautiously and carefully.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Asking about the empress of the supernatural realm is a big request. However, you don't seem to want this knowledge for evil. I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for."

She gestured us toward the couch a few steps away. Hermes and I sat and looked through the book. I absorbed all the information I could but didn't find what I wanted.

"Your mother's line hailed from the cherubim. They're the second most powerful angels below the seraphim." Hermes piped up.

"It's not a bad thing. Just not what I wanted to hear. My half-brother's father hailed from the seraphim."

"Yeah, I know about his dad. The late Emperor Reynoso was an extremely powerful tyrant. Good riddance." Hermes shrugged.

I closed the book and returned it to its original spot. I felt better but not enough. I was ranked below my half-brother for raw power. Not as much as I originally thought, but it wasn't what I wanted.

To be completely honest, I felt disappointed, but I knew I had to deal with it for the time being. I walked up to Athena, who was standing by the fireplace.

"Thank you, Athena, for allowing me to use your book," I said, bowing my head in gratitude.

"There's no need for that. Visit me anytime, Elidy." She blushed as she placed a hand gently on my shoulder.

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