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Apollo stood in front of me. "No."

"That's new. Well, why not? Is it because she's a witch, boy?" Zeus bellowed.

Zeus' eyes turned gold. Apollo was treading a dangerous path because of me.

"Father. I care about her. I will not let your hatred for witches ruin the best thing that's ever happened to me in my millennia of living."

A tear left my eye. The only other person who cared about me this much was my deceased father. Although he hated the gods, Apollo would've definitely been an exception.

"Defying me? Your own father. Over a witch?" Gold lightning emerged from his right hand.

"For her, I would defy anyone."

"My own kin. My beloved son, Apollo. So many supernatural choices among the dark. Even a wolf or vampire is better suited than a witch."

"She's an angel and fairy too, father."

"Light and dark inbreeding. Even worse. Last chance to step out of the way, boy." He raised his hand with the lightning.

Zeus' lightning twisted ominously, a blend of dark gray and blood red. It hurtled toward us with a deadly force. But the lightning bolt didn't touch Apollo. I made sure it didn't. Before the lightning bolt hit him, I pushed him out of the way.

I looked down at a huge, gaping hole where my stomach was supposed to be. I fell backward and got hugged by the clouds. There was no way I could've survived a god hit.

"I love you, Apollo." I confessed to him as my vision went dark.

"Stay with me, Aggie."

A serene white light enveloped my surroundings, and I found myself in an unfamiliar yet tranquil place. Before me stood four distinct manifestations of myself, each representing a different aspect of my being.

The witch, the angel, and the fairy were all familiar, but it was the fourth version of myself, with long black hair cascading down and captivating golden eyes, which left me puzzled and intrigued.

"Who...who are you guys?" I asked.

"Your full forms," they answered in unison.

"I'm Isidore, your witch form," the figure with green skin and fiery red eyes introduced herself. "I embody the mystical and arcane side of your existence."

"I am Remiel, your angelic form," the angel proudly declared, spreading her resplendent wings as her eyes shimmered with a soft pink glow. "I embody purity, grace, and divine guidance within you."

"Allow me to enchant you with my presence! I am Poppy, your fairy form," she chimed, gracefully shrinking in size as delicate wings sprouted from her back. "I represent the whimsical magic and boundless joy that resides within your being."

I smiled as the unfamiliar form stepped forward. Her radiant skin shimmered like a night sky filled with countless stars, and her eyes gleamed with a brilliant golden hue.

"I'm your god form. My name is Eris, daughter of Nyx and goddess of discord."

"So, my inner forms are a fairy, a witch, an angel, and a reincarnated goddess?"

They all nodded in unison, confirming my connection with each of them.

"How come I've only been able to talk to you guys now?"

Isidore spoke first. "You weren't aware of our existence within you."

"Does that mean I'm dead?" I asked them tearfully, thinking of all the unfinished business I had.

"You're not dead, but we couldn't save you. Zeus was too strong," Poppy explained, gesturing to herself and Isidore.

"I tried my best, but against a god, I didn't stand a chance," Remiel apologized.

Eris respectfully nodded her head at the others for their efforts.

"Due to the fact you would've died, I took control and guided you into a deep healing sleep. You're healing now as we speak," Eris explained.

"All of us won't be able to meet again like this until you unlock each of us," Isidore said regretfully.

"Except Isidore and me," Eris said, smiling. "We'll be your guides."

The white light faded along with Isidore, Poppy, and Remiel.

"If you can't unlock us, we'll definitely see you again on your birthday!" Poppy shouted.

"Train your mind and body together," Remiel advised.

"I'm already unlocked," Isidore giggled before fading away with the others.

Eris walked up to me and grabbed my face.

"Wake up."

I jolted upright, hacking up blood from my lungs. As I glanced down at my stomach, the wound had vanished, leaving no trace behind.

Taking in my surroundings, I realized I remained on Olympus, in the very spot where I had come perilously close to meeting my death.

Apollo engaged in a fierce battle against his own father, while the presence of several Olympian gods enveloped me in a protective circle.

Among the three faces I recognized, Athena and Hermes were crying, and Ares looked disappointed. As soon as Athena and Hermes noticed my awakening, they hurriedly rushed to my side. I casually brushed myself off and gracefully rose to my feet.

"How are you even alive right now?" Athena sniffled out, hugging me tight.

Hermes joined the hug we were sharing.

"She's a warrior at heart," Ares said proudly.

"I appreciate this, but I need to stop them," I rushed out, breaking from the hug.

Athena pulled me back. "Are you mad? We can't even stop them."

A woman who looked like the female version of Apollo came forward.

"Athena, let her go." The goddess spoke in an authoritative tone.

"But, Artemis, she can't stop—"

Artemis' eyes glowed a bright gold.

"Let. Her. Go. Athena."

Athena released her grip on me while Artemis offered a subtle nod of acknowledgement. I stepped forward, approaching the elevated battleground where father and son clashed.

Both suspended in mid-air, Zeus unleashed bolts of lightning, only to be met by Apollo's retaliatory spheres of scorching sun. The air crackled with their celestial confrontation.

"Insolent boy! All for a dead witch!" Zeus bellowed.

"I loved her! If you ever genuinely loved Hera, you would understand! You should be the one considered the Olympian whore! You're married!" Apollo surged ahead, swiftly lunging at his father, and forcefully bringing him down to the ground.

"That's enough," I called out to them, but the two didn't hear me.

"Use your god command," Eris telepathically whispered.

"That is enough!"

I thanked Eris as the two gods froze. Zeus tried breaking the command, and it probably would have worked since he was the king of the gods.

However, I was a particular kind of goddess. Within me dwelled Eris, the most powerful goddess to roam the universe besides her mother. Zeus' gaze was filled with fear as our eyes locked. My eyes burned with wrath and hatred.

"Leave us," I commanded everyone who watched.

Without hesitation, they obediently retreated, forcefully making their way back into the palace. Athena tried to linger and fight against the command, but Hermes forcefully dragged her along. Zeus tried blending in with the others, but his bulky frame made him stand out.

"Not you, king of the gods."

Meeting AggieWhere stories live. Discover now