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"Thank you, Apollo, but come along with me if you would. Princess Agatha requires a serene environment for her test, and your presence might prove distracting, which is something we cannot afford," Iris stated.

Apollo's gaze turned sharp as he locked eyes with Iris. "I am still a god, and I deserve respect. However, for Aggie's sake, I will leave. But remember this, never forget it."

Iris' stern countenance wavered. "I did not intend to disrespect you. The test is challenging, and Aggie needs utmost concentration. I don't think you fully realize the impact you have on her."

Apollo scratched the back of his neck, realization dawning upon him. "I apologize. Should you need anything, Aggie, call for me."

"We will be arranging breakfast. I granted the maids a day off, so I'll be taking charge of the cooking. Assistance would be appreciated."

Iris linked her arm with Apollo's as they left. Before the guards closed the doors, he whispered-yelled, "Good luck, baby."

I approached the first pedestal. It was the white cloud. I looked around the pedestal for hints and only found two words: "manipulate it."

I raised my hands to the cloud and patted it this way and that to change its form into the shape of a heart. The pedestal turned light green. I smiled at the simplicity of the test.

I moved to the next pedestal—the decomposing rock. Its pieces were scattered all over the pedestal. What the heck was I supposed to do with this?

The only hint I got was the words "make it whole." I tried sticking the pieces together like a 3D jigsaw puzzle, but they wouldn't stay.

Isidore made a humming noise. "It's enchanted. You need to use earth magic to bring it together."

"I'm a witch. Can't I use my own magic for these tests?"

Remiel made a disapproving sound. "You couldn't use my magic for it either. It's not a witch or angel test. It's a fairy test. Feel free to try to use your other magic, but I guarantee you it won't work."

I cracked my knuckles. "We'll see about that."

I held my hands in front of me and willed the pieces of the rock together. It didn't budge. I was shocked but kept my composure.

I crossed angel magic off the list. I tried multiple spells, but the rock still didn't budge.

"Idiot. I know more than you. You're wasting time, Aggie. You know that you have less than an hour now, right?" Remiel cackled.

I sighed and humbled myself. I guess it made sense. It was a fairy test, so my other forms' magic abilities wouldn't work. I breathed in and out, focused on tapping into Poppy's abilities.

"Poppy, can you hear me? I need you for these tests. I can't do it without you."

Poppy seemed to stir at the back of my mind but didn't say anything.

"I don't know what I should do for the tests," I said. "I know you helped me with the first one—I wouldn't have thought of physically shaping a cloud like I would clay. Please wake up and help me with the rest."

Poppy spoke faintly. "I've tried to help you your whole life, but you always pushed me away. Give me one reason why I should help you?"

"Because I'm a part of you and you're a part of me. We need each other, and I'm sorry I made you feel so unimportant."

She rolled her eyes, but her form came forward. My eyes turned pink as she took over.

"What are we up to?"

"The decomposing rock. I didn't realize at first that you helped me with the clouds. I feel dense." I smiled.

"Yeah, you're always dense. Let's see which abilities I came back with. Haven't used my magic in a while."

She wiggled our fingers at the rock. She waved our hand to the left and the pieces came together. The rock was whole again.

"You make it look so easy."

"It was a fun test for me. I had four abilities out of the bunch—air, earth, fire, and water. I'm not sure if any of them got taken away when our souls fused together, but we'll see."

The pedestal glowed green, and we moved forward to the glass of water.

"This one changed a bit. It used to be dirty water and we had to filter it out to make it clean. That one was cool. I wonder what this one is about."

We looked at the hint: "freeze me."

"I think this one is cooler than filtering it, Poppy."

"I think you're right. I forgot abilities could be manipulated. Give me a second."

She opened our mouth and blew on the glass. She froze it over too much and the glass exploded. We gasped. I looked at the pedestal, hoping it would glow. Luckily, after a few seconds it did.

"That was terrifying. I thought we failed that one," I said.

"I mean, it's not my fault. I never knew I could freeze anything since I never could in my time. I'd be damned if it didn't count," Poppy argued.

The next pedestal consisted of a simple log. Poppy filled with giddiness and excitement as she read the instructions aloud through me, "Start a fire."

"Can I try this one, Poppy?"

She gave me back control of my body. I concentrated and willed the flame from my finger. After a few seconds, a baby flame appeared.

"Are you trying to light a birthday candle or a log? That flame couldn't keep you warm if you wanted it to." Poppy taunted.

As I grew ticked off, so did the flame. The flame grew as big as my anger, and I realized what Poppy was doing. I forgot the two most crucial details about being a fairy—powers were tethered to nature and the caster's emotions.

"I didn't say burn down the entire room, Aggie. You don't take instructions well, do you?"

"Poppy, shut up!" Remiel and Isidore yelled.

I rolled my eyes and calmed myself. I shrunk the flame enough to set a decent fire to the log. I gently threw it and set the log ablaze.

I was nearly done with the series of tests. The ceiling showed a touch of the sun peering over the horizon and grew in color. I had about ten or so minutes left.

The pedestal turned green, and I moved on to the pedestal with the mirror. There were no instructions or hints. I looked at the raven and saw no hints either. I sighed deeply.

Poppy quietly informed me, "Well, we know you have four elemental gifts, which is more than all other fairies have. I think you know what the last two tests are. So don't be discouraged if you don't get those two. I didn't even have them, as powerful as I was, and you did well!"

I picked up the mirror, assuming this had to do with light magic. I couldn't figure out the test, and there wasn't enough time. As I put it back on the pedestal to move on to the next test, the sunlight refracted off the mirror and gave me an idea.

"I think I understand it, Poppy."

"Really? I'm impressed that you think you have an idea. Show me. Don't be upset if you can't do it."

I smirked as I lifted the mirror again. I wanted to impress not only my other forms, but Iris and Apollo as well.

Meeting AggieWhere stories live. Discover now