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"Shit," Apollo cursed under his breath.

He grabbed my hand and walked us back to the palace. The longer we stayed on Olympus while my aura was visible, the more likely we would get caught.

"Why can't we port from here?" I asked.

"Olympus is sacred ground with security measures. You can't teleport from anywhere but the landing area at the front of the palace," Apollo rushed out.

I put up mental barriers. If we got caught, at least I would have some form of protection. We were nearing Athena's room and she stood in front of the door. She laughed, looking at us.

"Leaving so soon?" She smirked.

"Why don't you go back in your room and enjoy some 'Shut-the-Fuck-Up' manuals?" Apollo snapped back, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

As we passed, she lightly tapped my shoulder.

"I know who you are, Elidy. Please beware of Zeus," she whispered to me.

Apollo nodded toward his sister, and we quickened our pace. I perspired, nervous. Athena figured out who I was the minute I asked for the book.

She didn't seem like the type of goddess to give out her books to just anyone. The way she handed me the book showed she valued them.

As soon as we reached the palace entrance, we ran to the landing area. Apollo wrapped his arm around my waist. A man with a long gray beard called out to him.

"Apollo, my son! Who is that nymph with you?"

The man had a chiseled face and a burly body. He seemed three times stronger than Apollo, and I utterly understood why everyone was terrified of me encountering him.

"See you soon, Father." Apollo waved, teleporting us back to the human realm.

We were back at my apartment, and I rushed to the garbage can in the kitchen. I threw up all the contents in my stomach as Apollo rushed to my side. I knew the rough teleporting would catch up with me.

"I'm so sorry. It's rough on the way back too." He cooed stroking my face. "Wait here. I need to enchant your apartment."

He got up swiftly and raised his hands. A golden barrier formed around the apartment.

"Should be good enough to hide you from everyone. I'll have to answer Zeus when I go back." He sighed, defeated.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled sadly.

I didn't want to be the reason his father became upset with him. Picking me over a relative was a choice I didn't want him to ever make.

His eyes softened as he spoke. "Don't be, because I'm not. You know I would do anything to protect you, Aggie."

"Thank you." I mumbled.

I walked to the living room and sat on the sofa. I removed the enchantment of Elidy and sighed.

"You look so much better." Apollo followed me and sat down.

I giggled at his words before instantly getting worried.

"What do we do now?"

"What we've always done—think of a game plan."

He threw his arm over my shoulder and touched my cheek with his other hand. I stared at him but couldn't utter any words.

"Talk to me, Aggie," he pleaded with me.

"I'm scared. At first, I was confident because I planned to keep hiding until my twentieth birthday. But now, I'm being forced out of hiding because of everything."

"It's okay. That was your game plan before you met me. We've been training, and you've advanced so much. Stop doubting yourself."

"Do you mean that?"

"With confidence."

I leaned my head onto his shoulder. "Where do we go from here?"

"We check how prepared you are. You found out about your mom, but what do you know about your father's lineage?"

"Nothing. He grew up as a slave for some prissy angel count until he was seven. They didn't tell him anything else, and he never bothered to find out."

He scoffed. "Damn. You really don't know anything about your parents. Not even from the one who raised you."

"I didn't give much thought to it. I didn't care and still don't, even with everything that's happening. My dad was the one who raised me, and that's all that matters."

"That's true. Well, you need to get your magic stronger for starters. I know you don't want to, but please consider meeting Hecate."

I pulled myself out of his arms and gave him a look. He knew what he was asking of me. While it was considerate, it was out of the question.

"Absolutely not."

"Uncle Hades hates my dad, and Hecate wouldn't betray her child," he said confidently.

"Are you absolutely sure?"

"I would never force you to do something you don't want to do. I'm merely suggesting it, so you feel more prepared against your brother."

"I'll consider it fully."

I would at least consider it. I didn't know what I was up against, but it was better to be overprepared than underprepared.

It was better to take my chances in a realm I would be safer in rather than try Olympus again for the time being. A sharp knock at the door interrupted us. I looked at Apollo then got up. He shook his head at me.

"Absolutely not, Agatha. This is not a horror movie, it's real life. You don't have any friends, relatives, or packages. Wait here."

I rolled my eyes as Apollo got up and stood by the door. He was sensing who was on the other side. He slowly opened the door then relaxed.

"It's just a werewolf."

The werewolf had an envelope in his hand. He passed it to Apollo but looked straight at me.

"For Agatha Youngblood," he said before falling flat on the ground.

I gasped as Apollo knelt and felt his neck for a pulse. He stared at him and shook his head.

"He's dead, but he smells like wolfsbane. It seems his sole purpose was to deliver the letter." He said clicking his tongue distastefully.

As the wolfman dissipated into thin air, I knew the gods would handle the rest. With a brief prayer, I bid farewell to the fallen supernatural.

"That was depressing. Let me see what he delivered." I sighed.

Apollo shrugged, unaffected, and handed it to me. "Agatha Youngblood" was elegantly written in script on the front. I opened the envelope and took out the letter.

I have finally tracked you down, sister. No matter how far you flee, there is no escape. I will forever pursue you with unyielding determination. — S. A.

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