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Apollo and I were seated on the ground. I attempted to delve into meditation while the somber atmosphere of the Underworld embraced us.

Apollo informed me that we were situated near the entrance of Tartarus, in the treacherous realm of Piriphlegethon.

My heart quickened, for Tartarus was no ordinary area—it was the abode of the most malevolent souls, a place of unfathomable darkness and despair.

The air itself seemed heavy with the weight of wickedness, and the distant echoes of tormented souls sent shivers down my spine. I yearned for the ability to take flight, but it remained beyond my grasp.

"How long am I supposed to do this for, Apollo?" I whined.

He opened an eye at me then shut it again.

"Meditation was my key to unlocking my most powerful form—the titan form. Over time, it became increasingly effortless and efficient. Unfortunately, you don't have the luxury of time like I did. So please close your eyes and shut up, Aggie."

I rolled my eyes at him then closed them. I could see Isidore in my mind clearly, but Poppy and Remiel were silhouettes.

"Will this really work?" I asked Isidore.

"Not with that kind of poor attitude."

"Please help me, Izzy. How did I unlock you?"

"You're mostly a witch. It was easy for your father to train you under the assumption I didn't exist."

Isidore went quiet after that. There was no more she could advise me on for unlocking my other forms. That was my task to figure out. I opened my eyes again to Apollo staring at me.

"How's it going?" He slit his eyes at me.


"Are you sure?"


Apollo sighed. "Do you want me to help you?"

I nodded eagerly.

He picked himself up and sat in front of me cross-legged. "I can search your memories for a clue how to proceed. If you'll allow me to."

"Do it."

He put his fingers on my temples and his eyes began to glow. He was poking around my mind, looking through all my memories, but I couldn't see what he accessed.

"Find anything?"

"I'm focusing, baby. Give me a minute, okay?"

I hummed an okay to him and stayed quiet. His eyes glowed brighter then dimmed as his hands dropped onto his thighs. I raised my eyebrows at him as he stared at me.

"What did you see?"

"I can't tell you that. I accidentally went too far into your memories."

"What the fuck do you mean you 'went too far'? I need to know what you saw."

"Agatha, I can't. It was in the trauma core. You purposefully wanted to forget it."

I wanted to forget it? I'd think I would remember every traumatizing thing that occurred to me in my life. What was he even talking about?

"Isidore, please explain," I asked.

"Isidore, you can't tell her." Apollo interjected.

Isidore sighed and remained silent. I scoffed and stood up, feeling a mix of frustration and curiosity. Apollo stood by my side, crossing his arms as well.

Meeting AggieWhere stories live. Discover now